"Hahaha...Mr. Zhuge is too modest...I have already heard the name of Mr. Wolong!" Having said this, Zhou Ye stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, please..."

"General, please..."

Just like that, the two people who met for the first time actually walked side by side, talking and laughing all the way towards Zhou Ye's pastoral capital...

In the eyes of outsiders, the two seem to be close friends who have known each other for many years, and they are quite harmonious. It is impossible to guess that the two met for the first time today.

In fact, it is difficult for anyone who is familiar with the Three Kingdoms to feel bad about Zhuge Liang.

Admire him for his wisdom, which is almost a monster, and admire him for his devotion to death.

And Zhou Ye is the same...

You know, when he was in school, he had been tormented by the list of teachers for several days... He still knows how to recite it now.

To be honest, it is really difficult for a smart person to be loyal to someone.

Because it is always easy for smart people to consider trade-offs based on their own interests. After all, people don't kill heaven and earth for themselves.

But Zhuge Liang was different. He devoted all his life to the cause of the Shu Han, and he never forgot the entrustment of his predecessor Liu Bei when he died.

Loyal people are always hard to hate.

That's why Zhou Ye looked at Zhuge Liang differently... After all, he was Zhuge Liang, the Zhuge Kongming who had devoted his whole life to the great cause of Shu Han. The most important thing is... this Zhuge Liang... he has something strange...

Chapter 2151

Chapter 2151

The Patriarch's Mansion - Above the Great Hall...

Zhuge Liang was looking at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall with his hands behind his back...

When he saw Zhou Ye's humble room inscription hanging on the wall, he couldn't help reciting it in a low voice...

"Good article..." Zhuge Liang, after reading the humble room inscription, lamented the profound meaning of the humble room inscription, and sighed: "A general who has won the three armies, but wrote such an article, this... is really not Good thing..."

From the lines in the article, he can read the indifferent mind of the person who wrote the article...

At this moment, he seemed to have finally solved the question that he hadn't figured out for a long time before.

Why hasn't Zhou Ye expanded his armaments, recruited troops and bought horses after occupying Jingzhou for so many years... to show his grand plans.

It's about recuperating, building bridges and paving roads to open up businesses... and using various measures to make people live more prosperously and happily.

Obviously, with the reputation of the blood dragon knight, he can make the princes of the four directions surrender upon hearing the news, so why does he stick to the nine counties of Jingxiang and refuse to use troops abroad? ?

When Zhuge Liang saw this humble room inscription, he felt as if he had found the crux of the matter.

"It's impossible to go on like this..." Looking at this humble room inscription, Zhuge Liang murmured: "The common people in the world are suffering from the chaos of war...but the Ming Lord refuses to save the people...this...this is really... "

Just when Zhuge Liang was thinking hard about how to persuade Zhou Ye to change his mind and embark on the road of fighting for hegemony in the world...

Suddenly, footsteps were heard, and then Zhou Ye's voice came. "I kept you waiting for a long time... It's really because I've been away from home for too long this time, and my wife is reluctant to let me go... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Hehe... the general's words are serious..." Zhuge Liang turned around with a smile when he heard the words, and said to Zhou Ye: "I have heard for a long time that the general has a heart of compassion and love, and his wife and concubine at home are also quite beautiful... I saw you today, and it is so..."

"Hahaha..." Zhou Ye laughed when he heard the words, without explaining, he ordered someone to serve tea...

After a while, the two sat down as guest and host.

"I don't know what the meaning of what the gentleman just said in the city?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"General, I have something I don't understand. Please, general, explain it to me!" Having said this, Zhuge Kongming stood up and bowed his hands to Zhou Ye and said: "The general has millions of people in the nine counties of Jingxiang as his foundation, and he also has a powerful presence. The blood dragon knights in the world are minions, why don't they send troops to sweep the Central Plains, and return the people of the world to a peaceful and prosperous world?"

"Ahem... no one else... just lazy!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"Lazy?" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment... "Dare to ask the general, what do you mean?"

"Hahaha... the small Nine Counties of Jingxiang, I have to set aside an hour every day to deal with official business. If I get this huge world, wouldn't I be bound by the files every day, and I will not be happy?" ?"

"..." Zhuge Liang was rendered speechless by Zhou Ye's words for a moment...

Fuck, I've seen lazy ones, but I've never seen such lazy ones...

He obviously has the strength to fight for the hegemony of the world and Dingding Central Plains, but because of laziness, he does not try to win the world... This kind of anecdote is rare in ancient and modern times...

For a moment, Zhuge Liang really wanted to pick up the tea bowl on the table, pour Zhou Ye a head of tea, and wake him up...

However, Zhuge Liang had to give up this tempting idea after comparing his strength with Zhou Ye's...

He gathered himself together, and then said: "The general's words are wrong... Liang sees that the general's words and deeds are all acts of worrying about the country and benefiting the people... Obviously, the general also has the people of the world in his heart... But why does the general Abandoning the people of the world for this lazy word, and watching them suffer in the flames of war?"

"Oh? Sir, how can you see that I have the safety of the people of the world in my heart??" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"Looking at the general's three affairs, I have a heart for the people of the world!" Speaking of this, Kong Ming raised a finger and said: "The general sent out righteous soldiers,

Defeating Dong Zhuo in front of Hulao Pass was an act of saving the people... it was one of them! "

"Uh, I actually went to join in the fun..." Zhou Ye said awkwardly.

"Don't talk too much, general, just listen to me continue..." After finishing speaking, Kong Ming raised his second finger and said, "The general will manage the nine counties of Jingxiang, reduce taxes, build bridges and roads, recruit Merchants have gathered merchants from the north and the south, making the lives of the people of Jingzhou more and more prosperous day by day...Millions of people in the nine counties of Jingzhou all praise the general...The name of the general's benevolence spreads all over the world, even other states The people of the county are also longing for the land of Jingzhou, looking forward to the general leading the army there... This is the second..."


Seeing that Zhou Ye was about to speak again, Zhuge Liang interrupted him again, and continued: "The general led the Blood Dragon Riders to expedition to the northwest frontier, taking advantage of the resurgence of the war in the Central Plains, the Xiongnu Xianbei and other barbarians who repeatedly violated the frontier, or Exterminate them all, or restrict them...so that our big Han frontier people can enjoy peace again, this is the third..."

"With such three things, how can the general say that he has no intention of the world, but just ignore the people of the world for the sake of a lazy word??"

"..." Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

What should he say? ?

Do you want to tell Zhuge Liang that he is actually here to play...does he not have the slightest interest in world hegemony? ?

Forget it, let's hold back...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye laughed, and said: "I heard that Zhuge Wolong in Nanyang is a man of the world, and I heard what Mr. said today, and it really is so... But, sir, I really have no interest in this world... I'm not as good as you Just forgive me, I am a lazy person by nature... Let other people worry about the situation in this world, as long as I manage my Jingxiang nine counties well, I can feel at ease..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye didn't wait for Zhuge Liang to speak, and said, "It's rare to meet Mr. Zhuge today... I should be so clear...Come here, let's serve wine!!"


Following the response from the servants outside...

Soon, the food and drink were brought up by the servants...

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Liang was speechless for a while...

"Come on, today you and I will not talk about business, just talk about Fengyue..." Zhou Ye raised the wine glass in his hand... "Come, sir, please drink this cup..."

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