Although he has been dazed by the slapping of his own hands at this time... But his heart is like a mirror...

It seems that this...Zhou Ye and Zhou Boyang are a god-man...

"I beg God... smack... take it... smack... supernatural powers... smack..." Murong Kui begged for mercy immediately... ..."

Although Murong Kui is also a well-known Xianbei man, there is no shame in admitting love to a can a man beat a god?

Although the belief of the Xianbei family is the oldest totem worship, there are also gods in their belief system.

After all, for people in this era, there are too many incredible things in nature that confuse them.

In order to seek peace of mind, they put all these unexplainable things on the head of the god-man.

In fact, they are not the only ones, there are gods in the beliefs of all races in this era.

At this time, Zhou Ye had already walked in front of Murong Kui, looking at Murong Kui whose face was swollen to the point of being like a pig's head, Zhou Ye smiled... "If I knew today, why did I do it then?"

"Crack... please... please be merciful...crack... forgive the Murong Ministry...crack... for disrespect...crack..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Murong Kui begged again...

He can't do without begging... This involuntary self-slapping is really too difficult...

The most important thing is that slapping this thing not only hurts his self-esteem, but also hurts him...

"Forget it, since you already know you're wrong, let's spare you Murong for now!" Zhou Ye said, waving his hand lightly...

Following his actions, Murong Kui instantly felt that his hands were obeying commands again...

He didn't dare to delay, he hastily knelt on the ground and said: "Murong Kui thank you Lord God for forgiving me for Murong Yi's crime of disrespect..."

"That's all..." Zhou Ye waved his hand and said, "Get up... just go with me to one of the other Xianbei tribes..."

"Yes, Murong Kui respectfully abides by your lord's decree..." Murong Kui said, ignoring the blood stains on the corners of his face, stood up hastily, obediently followed behind Zhou Ye, and greeted the other Xianbei clan's troops. walk in.

Along the way, Murong Kui didn't dare to ask Zhou Ye why he was going to join the army of several other clans...

In fact, he was still secretly rejoicing in his heart...

Fortunately, this god-man just made him Murong Yi to hold his neck. If he made Murong Yi wipe his neck, then Murong Yi would be removed from Xianbei.

The army he brought this time can be said to be the entire family property of the Murong One... Once all of them die here, the Murong One will instantly fall from a large tribe in the Xianbei to a small tribe... Especially, Seven or eight of the young and middle-aged people in the clan will inevitably be bullied by other clans in the future...

At that time, if there is no good pasture, there will be no way for cattle and horses to reproduce... Without cattle and horses, the tribe will starve... This is a vicious circle.

Thinking of this, Murong Kui couldn't help showing a trace of gratitude in the eyes of the tall and straight figure in front of him.

Although Zhou Ye was walking ahead without looking back, he could see Murong Kui's thoughts clearly...

I have to say, this guy is really cheap, you have to tell him well...he won't listen, he will only become well-behaved after being scolded, and he will be grateful to you.

This is really—how can it be such a cheap word?

Thinking about something in his heart, Zhou Ye didn't stop at his feet...

He used the space magic for a while, and led Murong Kui as if shrinking into an inch, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the army of the Dugu clan in the south.

"Hey, who's here??"

The figures of Zhou Ye and Murong Kui had just appeared in front of the Dugu Division when they were discovered by the sergeants in front of the formation...

Before Zhou Ye could speak, Murong Kui said first, "Go ask your family head to come and talk to you..."

"Who are you? How dare you ask the head of my family to talk to you??" Hearing Murong Kui's words, the man asked in amazement.

To be honest, he really couldn't recognize who the guy in front of him with a swollen face like a pig's head was...

"I am the head of the Murong clan, Murong Kui..." Having said this, Murong Kui bowed to Zhou Ye and said, "This is Lord Shepherd of Jingzhou..."

This guy was so vicious that he didn't reveal Zhou Ye's identity as a god...

From his point of view, his Murong family has been beaten, so how can your Dugu family not be punished? ?

"Are you really Lord Murong??" Hearing Murong Kui's words, the sergeant couldn't help confirming: "Master did you become like this??"

"Don't gossip, hurry up and ask your family head Duguba to come and talk to you..." Murong Kui said directly.

The sergeant looked Murong Kui up and down for a long time, and it took him a long time to recognize Murong Kui... Now that he recognized him, he naturally didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "This...Master Murong, wait a moment, I'm going to report to the head of my family right now!"

Chapter 2145

Chapter 2145

Watching the sergeant gallop into the army formation of the Dugu clan, Zhou Ye gave Murong Kui a half-smile...

Just this one glance made Murong Kui feel like Zhou Ye had seen through him.

He couldn't help but plop, and knelt down in front of Zhou Ye...begging tremblingly

Said: "I beg Lord Moghan to forgive me for the crime of usurping..."

In the words of the Xianbei clan, Mog Khan means the god of heaven.

Looking at Murong Kui who was trembling in front of him, kneeling on the ground and not daring to raise his head, Zhou Ye smiled... "It seems that you know that your petty thinking is wrong... Don't be an example, if you play tricks in front of me again, your whole body will die." There is no need for the Murong Clan to exist in this world anymore!"

"Thank you... Lord Mog Khan for your mercy!!" Murong Kui's clothes were soaked in cold sweat at this time...

"Okay, get up..." Zhou Ye waved his hand casually, telling him to get up.

To let Murong Kui go so easily, in fact, Zhou Ye also had some calculations in his heart.

This Murong Kui's idea is certainly a bit insidious, he wants to use Zhou Ye's hand to clean up the Dugu clan...

However, this is exactly what Zhou Ye thought...

He has already discovered... People, if you don't learn a lesson and suffer a little, you won't know how to stay low and be a small one.

That's why Zhou Ye let go of Murong Kui's actions just now...

Otherwise, he only needs to change his mind, and he can make Murong Kui speechless... How could he have been talking for so long?

Just when Murong Kui was secretly rejoicing in his heart that his tribe had escaped another catastrophe... Suddenly, a small path opened up in the Dugu army...

One of them, a burly, middle-aged man rode out from the army formation...

It is none other than the patriarch of the Dugu Division, Dugu Ba.

He rode up to Zhou Ye, and instead of looking at Zhou Ye, he looked up and down Murong Kui, who was like a pig's head... After a long time, he laughed and said, "Hahaha...Murong Kui, How did you get into such a state, could it be that the house is at odds and was beaten up by your wives???"

Facing Dugu Ba's ridicule, Murong Kui glanced at him without changing expression, then saluted Zhou Ye respectfully, and said, "Lord Moghan, this is the patriarch of the Dugu tribe. Dugu is domineering...he..."

Murong Kui hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Dugu Ba... "Murong Kui, what tricks are you trying to do?? Get such a yellow-mouthed kid over here, call him Lord Mog Khan, and I will Will you be so scared that you will bow your head? Hahahaha..."

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