"Hehe...what's so weird, girl, you are overthinking!!" Zhang smiled and stood up to smooth things over.

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at her little daughter...

She felt that she spoiled her little daughter a little too much, which caused her to be a little confused now...

Since the villain was willing to place the little girl here, everyone in the car knew exactly what the villain was thinking.

After all, their time with Zhou Ye is not short, and they still understand some of their men's temperament.

But—these words shouldn't come from Zhen Mi's little girl...

Among the seven crimes, there is one of jealousy.

Mrs. Zhang can understand the resentment in this girl's heart... After all, she and Zhou Ye have a marriage contract, but they are not husband and wife...

Seeing that her husband who is not yet so good actually accepts women one after another, it is nonsense to say that Zhen Mi has no resentment in her heart, but...she shouldn't tear down her husband like this, it will make that scoundrel uneasy happy……

And the girl Zhen Mi who was glared at by Mrs. Zhang also knew in her heart that she had done a bad job... She couldn't help but vomited her little snake head... made a gesture of begging for mercy... motioned to her mother Don't tell your husband about this...

Regarding this, Mrs. Zhang could only shake her head helplessly... Forget it, she was her daughter after all, how could she bear to see her being reprimanded by that little villain?

And Mi Huan looked at Zhang Shi in front of her, and asked curiously: "This sister is..."

"Ha ha……"


"Let me just say, Mother doesn't look old at all, she's just in her prime... Look, Sister Huan'er is mistaken!!"

Hearing Mi Huan's words, the girls burst into laughter...

"Hehe...I'm not a sister, you should call me aunt!" When Zhang heard Mi Huan's words, her face burst into a smile...

How should I say it?

If Zhang Shi looked a bit old when he was not with Zhou Ye before, then...Since getting nourished by that villain, Zhang Shi has become younger every day, standing with his own daughter, watching They look like sisters, not like mother and daughter at all...

Among them are Zhou Ye's hands and feet secretly, and Zhang's cheerful mood after seeing the rain for a long time... It's born from the heart, when you are in a good mood, you will naturally look much younger.

"Ah...I'm sorry, Auntie...it's Huan'er's fault!!" Mi Huan hurriedly apologized after hearing what the Zhen sisters said.

"Okay, sister Huan'er, it's not your fault, it's my mother's natural beauty, anyone will admit it..." Zhen Jiang walked to Mi Huan's side with a smile, and pulled her to sit down.

"Yeah, my aunt really doesn't look like my sister's mother at all, more like my sister's sister!!"

"Hehe, I love to hear that..." Mrs. Zhang laughed happily when she heard Mi Huan's words...

After the girls chatted for a while, Mi Huan looked at the rich man on the low table in front of the girls, and asked curiously, "Sister, what is this?"

"This is a gadget that Mr. Husband brought us to pass the time. It's very interesting... Come on, Sister Huan'er, I'll teach you..." Gan Mei, who was sitting next to Mi Huan, said with a smile.

In this way, Gan Mei started chatting with Mi Huan while explaining the rules of the Monopoly game to Mi Huan...

It is very interesting for Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi to get together under such circumstances...

Although Mi Huan has reached the age of Ji, she is still a girl at heart... Naturally, she can't put it down for this kind of interesting gadget...

Unknowingly, she played Monopoly with all the girls in the car for a long time...

It wasn't until it was time to light the lamps, when the maid in the car lit the oil lamps in the car, that it dawned on Mi Huan...it has come to such a time...

However, what surprised her the most was... "Has the army stopped for a long time?"


Hearing Mi Huan's words, the girls burst into laughter... A maid said with a smile: "If Miss Mi Huan said, the army has already marched nearly a hundred miles..."


Mi Huan was shocked... "Why didn't I feel the slightest jolt in the car??"

"Husband said that it is because there is a shock-absorbing device under his car, so sister Huan'er can't feel the bumps at all!"

Hearing Zhen Jiang's words, Mi Huan couldn't help sighing: "My lord is really amazing!!"

You know, ever since her brother came back from outside the city that day, he often said that he met a heavenly being... omniscient and omniscient... There is nothing in the world that can stump him, listen! More, Mi Huan also developed a strong curiosity about the protagonist her brother said.

What kind of person is he, worthy of his brother's boast? ?

Today, when she was feeling uncomfortable, that glimpse made her astonished... And the various gadgets in the car, as well as the so-called shock absorption system on the car, made her have a high admiration for Zhou Ye. stop feeling...

That's why she sighed like this...

Hearing Mi Huan's words, all the girls laughed and said nothing...Of course they know more about their husband's differences from ordinary people, but that's not enough to tell outsiders...

Of course, when Mi Huan really became their sister, she would naturally know... Now, it's not the time for them to tell her.

Mi Huan played with the girls in the car for a while, and the army also

I have found a flat place to set up camp...

Now that the camp has been set up, it is not suitable for Mi Huan to stay in the car any longer... After all, at night, husband and wife have to sleep together, so what is she doing here? ?

Even if she is very willing in her heart, she still has to wait for her brother to betroth her to Zhou Ye...

So, she directly asked the girls to resign, got out of the car with the maid, and walked towards the camp of Mi's family...

Just as Mi Huan had just returned to the Mi family's camp, not long after she sat down in the tent... her brother, Mi Zhu, walked in.

"Brother..." Seeing Mi Zhu coming in, Mi Huan hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"You and I, brother and sister, don't need to be so polite..." Mi Zhu said, waved his hands, and then asked: "In the car today, do you get along well with the lord's wife and concubine?"

"Brother, the wives have treated me very well... and even invited me to ride with me tomorrow!" Mi Huan said with a smile.

Chapter 2009

Chapter Two Thousand and Nine

When Mi Zhu heard his sister's words, a smile appeared on his face.

The way of merchants is one heart...

To put it bluntly, shopping malls are like battlefields, dealing with people.

Although Mi Zhu is not a wise and resourceful person, he still has a lot of experience in controlling people's hearts, otherwise he would not have made a fortune in just a few years.

Moreover, he knew his sister well, and seeing the smile on his sister's face, he knew... what he was going to say in a while was about to happen.

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu smiled and said, "How does my sister think of my lord?"

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