There was a hint of sweetness in her shy heart.

"Sister... Mr. Lang said that she is going to my uncle's house to propose marriage for us..." Zhuge Ruoxue lowered her voice and said happily.

"Well... I heard it too..." Zhuge Mengxue was also full of joy at this time.

Now the two women's perception of Zhou Ye is extremely good...

Erudite and talented, unparalleled in beauty, famous all over the world...

Pulling out each of Zhou Ye's qualities alone, it is enough to make a girl who has not experienced much in the world fall in love with him at first sight...

What's more, Zhou Ye also has a characteristic that men of this era don't have... that is, respect for women...

Of course, respect is not the same as kneeling to the sky... You must clearly distinguish the difference between the two.

Just this faint respect is enough to make the two women treat Zhou Ye differently... What's more, Zhou Ye has so many advantages, plus his spiritual force field and the methods of teasing girls from later generations...

This Zhuge sister has already made a secret promise to him...

As for Zhou Ye already having many wives and concubines...

Is this anything unusual in this day and age? In this era, three wives and four concubines are commonplace...

Therefore, in the eyes of Sister Zhuge, even if Zhou Ye has many wives and concubines, it is nothing.

Compared to marrying a stranger whom she doesn't know or even meet, Sister Zhuge is more willing to marry Zhou Ye...

"Perhaps, soon...we will be called Madam!" Zhuge Ruoxue said here, with longing in his eyes.

"Let's not mention that for now..." Zhuge Mengxue said in a low voice: "Second sister, don't you realize that the third sister is quite different today?"

"Oh?? What's the difference??" Zhuge Ruoxue asked curiously.

"With my little sister's character, she usually never changes her face when Mount Tai collapses in front of her... But why is she so irritable today?" Having said this, Zhuge Mengxue paused... "Could it be that... the third sister is actually Do you also have feelings for Lang Jun??"

"That's normal..." Hearing what his elder sister said, Zhuge Ruoxue took it for granted and said, "Who in the world can escape the gentleman's gentle methods?? Aren't you and I a role model? ?”

"..." Hearing what her second sister said, Mengxue was also speechless for a while... "But..."

"Elder sister is worrying too much..." Zhuge Ruoxue interrupted her elder sister, "Little sister just doesn't know what it's like to be sad... When she knows, she will take the initiative to attack. Elder sister, don't worry..."

"I hope so..."

Having said this, Mengxue sighed deeply...

There is a saying that the authorities are obsessed with bystanders...

Mengxue felt that her little sister's road to love would not be so easy... Who put a heavy burden on her?

The night is getting dark...

Sister Zhuge, who was resting in the car, had also fallen into a deep sleep.

Of course Zhou Ye and Zhuge [Liang] were in charge of the night watch.

Although it is said that the land of Jingzhou has been ruled by Zhou Ye, the banditry is completely gone, and there is no way to pick up the lost things,

However, there are still quite a few beasts in the mountains...

Therefore, vigil or something is really necessary.

Zhou Ye asked Zhuge [Liang] to rest first, and came to watch the eve by himself... Zhuge [Liang] didn't refuse after hearing this, just took a piece of felt cloth and spread it beside the fire, and fell asleep...

And Zhou Ye was sitting by the fire, quietly looking up at the starry sky, in a daze...

How should I put it, he hasn't been alone for a long time...

Sometimes it's fun to be alone...

This reminded him of himself who hadn't had any adventures a long, long time ago...

Thinking of his life at that time, Zhou Ye couldn't help but sigh with emotion... If he hadn't received Shanshan's help, he would have been a handful of loess by now, right?

You can't even escape from life and death, so what about happy life?

But soon, Zhou Ye completely wiped out the melancholy in his mind... The past can only be remembered... There is no need to look back...

At this moment, he should cherish what is in front of him even more...

Speaking of which, the starry sky in this era is extraordinarily beautiful, especially in the wilderness, the stars in the sky are so gorgeous, looking at the bright Milky Way, Zhou Ye even has a feeling of soaring into the sky, to find out in that gorgeous Milky Way impulse……

However, in the end he held back...

As for Zhuge [Liang] lying beside the fire, after closing his eyes, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what...

In her mind, the image of Zhou Ye's big hand enchanting her sister's waist back and forth kept reappearing...

Every time it surfaced in her heart, there was more anger in her heart...

After a while, she sat up...

"What? Kong Ming, can't you sleep??" Zhou Ye asked curiously.

When Zhuge [Liang] heard Zhou Ye's words, he covered it up and said, "No, it's just that the stars are so beautiful tonight, wouldn't it be a pity to just go to sleep?"

"Haha, it seems that Kong Ming, like me, also likes watching the sky at night..." Zhou Ye saw the insincereness of this chick in an instant, and joked: "Why don't you and I watch the stars together?"

"Great kindness!" Zhuge [Liang] nodded in response.

"Well—wait for me a moment!" Saying that, Zhou Ye got up, walked to his horse, took out a piece of felt cloth from the leather pouch on the horse's back, and walked to Zhuge [Liang]'s side, put his felt cloth side by side with hers


"Brother, what are you doing??" Seeing Zhou Ye's actions, Zhuge [Liang] panicked for a moment...

This... this... isn't this the same classmate sleeping together? ?

How can this be...

Just when Zhuge [Liang] was struggling, Zhou Ye said, "This way we can watch the stars together..."

Saying that, Zhou Ye lay down unceremoniously, then grabbed Zhuge [Liang]'s arm, and pulled her to lie down too... "Come on, you and I lie down and watch the stars at night..."

"..." Zhuge [Liang] was so nervous that he couldn't speak at this moment...

Although she has disguised herself as a man for a long time, all her family and friends know that she is a daughter, so naturally they will not treat her with any disrespect... Therefore, it is the first time in her life that she sleeps with a man ...

"Kong Ming knows... In Rome, the astronomers there divided the stars in the sky into various constellations... Among them, there are twelve constellations of the zodiac... such as Libra over there... and..."

Following Zhou Ye's eloquent and eloquent voice, Zhuge [Liang] was attracted by his words unconsciously... and even asked questions from time to time...

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