After hearing this, Huang Gai just wanted to stand up and say a few more words... However, after standing there thinking for a while, he sat back down again.

He already understood... His master is Xiang Zhuang's sword dance aimed at Pei Gong...

Rescue is fake, land grab is real...

Seeing Huang Gai's appearance, Sun Jian nodded slightly in satisfaction, it seems...Huang Gongfu already understood what he meant.

Some things can't be said, and some things can't be said.

Right now, this matter is just unspeakable.

"I don't know my lord, but do you know the origin of the thieves who besieged the Jingzhou Mansion?" General Han Dang asked.

"I haven't heard of this yet!!" Sun Jian said with a smile, "I heard the news, and when I was happy, I asked everyone to come first... I haven't seen the envoy sent by Jingzhou to ask for help yet!!"

"Then please ask the lord to let the messenger come in to answer the question, so we can prepare early!"

"That's right!" Sun Jian nodded and ordered, "Let that envoy from Jingzhou come in!"

Hearing Sun Jian's order, there were soldiers outside the tent to lead the order and summon envoys to come to the tent to have an audience.

Not too long ago, a captain in armor with a tired face came in. As soon as he entered the tent, he immediately bowed his head and bowed, "Jingzhou captain Yu Liang has seen General Polu!"

"No!!" Sun Jian waved his hand to the captain, and said, "Your lord sent you here, what's the matter?"

"My lord... my lord, please save Jingzhou Mansion!" Upon hearing Sun Jian's question, Yu Liang immediately fell on the ground, kowtowed his head and begged, "The thief is very powerful. If Your Excellency does not send troops to rescue, Jingzhou Mansion will be in danger." !"

"Oh??" Sun Jian pretended to be surprised and asked, "What happened? Take your time!!"

"My lord, it's like this..." Hearing that Sun Jian didn't say no, Yu Liang was overjoyed and hurriedly told about the siege of Jingzhou.

"Do you know where the thief came from? The remnants of the Yellow Turban? Or..." Sun Jian asked calmly.

"The culprits don't look like remnants of the Yellow Turbans, and their armor doesn't look like ordinary thieves... There is no banner in their army... So, the villain doesn't know where the culprit came from!" Yu Liang replied road.

Hearing Yu Liang's words, Sun Jian frowned... "Then do you have a letter written by Wang Rui?"

"Some..." Hearing Sun Jian's words, Yu Liang hurriedly took out the letter from his pocket and submitted it.

Sun Jian opened the letter and read...

Well, this time Wang Rui was very polite... and promised a lot of benefits.

Sun Jian just wanted to laugh...but this is not the time to laugh...

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, I already know about this matter, cut it off, and make a decision after I discuss it with the generals!"

"My lord, my lord... saving people is like putting out a fire..." Hearing Sun Jian's words, Yu Liang's eyes darkened and he almost fainted. He lay on the ground and begged: "My lord, the 580,000 people in Jingzhou are waiting for your reinforcements... Please send troops to rescue Jingzhou..."

"Bold, whether to send troops or not, my lord has his own conclusions, which round will be pointed out by you!!" Standing on the side, Huang Gai shouted: "Left and right, don't drag this impolite person down!" !!"


Immediately, a few soldiers came in from outside the tent, grabbed Yu Liang's hand, and dragged him outside...

Suddenly, the military tent became much quieter...

Sun Jian looked at his generals with a smile and asked, "Everyone, what do you think we should do? Should we send troops to rescue?"

"It is natural to send troops, but... how to send troops is a problem!" Han Dang stood up and said, "The so-called food and grass go first before the army is moved... We still need to raise food and grass first, which will take three to five days. After all, Jingzhou is a hundred miles away from us, and the army will have to march for at least three days, and the food and clothing along the way..."

"General Han Dang is right!" At this time, Cheng Pu also got up and said: "And the captain of Jingzhou did not speak clearly about the situation of the bandit army. We know the bandit army as we know it. Sending troops is the way to bring disaster... I suggest that my lord send five hundred elite cavalry, one with two horses, to Jingzhou to investigate the news first, so that our army will not know the enemy clearly, and if we fail to suppress the bandits, we will be suppressed by the bandits instead!"

Chapter 2016

Chapter 2016

Sun Jian, who was sitting in the main seat, listened to the words of the two subordinates, and nodded...


It takes time to raise food and grass, and it takes time to ascertain the enemy's situation... just right, we can do it together.

Moreover, as far as Sun Jian knew, Wang Rui, the governor of Jingzhou, was an incompetent person. Even if the city of Jingzhou was high and deep, it would be his limit to defend it for more than ten days... If there was more, he would be in danger of losing the city. At that time, if the thief is allowed to occupy Jingzhou City and attack the city at that time, the loss of his army will be great.

Thinking of this, Sun Jian said, "Sun He obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to lead two hundred elite riders to Jingzhou day and night. You must find out the information of those thieves within two days, and there must be no mistakes!"

"The last general takes orders!"

"Cheng Pu listens to the order!"

"The end is here!"

"I order you to collect the food and grass needed by the army within two days!"


Following Sun Jian's orders, all the generals in the tent led away...

And him? Then happily led the soldiers, walked out of the barracks and returned

own mansion.

As soon as he entered the prefect's mansion, a young man greeted him, "Why did Daddy come back so early today??"

"Hehe, did I come back early today?" Sun Jian happily asked his servants to take off his armor.

"That's right, Daddy, in the past, if a child didn't go to the barracks to call you, you wouldn't come back!" Sun Ce said.

"There's a happy event today!!" Sun Jian was in high spirits when it happened, and he also wanted to test his eldest son, so he said, "Today, the governor of Jingzhou, Wang Rui, sent an envoy to ask me for help!"

Hearing his father's words, Sun Ce was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile on his face, "Congratulations to daddy, congratulations to daddy... the land of Jingzhou has come into daddy's hands!"

"Hahaha... Ce'er is indeed my Qilin'er, and he understood what his father wanted so quickly!!" Sun Jian laughed even happier.

"It's just that I don't know daddy... Then why did Wang Rui ask you for help?" Sun Ce asked.

"Thieves besieged the city!"

"Oh?? That thief dares to besiege Jingzhou City? It must be a big deal, but do you know where the thief came from??"

"I don't know for the time being, but I have ordered your cousin to lead two hundred fine riders to Jingzhou day and night to find out the news. If we think about it, we will know the origins of those thieves in a few days!"

In fact, it's not that you know it soon...but, that night, Sun He came back...

Sun Jian, who had already fallen asleep, heard that Sun He had returned, and rushed out with his clothes on...

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