And in the world of scenes, someone is being forcibly adjusted by Zhou Ye...

"Mr. Hun, even if you get my body, you won't get my heart..."

"Ahem...why do you women always like to say that?? Since I can't get your heart...why do you use it to push me??"

"Huh... I'm going to use the young girl's method to drain you, a foolish king... Let you... babble... Bastard, can't you be gentle..."

"I can't help it, who told you that your girl Dafa is so powerful... I can't wait... Be good, put your knowledge, hurry..."

"I know... Hiss... Take it easy..."

Chapter 2204

Chapter 2204

After more than a month————

On the Yangtze River, a wooden painting boat about 20 meters long is going down the river...

Although this painting boat is unique, it is nothing among the ships that shuttle back and forth in the river.

But what really caught people's attention was not the boat itself, but the people in the boat.

In the painted boat, shadows were vaguely visible, and through the curtain covering the window, a few slim figures could be vaguely seen, shuttling back and forth in the painted boat...

And the people looking at and operating the boat from the bow and stern are all white-clothed women with slender figures and beautiful faces.

Looking around, there is no figure of a man in this painting boat... It has to be said, it is a bit unbelievable.

You know, in this era, the status of women is far lower than that of men... There is even a saying that women in the moonflower are not allowed to board the ship, because that will bring bad luck to the whole ship.

In the inland areas, this kind of gender discrimination is not obvious. In the coastal areas, even women are not allowed to board the ship regardless of whether they have moonflowers or not. This is the rule.

In such a big environment, a group of women riding a boat on the river seemed rather eye-catching.

However, the passing passenger ships and merchant ships felt relieved when they saw the Fengming flag flying on the ship.

Fengming Banner——that was the flag of Feng Yiwei, the emperor of Da'an.

With this flag, it means that this belongs to Fengyiwei, and the states and counties along the way are not allowed to stop without reason. If there is any violation, the three clans will be punished...

Someone said, since this flag is so easy to use, aren't you afraid of being faked by others?

This is really not scary... First of all, if you want to impersonate Feng Yiwei, you have to bear Feng Yiwei's revenge.

After all, this is basically a crime like pretending to be an official, and it is to punish the nine clans.

Moreover, everyone knows that Emperor Da'an's Fengyi Guards are all women with strong martial arts... In other words - if you want to fake Feng Yiwei, you must first have so many women with strong martial arts. Can't be ugly anymore...

Generally, who can enter Fengyiwei, which one is not a one-in-a-million choice? ?

You look just like Sister Feng, you have to be believed if you say you are Feng Yiwei?

Just these two things are enough to make many people who want to use Feng Yiwei to do things to annihilate their petty thoughts.

In addition to the risk of pretending to be Feng Yiwei... Hehe... Let's put it this way, there are quite a few families that can gather dozens of beautiful women who are also proficient in martial arts, but the more such a big family, the more they know that the current Holy Majesty Temper...

If one fails, the century-old family will disappear in thin air... The risk and the reward are seriously inconsistent, which fool would be so full that he would pretend to be Feng Yiwei? ?

Therefore, after seeing the Fengming flag hoisted on this painting boat, all the merchant ships gave way to the waterway so that this Fengyiwei's painting boat could pass.

You know, Feng Yiwei is outside, but it represents the face of the royal family... You are fighting with the royal family, maybe you feel that your neck is too stiff, and you want to try the royal sword's sharpness?



In the uppermost floor of the painting boat......

A beautiful woman in white is chatting with her sisters beside her...

"Master, it's true... It's been so long, and he still occupies the master and refuses to let go..."

"Just be content, little girl..." The woman sitting next to her was also a pretty girl, but she was a little older than her. "Master's Maiden Dafa has advanced to the stage of transformation, so it will naturally please the master. Your Maiden Dafa has just reached the seventh level, and you dare to compete with Master?? Be careful and get beaten by pg!"

"That's because the master and the master have been cultivating for the longest time, and the master is the most eccentric... Even Junior Sister Yanran was forcibly raised by him to the extreme of the Heavenly Demon Secret Art and the Girl's Dafa...Why didn't you want to help us improve? ? "

"You... you just don't have the heart to swallow the elephant. Didn't the master help us push the secret method of the heavenly demon to the eighteenth stage? You are still complaining here and there..."

"The Heavenly Demon Secret Art is not as easy to use as the Maiden's Dafa... I really want Master to help me raise the Maiden's Dafa to the realm of transformation, then I can accompany Master every day to practice again!"

"Xiao Nizi, you are thinking of spring... Didn't the master satisfy you last night? Who is begging for mercy under the master...??"

"Hmph, if my young girl's Dafa reaches the realm of transformation, I will definitely be able to persist for a while..."

"Just be content with it, the master said, it's because our five elements are unstable, so it's not easy to indulge too much in this matter, would have helped us improve..."

"I know that the master is doing it for everyone's benefit...but I can't help it..."

"You little girl... how dare you say it's not Sichun... see if I didn't accept you as an unfilial disciple for the master..."

"Yeah——Senior Sister...I was

To touch there..."

The laughter of the women on the upper floor of the boat naturally spread into the space on the lower floor of the boat...

The entire painting boat is divided into three floors...

The uppermost floor is for viewing and drinking tea, so there are only a few tables and chairs.

And the middle floor is a huge room... In the room, silk curtains are hung around, and it is quite elegantly arranged... And surrounded by the silk curtains, there is a large exaggerated wooden couch , there are three people sleeping peacefully on the couch at this moment...

The person in the middle is none other than Zhou Ye... and the person on his left arm is none other than Gong Menghan, the Supreme Demon Sect and the head of the Yinkui Sect, and what about the one on his right? It is a beautiful girl who is as gorgeous as peaches and plums. She is none other than the most outstanding disciple of the Yinkui Sect—Fei Yanran.

At this time, the master and apprentice were sleeping soundly in Zhou Ye's arms with a smile on their faces... For them, there was no other place in this world that could give them more peace of mind than the arms of their master.

Zhou Ye was woken up naturally by the laughter of the female disciples of the upper Yinkui faction...

As soon as Zhou Ye opened his eyes, Zhou Ye couldn't help but let out a smile... "These girls, you think you're treating them badly if you treat them well... It seems that it's time to find a time to help them push the girl's Dafa away." It's time to transform..."

To be honest, after Zhou Ye subdued Gong Menghan, what was the biggest surprise? ?

That's naturally the Dafa of a young girl...

Logically speaking, this is an insidious way of harvesting and nourishing... But when it comes to Zhou Ye, it has become another way of practicing that can be enjoyed endlessly...

What kind of insidious method can rival Zhou Ye's Spring Wind and Rain Jue?

Seriously, even if Zhou Ye himself let go of the restraint and let a group of them harvest and nourish himself, if he wanted to extract one ten-millionth of his energy, the time would be calculated in hundreds of millions of years.

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