Yueying's little loli blushed a little at Zhou Ye's actions, and after a while, she said, "Okay... good brother..."

"You're so good!" Zhou Ye laughed loudly when he saw the shy look of little Lolita.

Originally, according to Huang Chengyan's intention, he wanted the little loli to worship Zhou Ye as her adoptive father, but Zhou Ye refused to agree to anything... In his words, I am a young man who has not yet reached the age of weak crown. Isn't it ridiculous to be a big righteous daughter? ?

If that's the case, just consider him a righteous brother...

After Huang Chengyan hesitated for a while, he finally agreed...

To put it bluntly, Huang Chengyan was also deceived by Zhou Ye's youthful face that remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Of course, although Zhou Ye recognized Yueying little Lolita as his younger sister, they were each in their own right...

Zhou Ye called Huang Chengyan still as a brother, but to Xiao Yueying and little Lolita, he got along as brother and sister.

Because Little Yueying didn't know how to ride a horse, Zhou Ye simply held her in his arms and rode together.

Although Xiao Luoli was a bit shy about this, she didn't care, after all, they were brother and sister.



Zhou Ye's five thousand troops are all iron cavalry, so the journey is extremely fast...

After he arrived at the agreed place outside Nanjun, he waited for a long time... before he saw Sun Jian's men arrive.

From a distance, seeing Zhou Ye's elite cavalry, Sun Jian led a group of generals and galloped over... "Boyang, I'm late, I'm sorry, sorry!"

"Hehe... I came early, brother Wentai, don't worry!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, clasping his hands.

At this time, Sun Jian also saw the little girl Yueying sitting in Zhou Ye's arms, and said with a smile, "Who is this?"

"This is my sister, Yueying..." Zhou Ye said here, and said with a smile: "Yueying, meet Wu Chenghou soon!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, little Lolita said crisply: "Yueying met Wu Chenghou!"

"Hahaha... Lingmei really has the style of Boyang!" Sun Jian said with a smile: "It's just that we are going to fight against national traitors... Boyang, will it be inconvenient for you to bring Lingmei?"

"Hehe..." Facing Sun Jian's words, Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "Brother Wentai, what do you think of Dong Zhuo's use of troops?"

"A native chicken and a dog, besides showing off his power, what does he know about military skills?" Sun Jian said disdainfully.

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye laughed when he heard the words, and stopped talking...

Sun Jian thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized...

Well, he looked down on Dong Zhuo, thinking that Dong Zhuo was not his enemy, and Zhou Ye... killed his 20,000 troops with a thousand elite cavalry and fled. Doesn't that mean... Zhou Ye looked down on Dong Zhuo even more? ?

Thinking of this, Sun Jian couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Boyang, it seems that I will never be able to raise my head in front of you in my whole life!"

"Hehe... What did Brother Wentai say? We are allies and we have an agreement between Qin and Jin. Am I the kind of person who uses power to overwhelm others?"

"That's all, I won't be bored here..." Sun Jian shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Let's join forces and set off immediately!"

"That's great!" Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

After the discussion between the two was over... the army headed towards Nanyang County.

Along the way, Xiao Yueying sat in Zhou Ye's arms, and she didn't feel the horse was bumping, and her eyes felt that they were not enough to see.

The army marched with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, especially Zhou Ye's cavalry, even in the march, the formation was extremely neat.

If it is said that Sun Jian's army still looks like a mighty soldier, then Zhou Ye's cavalry is immediately inferior.

Zhou Ye's 5,000 cavalrymen rode side by side in a row of five, and the distance the horses took with each step was not the slightest difference... Whether viewed horizontally or vertically, they looked like the same person.

This scene made the eyes of Huang Yueying, the little loli in Zhou Ye's arms, sparkle with brilliance, and Xiongzhong couldn't help but be overwhelmed with pride.


"Call me brother!"

"Brother..." Yueying little loli was almost used to Zhou Ye's way of speaking, she seemed a bit vulgar at random, but gave people a very close feeling. "Brother... Guess how Wu Chenghou, who is behind us at this moment, feels in his heart when he sees the warriors under your command?"

"envy, jealousy, hate!"

Chapter 2029

Chapter 2029

"envy, jealousy, hate??"

Little Yueying lolita murmured Zhou Ye's words to herself, her eyes lit up immediately, "Brother's words are always straight to the point!"

"Hehe..." Zhou Ye laughed and said, "It's not that I am boasting. As a general, there is no one who does not envy and hate my war cavalry!"

"Brother is right!" Little Yueying Lolita said with a smile: "Warriors are loved by generals, just like money lovers like gold and silver things... And the warriors trained by my brother are all brave , How can we not make those generals envious and jealous!?"

"Then brother...how did you train such a strong soldier?" Little Yueying asked curiously.

"Want to know??" Zhou Ye smiled.

"Think!" Little Yueying nodded vigorously.

"That's the secret of my Zhou family... If you want to know, just become a member of my Zhou family!" After saying this, Zhou Ye burst out laughing.

Little Lolita was taken aback by Zhou Ye's words, and then her little face flushed twice...

How did you become a member of the Zhou family? That's of course marrying Zhou's wife...

"Brother... I really don't respect you..." The little Yueying loli, who figured out the key point, became coquettish...

However, what she didn't realize was that although she was complaining about Zhou Ye's disrespect...but in her heart, she didn't feel angry at all, but instead felt a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

After marching for a day, the army set up a camp one hundred and eighty miles outside Nanyang County...

Although Nanyang County used to be Yuan Shu's territory, since Zhou Ye forcibly snatched Jingzhou... he took Nanyang County over.

Zhou Ye didn't like Yuan Shu at all... It's a pity that this guy ran too fast, and An Doudou didn't kill him.

Ever since he set up camp, Sun Jian has been researching the marching route in his tent... and what about Zhou Ye? And in her tent, she was molesting little Lolita...

"What?? I live here??" Little Yueying pointed at the camp couch in the tent, her little face flushed red...

She was not angry anymore, but——ashamed.

Because, this is Zhou Ye's handsome tent, and there is only one military couch, which means...she will sleep with Zhou Ye tonight....

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