Seeing such a situation... Sun Jian was overjoyed at first, and then worried.

The good news is that there is no large army coming... He can feel relieved to some extent.

What is worrying is that since he dared to bring only such a small number of people to Changsha City, he must have a conspiracy in his heart to destroy his Changsha City.

The question is... what kind of conspiracy? ?

Just when Sun Jian was thinking hard... and among his generals, some were celebrating with each other, and some were frowning...

On the other side, Zhou An, who saw the team coming from a distance, hastily turned his horse's head, and led his men, and rushed over.

As soon as he came in front of Zhou Ye, before the horse stopped, Zhou An immediately got off the horse and knelt down on the ground, shouting loudly: "Zhou An pays homage to the lord!!"

"Forget it..." Zhou Ye, who was sitting on the horseback, waved his hand carelessly, and said, "You have done a lot this time, I am very pleased!"

"It is the duty of subordinates to serve the lord!" Zhou An said hastily.

"'re about to learn from An Doudou too!!" Zhou Ye shook his head and laughed, "Okay, let's go, let's go and see Sun Jian in Changsha City!"


Zhou An said, but he didn't get on his horse, but walked in front of Zhou Ye, grabbed Zhou Ye's horse rein with one hand, and walked towards the city of Changsha.

Leading the horse and dropping the pedal, leading the horse and dropping the pedal... This is almost the job done by the servants...

And Zhou An, as the general of the army, actually led the horse and fell for Zhou Ye. In the eyes of Sun Jian and others on the head of Changsha City, it was simply unimaginable.

From their point of view, the long spear in Zhou An's hand was invincible, and he could kill all of their generals behind closed doors, not daring to fight...

And such a virtuous minister and general are willing to lead the horse and kick the horse for the man in the golden helmet and armor, that man is so arrogant...

Seeing Zhou An's actions, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... No need to ask, after this guy was scolded by him yesterday, he definitely went to ask An Doudou for advice... This flattering appearance, I really learned from An Doudou Ten to ten...

Forget it, since that's the case, let them do whatever they want...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye didn't say a word... Let Zhou An lead the horse for him.

In a short while, a group of people came to the city of Changsha...

It wasn't until this time that the people on the top of the wall really saw Zhou Ye's figure...

"What a handsome gentleman, what a pair of peerless armor!" Sun Jian couldn't help admiring Zhou Ye looking at him.

It's no wonder he admired it so much. You must know that the armor Zhou Ye was wearing at this time was the one he used when he was in Azeroth, using Titan iron ingots as the material, and referring to the style of the sacred clothes, and the forged armor was extremely gorgeous. armor.

It can be called the extreme coquettish...

Today he wanted to come here to meet Sun Jian for a while, so naturally he couldn't weaken his own prestige, so... he simply put on this set of armor.

People match clothes and horses match saddles. With Zhou Ye's handsome appearance, paired with this suit of armor tailored for him, it looks really majestic.

"It's Sun Jian and Sun Wentai in the city?" Zhou Ye asked loudly as he stood under the city.

"It's Sun!" Sun Jian in the city was not to be outdone, and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Hehe, my surname is Zhou, my name is Ye and my name is Boyang, and I am currently in charge of Jingzhou!" Zhou Ye returned cheerfully.

As soon as Zhou Ye finished speaking, there was a shout from the city...

"Hey, you are a bold and stupid thief who dares to take Jingzhou by force..."

"..." Hearing this scolding, Zhou Ye didn't even bother to scold back, and he definitely didn't beep too much if he could do it... When he wanted to beep, it was mostly because he was just playing for fun...

It's just that right now, he obviously doesn't want to compare himself with others...

So, he stretched out his hand and took off a huge bow from the saddle bridge under his crotch. The bow was about two meters long and extremely gorgeous...

Nothing else, but his [Quel'Sala Bow of Blessing of the Dragons] that was blessed by the dragon maidens...

Zhou Ye, who took off the longbow, made a slight gesture in his hand... A sharp light flashed away and flew towards the top of the city.

Then, there was a sudden chaos on the top of the city.

"... This... This..." Sun Jian standing on the top of the city looked at the headless corpse on the ground and the wall that had been shot through behind him, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

What I saw was a headless corpse in civilian clothes lying on the ramp of the city wall, and on the wall not far from the corpse, there was a hole the size of a bowl through which sunlight shone... Obviously, that After smashing the civil servant's head, an arrow shot through the city wall behind him...

All the civil servants were terrified by this arrow... while all the military generals had a sad expression on their faces.

How to guard against such arrows? ?

Moreover, Zhou Ye, who forcibly occupied the land of Jingzhou under the city, was 500 steps away from the city wall. It was unheard of for arrows to have such power at such a distance.

Sun Jian looked at the civil and military officials with serious expressions beside him... feeling helpless.

He knew that Zhou Ye's arrow had taken away the courage of his subordinates... Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

That Zhou Ye in the city was really good... Sure enough, the lord who can let such a mighty soldier follow him is not someone who is waiting for you.

Thinking so, Sun Jian still wanted to start a conversation... "Your Excellency, why are you doing this?"

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye chuckled and replied, "I'm a small person, and I don't like people saying bad things about me... let alone

I have the habit of being scolded, whoever insults me... die! ! "

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Sun Jian was helpless for a while... Fuck, all the famous officials in the world admire those who have a big heart, but what about Zhou Ye? People just claim to be small-minded and not to be humiliated... Really... Sigh...

Sun Jian, who was blocked by Zhou Ye's words, had nothing to say, held back for a long time, and said... "Why did your Excellency lead troops to invade my territory??"

Hearing Sun Jian's words, Zhou Ye was taken aback for a moment, then laughed wildly... "Hahahaha...Sun Wentai, Sun Wentai, can you say such words??"

"I originally respected you as a man, so I strictly ordered my subordinates not to offend you Changsha..."

"It didn't work out...I respect you a foot, and you will make an inch of it. You actually raised troops to invade my South County..."

Before Zhou Ye finished speaking, a trembling voice rang out, "The military marquis' words are wrong, the military marquis has seized the land of Jingxiang, and there is no imperial court..."

"Shut up, rotten scholar!" Zhou Ye let out a roar, and then he was so frightened by the voice that he dared not speak out again, for fear of following in the footsteps of the headless corpse at his feet.

Chapter 2022

Chapter 2022

Sun Jian secretly shook his head...

Zhang Zhao has the heart but no can't be a big deal.

Thinking in his heart, Sun Jian continued to ask: "Then I wonder how Your Excellency plans to settle the grievances between you and me?"

"It's simple!" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "I respect you, but you deceive me, isn't that right?"

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