Although she was wearing a mask, people couldn't see what the upper half of her face looked like, but - just this alluring smile made everyone on the pier stunned...

With a clang, the weapon in the hands of an imperial guard accidentally fell, waking up the stunned commander of the imperial guard...

At this moment, a flame had already been ignited in his heart... There was only one thought in his mind - that was to get her, to get this woman...

Thinking of this, he shouted loudly: "Come here, catch this spy from the Japanese country, and he will live..."

As his words fell, the woman whom Yuan Qianxia called the God Lord also cast her eyes on him...

She smiled slightly, as if there were thousands of amorous feelings brewing in it, and said in not very proficient Chinese: "You—can you die??"

As her words fell, the commander of the imperial army felt as if he was out of control. He drew out his long sword and put it on his neck...


A blood arrow shot out from his neck...

The commander of the forbidden army stared wide-eyed, lying on the pier...

Following the suicide of the commander of the imperial army... the whole pier suddenly became a mess...


"A witch..."

"There are monsters..."

What is a woman who can make a person commit suicide with a single sentence, but a monster? ?

For these ordinary people, no matter how beautiful a woman is, her life is not as important as her own life, so, in the blink of an eye, all the people on the pier disappeared...

Uh, no, it's not gone yet...

Those guards with weapons are still standing there...

However, at this moment, the hearts of those imperial guards were broken...

If possible, they also want to drop their weapons and run away like those common people...

It's just that they can't escape...

Not to mention running away, even moving a finger is an extravagant wish...

"Well—as expected, without the bgm that the master said, even killing people would feel a little boring..." Speaking of this, the woman called the God Master turned her head to the cabin and said, "Sing to me... "

Following her order, a rather strange and ethereal song came faintly from the cabin...

The tone of that song is quite ghostly... Even at noon when the sun is in full swing, the imperial guards who heard this voice couldn't help but get goosebumps all over...

"Life and death..."

"The roof puppet..."

"When the line breaks..."

"Lei Lei Lei..."

Along with the ghostly song, the woman known as the God Master faintly uttered this poetic short sentence... When her last word was still lingering in everyone's ears, those few words Hundreds of imperial guards, like their commander, have fallen in a pool of blood...

Looking at these unrepentant guys, the woman known as the god master sighed: "Without the master, even killing people seems so boring..."

After all, the woman didn't look at these corpses again, turned her head and returned to the cabin...

"..." Hearing the woman's words, Yuan Qianxia blinked helplessly...

Sure enough, at this time, it is still necessary to find the master of the god master quickly, otherwise, when the god master gets mad, he will kill innocent people... You know, only her master Ye Ye can hold her down, and the others , don't even think about it...

Thinking of this, Yuan Qianxia clapped her hands lightly, and more than a dozen white figures knelt at her feet. Looking at the clothes, they were obviously a group of ninjas in white clothes.

"Go to Yangzhou City, look for the traces of Master Ye, don't reveal whereabouts, let alone kill innocent people, understand?" Speaking of this, Yuan Qianxia seems to be afraid that these guys are too upright, and they really can't fight back. It's over... hurriedly added: "Also, protect yourselves, you must know that you belong to Lord God, and you also belong to Lord Ye. Anyone who dares to get your attention can be killed first and then played!"


As the voice fell, these figures disappeared on the deck of the ship in an instant...

Then, Yuan Qianxia looked at the pier where the blood flowed into the river, and sighed helplessly: "It seems that we can't stay here any longer... Forget it, let's go to the Yangtze River and stay in the waterway first!"

After saying these words, she also walked into the cabin, and then, the ship slowly left the pier and headed towards the waterway of the Yangtze River...

In the cabin———

Yuan Qianxia looked at the beautiful girl who had taken off her mask in front of her, and couldn't help but ask, "God Lord, why do you wear a mask when you go out?"

"Ah? Are you talking about this?" The beautiful girl lit up the mask on the floor and said, " body, my heart, my face, everything about me, even my smile , belong only to my master, any other man is not worthy to see..."

"..." Hearing the words of the beautiful girl, Yuan Qianxia couldn't help being speechless for a while...

Well, she knew that her master was controlled by her master, but she never knew that her master was so extreme...

" left Gao Tianyuan privately...if Lord Ye knows..."

"Hee hee... Master is not willing to punish me..."


"Moreover, even if the master punishes me, I will

I accepted it with joy..." Saying this, a morbid smile leaked from the beautiful girl's face, "And ah... that feeling of punishment is super comfortable...Hey, Qianxia, ​​would you like to come with me? How about accepting the master's punishment? "

"Please forgive me for refusing..."

"Hee hee...don't refuse so quickly, you'll know why I love master so much after experiencing master's punishment..."

Chapter 2245

Chapter 2246

At this time, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had already escaped five or six miles away from Yangzhou along the underground canal...

In the creek, after cleaning the filth on the clothes and drying them for a while, the two of them put on their clothes again and ran along the stream towards the mouth of the river...

"Young Master Ling, let me tell you... this time we have developed, that book is definitely a peerless secret book, otherwise, there would not be so many people chasing us!" Kou Zhong walked in the forest, smiling Said to Xu Ziling beside him.

"Ghost's peerless cheats, even if it is really a peerless cheat, you and I can't practice it..."


"Do you know the words on it?"

"Uh...don't know...but I know the painting above..."

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