On the desolate official road, a handsome gentleman in white clothes like snow - carrying a piano case and leading a tall horse, is walking slowly on the official road. The rest of the young man is average.

At that time, Zhang Xingcai was fascinated by Zhou Ye with just one glance.

That's why she softly apologized for the dust that her sister raised when she passed by.

Originally, Zhang Xingcai thought that if she said goodbye today, she might not be able to see each other again in this life...

But unexpectedly, at the fork in the road, the three sisters were not familiar with the road because they left home for the first time, so they had to wait for pedestrians to pass by at the fork in order to ask about the way.

As a result, the passers-by did not wait, but they waited until Zhou Ye.

At that time, Zhang Xingcai was really ecstatic...

She volunteered to meet him and asked Zhou Ye.

Although, she knew her mission, and knew that she might never have a chance with this boy in front of her in this life, but——she just couldn't help but want to go forward and say a few words to him. Perhaps, such an experience is enough for her to remember for a lifetime in the deep palace in the future.

However, what I didn't expect was that Zhou Ye deliberately pointed them to the wrong path.

To be honest, Zhang Xingcai was still defending Zhou Ye in his heart even when he found out that he was going the wrong way...【Perhaps because that gentleman didn't know the way...】

However, when they went back the same way and found the right way to catch up, they found that Zhou Ye was leisurely lighting a fire and making tea... he looked very leisurely. Obviously this guy knows his way...

At this moment, Zhang Xingcai suddenly had the illusion that she was being deceived by her lover. The feeling was so strong that she didn't seem like her usual personality anymore.

He actually pulled out his long sword in an instant, pointed at Zhou Ye's nose, and questioned him why he pointed them to the wrong path.

The result of a girl's heart being maliciously deceived by someone is that Zhang Xingcai has hated that person to the extreme at this moment.

Therefore, there is this scene...

Zhou Ye looked at the long sword pointed at the tip of his nose, and saw Zhang Xingcai's mental activities thoroughly in an instant.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Zhou Ye had a feeling——【Fuck, I screwed up】.

"Ahem... why did the girl say that, I really didn't do anything to the girl's elder sister!" Zhou Ye raised his hands high and said innocently: "Miss Yinping just went to the stream to wash the dishes..."

"Don't lie to me..." Zhang Xingcai, who was burning with anger at this moment, felt a bit of sourness in her heart when she heard Zhou Ye calling her eldest sister, Miss Yinping. She shook the long sword in her hand and scolded: "Why does my sister Go wash the dishes??"

"Actually, I want to invite the three girls to have dinner together as an apology for cheating on the girl today..." Zhou Ye's face became more innocent...

"Hmph..." Zhang Xingcai snorted coldly when he heard Zhou Ye's words, and when he wanted to say something more...Guan Yinping's voice came from behind, "Xingcai, don't be rude to sir!"

Following the sound, Guan Yinping, who had already washed the dishes and chopsticks, walked over gracefully, looked at Xingcai, and said in a low voice, "Put away the long sword quickly, don't scare Mister!"

"Sister..." Zhang Xingcai said reluctantly: "This rogue lied to us today, and caused us to go a lot of wrong ways. Why does my sister accept his invitation to have dinner together?"

"That's just a joke made by Mr.... Isn't Mr. invited us to dinner together as an apology?" Guan Yinping said, walked to Zhang Xingcai's side, and gently snatched the long sword from her hand He came over and handed it to Xing Yi behind him.

"Sir, please don't blame Xingcai, she is just upset, that's why she is so rude!" Guan Yinping bowed to Zhou Ye and said, "Yinping is here, I will apologize to my husband for my sister!"

"Where, it should be me to accompany you girls!" Zhou Ye said, stood up and cupped his hands at the three girls: "I did something wrong today, please don't get angry... "

Saying that, Zhou Ye looked at the iron pot on the bonfire...

At this time, the food in the pot was already cooked, and a seductive fragrance wafted out of the pot, and soon diffused in the forest.

"Ha, the food is ready, the three girls are still welcome!" Zhou Ye said, gently lifted the iron pot from the campfire and put it aside...

"Then Yinping is more respectful than obedient!"

In fact, the three girls at this time also smelled the smell of food...the smell was something they had never smelled before, at least they had grown up so much, and they had never smelled such a delicious smell of food.

This is also very normal, after all, the condiments produced in China at this time are really pitiful, and although Zhou Ye does not lack these things, he has no intention of getting some seeds to enrich the dining tables of the common people...

Ahem, in fact, this guy just forgot.

Smelling the tangy fragrance, Zhang Xingyi, the youngest, was almost drooling... She was the first to run to the horse she was tied to when she heard her sister-in-law said, , took out the felt cloth...

Of course, she didn't forget to help her two sisters take out the felt cloth.

"Sister Yinping, here you are..."

"Sister, this is for you..."

Jumping back to the campfire, Zhang Xingyi distributed the felt cloths to his two older sisters one by one, and then unceremoniously placed his own felt cloths by the campfire, his eyes filled with anticipation. Looking at the iron pot in Zhou Ye's hand...

Seeing how lively her youngest sister was, Guan Yinping couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head, then turned to Zhang Xingcai and said, "Okay, Xingcai... let's sit down and eat!"

"Hmph, I don't want to eat it...you are a liar and deceitful, and the food you cook is also stinky!" As he said, Zhang Xingcai threw the felt cloth that his sister forcibly handed him to him on the ground, and then turned to Lin Lin. walk in...

"Star color..."

"elder sister……"

Seeing Zhang Xingcai's appearance, Zhang Xingyi and Guan Yinping were stunned...In their impression, Zhang Xingcai had never been so unreasonable...What the hell is going on? ?

Chapter 2184

Chapter 2184

Just when Yinping and Xingyi were bewildered by Xingcai's actions, Zhou Ye stood up...

He smiled and said to the two women: "Since the incident happened because of me, then I'll go and see Miss Xingcai!"

"This..." Guan Yinping looked at Zhou Ye and hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine, then Mr. Lao... Please don't take what my sister said just now... Don't hold grudges against Xingcai...Actually, she was not like this in the past..."

"Hehe...how could it be! Two girls, please eat first, I'll go find girl Xingcai and come back..." Zhou Ye said, walking towards the direction where Zhang Xingcai left.

Watching Zhou Ye's figure disappear into the dense forest, Guan Yinping couldn't help sighing... "I don't know why Xingcai is so irritable today, but she looks a bit like Uncle Zhang!"

"Perhaps my sister is worried about the safety of her father and uncles, that's why she did this!" Zhang Xingyi said here, sighing.

After all, their cottage was wiped out by the governor of Youzhou, Zhou Lei, who personally led his troops. Even their father and uncle were captured by Zhou Lei in one fell swoop, and they were already on their way to the capital.

They happened to go to Zhuojun city to play together that day, so they escaped the catastrophe by luck.

This time, they went to the capital to rescue their father and uncle...

Although they know that the Da'an Dynasty established the country with military force, there are countless capable ministers and generals in the court, especially the Blood Dragon Knight who guards the capital, which is known as an invincible existence. Only the three of them want to rescue their father and uncle , That is simply as difficult as climbing the sky... But, as sons of men, how can they watch their father being imprisoned and remain indifferent?

In the final analysis, they also know that they can't do it.

Fortunately...they still have the last trick. If things are impossible, in order to rescue their father and uncle, they can only use that trick.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinping couldn't help but let out a faint sigh. "Hope this trip goes well..."

"Sister Yinping, don't worry, Father and Uncle Guan are sure to be lucky!" Seeing Guan Yinping's appearance, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help persuading him, "Let's have dinner first... After getting enough sleep and nourishing our energy, we can continue our journey tomorrow..."

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