At this time, Liu Xie only had one hope in his heart... that is, to send away the plague god Zhou Ye as soon as possible... the sooner the better...

However, Zhou Ye didn't say he wanted to leave, and he didn't dare to say anything...

A group of people waited, just doing it on the hills...

Seeing that the sun was in the sky, it was already noon...

Zhou Ye directly ordered people to bury the pot and make a meal... ignoring Dong Cheng and Liu Xie beside him, he began to eat and drink unceremoniously.

Ordinarily, for the sake of Dong Cheng's daughter, Zhou Ye should have invited Dong Cheng to sit down with him, after all, it would be cheaper for his father-in-law.

However, Zhou Ye knew that if Dong Cheng was allowed to sit down and Liu Xie was not allowed to sit down, then Dong Cheng would definitely not agree. But Zhou Ye really didn't like Liu Xie...

That's right, it was Yang Feng who came up with the idea, but it was Liu Xie who made the decision...Don't talk about being young and ignorant, Zhou Ye doesn't believe that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie didn't know the disadvantages of inviting foreigners to enter the customs... If he didn't want to change too much history, Zhou Ye would have slaughtered this bastard emperor long ago.

Therefore, Zhou Ye simply ignored the two of them...he started to eat and drink.

And Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie just looked at Zhou Ye so stupidly, there, he had a sip of wine, a bite of food, and his food was full of oil... But he could only starve with hunger , kept swallowing.

Just when Zhou Ye was about to finish his meal...

More than a thousand blood dragonriders galloped over from a distance...

When they came to the foot of the hill, they dismounted from their horses, escorted Li Jue and Guo Si, and came to Zhou Ye...

"My lord, the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si brought..."

Hearing this, Zhou Ye put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and looked at the two guys who were escorted in front of him... "You guys are very courageous..."

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the two of them, Li Jue and Guo Si fell to their knees with a thump... kowtowed desperately and begged: "General Boyang Rongzhi... the little one just fell into the trap of that old thief Wang Yun. That's how you killed Xiangguo..."

"I beg General Boyang to forgive me..."

"I beg General Boyang..."

Seeing Li Jue and Guo Si who kept kowtowing in front of him and begging for mercy, Zhou Ye sighed helplessly... and said, "Actually, I don't feel angry about you killing Dong Zhuo, after all, Dong Zhuo did it on his own. , but... what makes me angry is—why did you kill Dong Zhuo and then slaughter all of the Dong family?? It caused my two wives to cry every day..."

Having said this, Zhou Ye waved his hands casually, and ordered: "Order them to escort them back to Jingzhou, and hand them over to Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Hui!"


"Please, General... General!"

"General...have mercy!"

Hearing that Zhou Ye wanted to hand over the two of them to Dong Zhuo's daughter and granddaughter, Li Jue and Guo Si were shocked...

If it falls into the hands of those two women, will they survive? I'm afraid it's unlucky to die...

However, Zhou Ye still didn't speak even though they kowtowed and bled all over their faces...

A few blood dragons rode over and tied them tightly by pulling their shoulders and their backs...

Then, these soldiers were afraid that these two guys would bite their tongues and kill themselves on the road... So they simply took off their combat boots, took off their stinky socks, and stuffed them directly into their mouths.

Suddenly, the whole world became much quieter...

Then two blood dragon knights came over, each carrying one, and walked towards his mount... They would rush back to Jingzhou day and night, and deliver these two goods to the hands of their mistress...

It is estimated that when the time comes, what awaits these two people may be a situation where they cannot survive or die.

This is a later story, so I won't show it for the time being.

Now that this matter is over, Zhou Ye has no intention of waiting any longer... He was sitting here just now, not to anger the Emperor Xian of Han on purpose, but to wait for the return of the soldiers who captured Li Jue and Guo Si. The cargo has already been captured, and the Jingguan has already been erected, so Zhou Ye is too lazy to waste time here...

"Pass my general's order, the whole army sets off, and the troops are dispatched—outside the pass!"

Chapter 2128

Chapter 2128

Standing on the hill, Liu Xie and Dong Cheng watched Zhou Ye's Blood Dragon Rider gradually go away, and then sat down on the ground with a plop...

"I'm scared to death!!" Liu Xie lamented, "This Zhou Boyang...this Zhou Boyang is really scary..."

At this time, the eunuchs who had been standing by the side and dared not move also rushed over, rubbing back, pinching shoulders...releasing Liu Xie's tension after being frightened. "Don't be alarmed, Your Majesty, now that Li Jue and Guo Si have been captured by Zhou Boyang, we will be much safer..."

"Yes..." At this time, Dong Cheng also said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you finally escaped from the tiger's mouth. This is really the blessing of the ancestors!"

"It's so!!" Liu Xie sighed after hearing the words: "Now, the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si have been captured by Zhou Boyang and returned to Jingzhou. Help me, the Han Dynasty should be prosperous!!"

Just when Liu Xie was filled with emotion...

Suddenly, I heard a loud sound of horses stepping on the ground...

Then, on the horizon in the far east, there was smoke and dust, and flags were flying...

"This...this...who is this??" Liu Xie was stunned by this series of changes...

Why didn't Zhou Ye's Blood Dragon Rider leave without a cup of tea?

After a while, another team came from behind? ?

Whose team is this? ?

Why are they here? ?

Liu Xie asked dumbfoundedly: "Whose... whose army is this??"

At this time, a young eunuch with better eyes saw the handwriting on the banner from a distance, and hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, there is a word Cao written on the handsome banner!!"

"Cao?? Could it be...Cao Cao from Yanzhou??" Dong Cheng said hesitantly, "What is this Cao Cao doing here?? Your Majesty didn't issue an edict to let him serve as king..."

In fact, the only reason why Cao Cao came here is that he has something to do with Zhou Ye...

When Zhou Ye led the army to leave Jingzhou, Cao Cao got the news immediately.

He froze for a moment...

At this time, he had just repelled Lu Bu who had attacked his Yanzhou camp while he was going to attack Xuzhou, when he heard the news that Zhou Ye had sent troops.

That really shocked him into a cold sweat.

He almost thought that Zhou Ye was going to seize his Yanzhou.

However, following the report from the scouting horse, Zhou Ye did not head east towards his Yanzhou, but turned around and headed west towards Hangu Pass, which gave him a lot of peace of mind.

But after calming down, Cao Cao immediately began to guess the purpose of Zhou Ye's trip.

What is Zhou Ye going to Hangu Pass for this time? ? Is it going to attack Li Jue and Guo Si? ?

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