Chapter 2024

Ever since Zhou Ye defeated Changsha Sun Jian... his reputation has spread far and wide.

For a while, all the prefects and prefects around Jingzhou were in danger...

Or send envoys to bring rich gifts, pay homage to Zhou Ye to find out his tone, and make plans early...or write to the imperial court, imploring the imperial court to send troops to take back Jingzhou.

However... It is a pity that the court at this time has been controlled by Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo heard that Jingxiang was captured by an army led by an unknown soldier... he was furious for a while.

An imperial edict will be issued immediately, ordering people to crusade.

However, he was dissuaded by his advisor Li Ru.

In Li Ru's words, it is——

Look, my lord, although you are holding the emperor's self-respect now, those princes will not listen to your orders.

In their eyes, you are actually a traitor.

Instead of issuing an edict ordering the princes to attack that thief named Zhou Ye, and being rejected by the princes and making the world laugh... it is better to just seal the thief who occupied Jingzhou and sell him a favor...

In this way, not only that person will respect and be grateful to you, my lord... but also let the princes see your broad mind, my lord.

Moreover, as long as that person accepts the edict, it means that he has recognized your status... The princes will naturally regard him as a fellow with you, my lord. This will give you an extra strong support invisibly.

After listening to Li Ru's words, Dong Zhuo thought about it for a moment, and then readily agreed.

Therefore, the imperial edict to enshrine Zhou Ye as the shepherd of Jingzhou...was soon carried by a group of decree officials, heading towards Jingzhou day and night.

And what is Zhou Ye doing at this time? ?

He is playing a big construction game in Jingzhou...

The city wall needs to be expanded and increased...all the outdated facilities in the city also need to be refurbished...

Even, Zhou Ye built a gigantic bazaar outside the city of Jingzhou... named Jingji...

Jingzhou was originally located in a traffic artery extending in all directions... There are endless businessmen from the north and the south.

And once this Jingji, which covers an area of ​​more than one hundred mu, is completed... it will become the first choice for merchants from the north and the south to buy and barter.

It stands to reason that in this disaster year, Zhou Ye's large-scale construction projects should definitely cause complaints from all over Jingzhou, and the people are in dire straits.

But, on the contrary... Zhou Ye's move not only did not make the people of Jingzhou feel resentful, but they praised Zhou Ye one by one, praising Zhou Ye for his unparalleled benevolence and righteousness.

why? ?

Because Zhou Ye cheated...he got tens of millions of tons of food from other worlds, and used work as let those hungry idlers wait for a place to eat.

This means that Zhou Ye, who occupies more than half of the multiverse, can so generously invite people's hearts...

If I had been replaced by other warlords from the Three Kingdoms period, I am afraid that I would feel distressed to death. Such a large amount of food is enough to support millions of soldiers...

Of course, some love it and some hate it...

The people of Jingzhou love Zhou Ye so much, but those grain merchants who want to stockpile their own grain and sell it for a price are going to hate Zhou Ye to death...

These guys watched helplessly as the food in their own stockpiles rotted day by day. In the end, they either chose to sell it to Zhou Ye at a low price, or chose to ship it out of Jingzhou...and sell it in other states.

Those guys who chose to sell to Zhou Ye at a low price were able to protect their capital to some extent... As for those grain merchants who would rather die than sell at a low price, they were out of luck.

They misjudged the situation of the Central Plains at this time...

Either halfway, the food transport team was robbed by strongmen, or they were forcibly recruited by warlords in various states.

In the end, the grain merchants in Jingzhou who lost their fortunes, there are many people...

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye...

Right now, he is in his own courtyard, making love to his wife... Ahem, this sounds a bit embarrassing, but it is the truth.

At this moment, in the greatly renovated backyard of the Governor's Mansion... all the girls are gathering around a cloth blanket, teasing the little Sun Shangxiang who is crawling around on the blanket...

"Come on, Xiang'er... Come on, come to my sister..." Zhen Mi's little loli held a doll, little Sun Shangxiang, in her hand.

"Yeah..." Little Sun Shangxiang looked at the doll in Zhen Mi's little Lolita's hand, turned her head in disdain, and crawled towards Zhou Ye... There is no way, who is holding a stick in Zhou Ye's hand? Where's the lollipop...

The little guy has tasted that sweet taste... To her, that wonderful taste is far better than the doll in Zhen Mi's little lolita's hands.

"Hee hee...Mi'er, you lost to your husband again!!" Cai Yan said with a smile.

"That's because my husband cheated... It doesn't count, this game doesn't count!!" Zhen Mi's little lolita puffed up her face... While talking, she rushed to Zhou Ye, wanting to get out of here. Snatching the lollipop from my husband's hand...

However, her actions were stopped by little Sun Shangxiang... The little guy saw that Zhen Mi was going to grab his own lollipop, so he stopped crawling immediately... He sat down on the blanket and burst into tears.

It doesn't matter if she cries, Zhen Mi's little Lolita immediately becomes at a loss..."Xiang'er, don't cry...Isn't my sister trying to grab your lollipop!"

The little guy doesn't care so much... The golden peas in his eyes kept falling... That crying is called a pain.

"Husband... Hurry up... Hurry up and coax Xiang'er!" In desperation, Zhen Mi's little loli could only ask Zhou Ye for help.

"Hahaha..." Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing out loud at the confrontation between the big and the small.

...Hey, it's really one thing and one thing, even though Zhen Mi's little Lolita is full of tricks, facing the offensive of little Sun Shangxiang's tears, it's a big loss...

Of course, without laughing, Zhou Ye still handed the lollipop to Sun Shangxiang...

It wasn't until he held the lollipop in his hand that the little guy burst into tears...and Zhen Mi's little Lolita finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Diao Chan came over with a guqin in her arms... "Husband..."

Diao Chan, who walked up to Zhou Ye, called out to Zhou Ye, and then placed the guqin in her hand in front of Zhou Ye... A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhou Ye expectantly.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ye understood Diao Chan's thoughts in seconds... He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "Diao Chan, do you want to listen to the birdsong in the empty mountain again?"

"Hmm..." Diao Chan nodded obediently... and said softly: "Hearing my husband's singing of birds in the empty mountain, I feel like I have returned to the Kongtong Mountain... Moreover, the singing of birds in the empty mountain that my husband played has been lingering in my ears for three days. ... Diao Chan wants to hear..."

"Husband... I also want to hear my husband play the birdsong..." Cai Yan also echoed.

"My concubine also wants to hear..."

"That's right, husband, it's been a long time since you played the birdsong of the empty mountain to us..."

The Zhen family sisters, Mi Huan and other women also surrounded her... said in a delicate voice.

Even the Cai sisters, who were new to the door, said coquettishly: "Husband... why don't you just play it for us..."

"..." Hearing what the girls said, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... What do you mean I haven't played it for a long time... I played it yesterday, okay? ? But since his wife wants to hear it, he doesn't care... "Forget it, I'll just play it..."

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