The first step is to manage the empire built by the owner...

She has already made up her mind that once the empire is established, the first step she has to do is to abolish the Xianbei script and Xianbei language...change to Chinese, use Chinese characters, and use Chinese weights and measures, etc... and so on. Measures...accelerate the Sinicization process of the Xianbei clan.

She believes that if she does this, she will definitely please her master...

As for the resistance to the implementation of the Sinicization policy? ?

Tuoba Ling felt that in front of her master's boundless magical powers, all resistance would not be resistance.

The second step, of course, is to recruit beauties from all clans into the palace...

Naturally, she recruited beautiful women into the palace not because she wanted to marry a concubine... but because she wanted her master to come to this bitter cold place in the northwest to see her more.

Although she has never returned to Jingzhou with her master, Tuoba Ling also knows that there are many beauties in her master's back house in Jingzhou.

If you want your master to come and visit you often, then you must worry about what your master is anxious about, and think about what your master thinks...

What does the owner like? ?

Do you still need to ask? Of course she is beautiful...

With such an idea, Tuoba Ling will of course have a good relationship with these noble ladies from various clans...they are her most natural allies...

Tuoba Ling believes that when they get on their master's couch, they will definitely help their master plan everything just like him.

As for the wishful thinking of those clans behind them, Tuoba Ling is not stupid, of course he can guess one or two...

However, regarding the thoughts of these guys, Tuoba Ling can only say...they don't know their master too well.

One must know that the biggest taboo of his master, apart from the unrest in the back house and the infighting between the sisters... is that others interfere with his family affairs.

As long as those guys dare to reach out... Tuoba Ling believes that his master will definitely chop off their claws without hesitation.

In this way, Tuoba Ling cheerfully directed a group of new sisters how to serve their master, and took the trouble to explain to them, their master's preferences...

And Qin Yue'er stood aside angrily, staring at Tuoba Ling...

"Yue'er... your heart is disturbed..."

Zhou Ye saw Qin Yue'er's mood, and gave her a little nod... "Ling'er is doing the right thing, you shouldn't hate her so much..."

Hearing her master's words, Qin Yue'er was shocked...

She also felt that there was something wrong with her mentality... Why did she hate Tuoba Ling? ?

When did this emotion start?

It started when Tuoba Ling offered advice and was praised by his master?

or earlier? ?

However, no matter what, she couldn't go on like this...

In fact, Qin Yue'er is very smart, but... Occasionally, she likes to dig into a dead end...

Since Zhou Ye woke her up, of course she won't go wrong...

Thinking of this, Qin Yue'er walked up to Zhou Ye briskly, knelt down with a face of shame. "Master, Yue'er made a mistake...please punish me, Master!"

Seeing Qin Yue'er's actions, all the ladies looked over curiously... They didn't know what was wrong with Qin Yue'er at all...or rather, where did they go wrong.

Seeing that Qin Yue'er could understand the meaning of his words, Zhou Ye nodded in relief, "A mistake is a mistake, don't be afraid if you make a mistake, as long as you can correct it...well, the punishment will be avoided this time... ..."

"No..." Qin Yue'er's expression changed when she heard Zhou Ye's words, she knelt down a few steps, came to Zhou Ye's face, and hugged Zhou Ye's legs tightly with both hands, "Yue'er is willing to be punished by the master, the master If you don't punish Yue'er, then Yue'er won't get up..."

"..." Hearing Qin Yue'er's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while... Is there anyone who likes to punish her by himself? ?

But when Zhou Ye saw the look of expectation in Qin Yue'er's eyes...he suddenly understood...this hidden trembling, this is a sickness.

"That's all right..." Zhou Ye said here, looked at the expressions of the Xianbei ladies around him, and said: "Since you insist on accepting punishment, then I will follow your wish... just right, I will give it to you." You sisters, set an example and set the rules..."

Having said this, Zhou Ye waved his hand...

There was a sound of glass breaking...

Look in the account again...

The figures of Zhou Ye and all the girls disappeared...

After half an hour......

A golden portal opened in the king's tent...

Zhou Ye walked out in the first place...

The ones who came out right behind him were none other than Qin Yueer and Tuoba Ling...

It's just that the performance of the two of them is quite deliberate at this time...

Two people, you support me, I support you... supported each other, and walked out of the portal...

"Sister Ling'er, thanks to you for helping me this time... Otherwise, I might really die at the hands of that villain..."

"Sister Yue'er is being polite, even if Ling'er doesn't help you, the master won't be willing to really..."

"Hmph, what is he reluctant to do, he almost killed me just now... My soul is almost floating out of him..."

"Hehe... How can it be so exaggerated..." Tuoba Ling said with a smile: "Seriously, you should thank these sisters a lot... If it weren't for them, you and I would be messed with by the master

It's life and death..."

"Yeah..." Hearing what Tuoba Ling said, Qin Yue'er nodded in agreement... "Then I'll wait and order someone to cook some porridge for them... This time it's really thanks to them It's..."

Although the whispers of the two women were very low, how could they be hidden from Zhou Ye's ears?

Hearing the complaints from the two women... Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

"Is it easy for me?"

"In order to reconcile you sisters, I couldn't bear it. I made you like that. You don't know how to appreciate me, and you still blame me... Sigh, it's hard to be a good person."

"Bah, bad guy... how dare you say it..." Qin Yue'er opened her eyes wide when she heard Zhou Ye's words, and shouted, "Sisters... clean him up..."

Hearing Qin Yue'er's words, all the Xianbei girls who had just walked out of the portal rushed towards Zhou Ye regardless of their new creation...

For a moment, Zhou Ye was surrounded by a crowd of girls...

Of course, the girls are not willing to really hit Zhou Ye, they just want to get closer to their master.

Chapter 2149

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