In fact, according to normal history, Yu Fuluo will die of a sudden illness in just six months.

After his death, the Southern Huns started a civil war between his two sons because of the Shanyu dispute.

This can be said to be the luck of the Chinese nation...

Otherwise, with frequent civil wars and strong foreign invasions, the life of the people during the Three Kingdoms period would have been even more difficult.

Let's not mention these for now...

Following Shanyu's messenger, Yufulo Shanyu's order spread to all the clans in the grassland...

Tens of thousands of Huns rode their war horses, carried bows and arrows on their backs, took up weapons and dry food, bid farewell to their wives, children, and parents, and headed towards the Tuyu Hill in the north of Beidi County in a clan unit. Gathering...

In just a few days, an army of 50,000 to 60,000 Huns had assembled at Tuyu Hill.

It doesn't sound like there are many people.

But you must know that these 50,000 to 60,000 people are all Hun cavalry who have learned riding and archery since childhood.

The Huns, they had to receive paramilitary training from an early age...

The most famous one is the trial of the children of the Huns.

Every Hun boy, when he was six or seven years old, had to undergo a fourteen-day trial under the care of his father, brother and elders.

The content of the trial sounds very simple, that is - during these fourteen days, you must ride a horse, you can rest, drink water and eat, but - during these fourteen days, your feet are not allowed to step on the ground ...

From Shan Yu to ordinary civilians in the clan, their children have to undergo this kind of trial, and those who fail to complete the trial will be ridiculed by everyone.

This shows how elite the Huns cavalry were.

Chapter 2134

Chapter 2134

To be honest, the first time Zhou Ye heard Qin Yueer, his little maidservant of the Huns, talk about the trials of the Huns' children, the first question that popped up in his mind was...

How do they solve the problem of eating and drinking? ?

Well, eating and drinking is easy to solve... But what about Lazar? ?

Zhou Ye thought about it, and couldn't help asking this question... "How do they solve Lazard's problem?"

Hearing her master's words, Qin Yue'er's little face immediately turned red... She couldn't help but coquettishly said: "Bad master, how can you ask your daughter about such things... When a boy participates in the trial, the girl is You are not allowed to watch..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Zhou Ye chuckled, and apologized without sincerity, "I didn't know there was such a rule in the trials of the Huns!\

,"Hearing Zhou Ye's laughter, Qin Yue'er couldn't help rolling her eyes...

Although she wanted to ignore her unscrupulous master, but after thinking about it, she finally couldn't bear it...

So, after hesitating for a moment, she said, "Although I haven't personally seen how they solved the Lazard problem right away...but it shouldn't be difficult to solve!"

Having said this, Qin Yue'er stood up from Zhou Ye's arms, and then jumped off the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros that was walking slowly...

"Hey, come down and lend me your horse!"

Qin Yue'er spoke directly to the blood dragonriders who were guarding at the side.

"Here!" The blood dragon knight didn't dare to delay when he heard Qin Yue'er's words, and immediately jumped off his horse...

And Qin Yue'er jumped on the horse swiftly...then shook the reins, and galloped the horse wildly.

When the horse galloped wildly, Qin Yue'er directly performed various equestrian tricks on the saddle bridge...

Hiding in the stirrups... running backwards... blah blah blah...

That wonderful action drew applause from all the blood dragonriders... After all, she is the woman who dominates her own family, so she has to save face.

A moment later... Qin Yue'er rode her horse back to Zhou Ye's Moon-Watching Rhino, returned the horse to the Blood Dragon Rider, and then climbed onto Moon-Watching Rhino again...

At this moment, her temples were sweating slightly, her little face was flushed, she was really cute.

"Does the master understand?"

"..." Hearing Qin Yue'er's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

To be honest, after watching Qin Yueer's demonstration just now, Zhou Ye has almost figured out how those guys solved the problem of eating, drinking, and messing around...

It's just that he really didn't expect...

It turns out that the so-called equestrian performance originally came from solving the Lazard problem...

Especially hiding in the obviously looks like a squatting tuba holding a saddle...

This is really a lot of knowledge...more knowledge than the blue cat's three thousand questions.

"That... I have almost understood..." Having said this, Zhou Ye smiled slightly, and softly whispered into Qin Yue'er's ear, "Although I am not from the Huns, in terms of riding skills, I am comparable to Qin Yue'er." The Huns are much stronger!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Qin Yue'er asked in disbelief, "Really??"

"Of course it's true!" Zhou Ye laughed and said, "The Huns can only solve the problem of eating, drinking and drinking right away, but I can solve the problem of reproduction right away... Otherwise, we will go to a place where there are no people. ,try it??"

"... Bad master... I won't talk to you anymore!"

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Qin Yue'er's face turned red instantly...

Of course she understood what her master meant...

Although what should have happened to the two of them has happened countless times, but... in public

, Qin Yueer was still a little embarrassed to be teased by her master like this...

But in fact, the proposal she made to Zhou Ye in her heart was absolutely willing...

She also wants to try it, right away...

Just when Zhou Ye was going to tease himself, the maidservant of the Huns... suddenly a horse galloped from a distance...

When the knight on the horse came to Zhou Ye, he jumped down, bowed and said: "My lord, fifty miles ahead is Tuyu Hill... The Huns army is camping there at this time! There are still many Huns cavalry Gather there..."

"Oh?" Zhou Ye smiled slightly when he heard the words: "Okay, then we will set up camp too... When they are all together, we will go..."


"My lord has an order, set up camp on the spot!"

Following an order, the blood dragon cavalry army stopped their footsteps...

Then, start setting up camp...

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