You know, in order to maximize the benefits, Cao Cao was the first to arrive this way...while the other armies arrived at their destination one day later.

The purpose of doing this is to make people feel overwhelmed and in a hurry.

This can be regarded as a scheming.

What's worse news than a piece of bad news? That's bad news one after another... When continuous bad news comes, people with a bad heart can almost collapse.

Of course, Cao Cao didn't intend to use such a small trick to make Zhou Ye collapse, but it's okay to disturb his mind.

Although Cao Cao was secretly surprised why Zhou Ye knew so much about his plan, he denied it in his mouth: "Boyang's words are serious... What is the six-way army, why are the soldiers divided into six groups? Dividing and attacking them may be useful to others, but For your blood dragonriders in Boyang, isn’t that a suicide attempt??”

Hearing Cao Cao's denial, Zhou Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Cao is worthy of being Mr. Cao, he is suspicious by nature...I guess Mr. Cao, you think I'm cheating on you?"

"How is this possible? How can I say that there is nothing that doesn't exist??" Cao Cao blinked his eyes and said solemnly.

"Haha... Whatever it is... Duke Cao doesn't want to admit it, so I won't force it!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "If that's the case, how about waiting here for three days, Duke Cao?? You and I don't want to start a war. After three days, there will naturally be news, and by then... how about Mr. Cao making another choice?"

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Cao Cao became suspicious...

Why three days? ? Could it be that the army behind at this time is really just Xibei goods? ? In fact, the Blood Dragon Knights have already rushed to attack several other armies? ?

While thinking like this in his heart, he said: "It's so good... Then I'll wait for three days... Let's see what changes will happen during these three days!"

"So kind!!"

At this point, the tea is already brewing...

Zhou Ye unhurriedly poured Cao Cao a cup of tea... "Mr. Cao, please use tea!"

After drinking tea for a while, the two got up and returned to the main formation...

Cao Cao, who returned to the main formation, immediately ordered in a low voice when he returned to the front of the central army formation: "Don't ask now, order people to go down and pretend to withdraw the army, and then when the opposite army is about to enter the city, you rush over to me by surprise." ...Catch Zhou Boyang!"


On the other side... Zhou Ye, who has returned to the formation, naturally relied on his five senses to hear Cao Cao's words...

To be honest, he was quite helpless when he heard Cao Cao's words...

People say that Cao Cao is suspicious, and it is true...

However, this is also the reason why he personally led the troops to resist him... After all, if Zhou Bu and the others were to come, maybe these bastards would kill Cao Cao in a fit of anger, and then he would not be able to treat Qing'er and others. The girl confessed... After all, the Cao family is quite powerful in his back house... There are seven sisters...

"Hey, success is also suspicious, and failure is also suspicious!"

Chapter 2171

Chapter 2171

Although An Doudou, who had been playing the role of personal soldier, didn't hear Cao Cao's words, he also felt a little something wrong from the soliloquy of his master.

"My lord...but that Cao Cao is planning to turn his back on what he says??" An Doudou asked in a low voice, "Why don't you let me lead the army to capture that Cao Cao... at most, for the sake of Mrs. Qing'er and the others, I Just don't hurt him at all!"

"Hehe..." Hearing An Doudou's words, Zhou Ye smiled: "Don't worry...we want our teachers to be famous!!"

"Then... what does my lord mean?" An Doudou asked hesitantly.

"We are still withdrawing our troops and returning to the city... When he comes over, you go over and capture him in one fell swoop..." Zhou Ye said here, sighing, "In this way, I can explain to Qing'er and the others... It's not that I broke my promise, but that their father doesn't want to let me go!"

Seeing the melancholy look on his master's face, An Doudou's expression became even weirder.

He has been following his family's ruler for a long time... At least it has been hundreds of years.

An Doudou deeply understands one thing, if it weren't for that Cao Cao had a daughter in the harem of his ruler, he would have been afraid - his ruler would have ordered someone to slaughter her to sacrifice the flag, right? ?

So... it is good to have a daughter... at least you can save your own life.

Of course, he only dared to think about these words in his heart, saying that he didn't dare to say them... Although there were no cannonballs for him to wipe at this time, but——but there were bows and arrows that were more terrifying than cannonballs...

If he can't say anything well and is remembered by his master, then he will die.

If the tips of millions of arrows had to be polished, he would be exhausted to death.

Therefore, An Doudou immediately bowed and said, "Here!"

"My lord has an order, Mingjin withdraws troops..."

As An Doudou conveyed his lord's order, the gate of Jiujiang City slowly opened, and fifty thousand blood dragonriders marched towards the city in an orderly manner.

On the other side, in Cao Cao's army formation... Naturally, someone also reported to Cao Cao the news that Zhou Ye had withdrawn his troops.

Next to Cao Cao, a general Jiang Gong asked earnestly, "My lord, give me an order..."

"Don't worry!" Cao Cao stroked his long beard lightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "Look at that Blood Dragon Rider, retreating and not chaotic...then Zhou Ye must have prepared's not an attack at this moment. Best time ever!"


My lord..." The general said eagerly: "When is the best time to attack? ? "

"When the Blood Dragon Rider enters halfway into the city, we will take advantage of the chaos to cover up and kill them..." Cao Cao's eyes lit up, "In this way, those inside will not be able to get out, and those outside will not be able to enter... I will make it difficult for them to look after each other... ..."

"My lord, this plan is wonderful!" Jia Xu said with a smile, "Crossing halfway to strike...My lord really understands the essence of the art of war!"

"Hahaha..." Jia Xu hit the horse right where Cao Cao was proud. Hearing that Cao Cao was pretending to be modest, he said with a smile, "Well, this is just a trick..."

"Your Majesty's words are wrong. You know what you're doing when you see the subtleties. From this, it can be seen that your master's scheme is far superior to that of Zhou Ye and Zhou Boyang!" Guo Jia also said with a smile.

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cao Cao laughed even happier...

However, at this moment, Xu Chu, who had been guarding Cao Cao by his side, said in a muffled voice... "Then Zhou Ye had the invincible blood dragon cavalry, the invincible four tigers of the Zhou family, and such magical soldiers." Heavenly General, what is his plan??"




Xu Chu's words completely destroyed the harmonious atmosphere among the civil servants and generals...

Damn, people are tough...Xu Chu...

You can't do this...

For a moment, those civil servants and military generals who were about to take photos of their lord's horses were suddenly speechless like ducks whose necks were pinched.

To be honest, Cao Cao was angry when he heard what Xu Chu said.

I'm so pissed... I'm almost pissed off.


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