"Hmm... yes, master!" Himiko responded obediently, and began to dress up... "Please wait a moment, master, Himiko will finish dressing soon, and accompany the master..."

"Uh, it's actually not that troublesome... I'll just go by myself!"

"Doesn't it count if the master wants to talk?" Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Himihu looked like an abandoned kitten, looking at Zhou Ye with reddish eyes: "Master said... I will be with Himihu these days. Together...but now I want to abandon Himiko...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

While talking, Himiko's tears were already streaming down...

I feel pity for that sad little appearance...

Seeing this situation, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while...

Although he knew that Himiko was acting, but... Sure enough, there was no way to ignore it...

"Okay, okay, I see... I'll take you together..." Zhou Ye said, looking at Fu Junmao and Yuan Qianxia, ​​who looked at him expectantly, and said: "Mao Nu will just go with you." Let me go to Danyang City together... um——Qian Xia, you can stay on the boat and cultivate your body..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye looked at Fu Junmao with a surprised face and Yuan Qianxia with a disappointed face and explained: "It's not that I don't want to take Qianxia ashore with you, it's just that you haven't healed yet and you are not suitable for sports, so I let you stay. He was recuperating on the ship..."

Yuan Qianxia, ​​who was already aggrieved and about to cry, instantly wiped away the grievance on her face when she heard Zhou Ye's words...

Knowing that her man is thinking of herself... She felt sweet in her heart.

"Yes, master, Qianxia knows..." Having said this, Yuan Qianxia boldly threw herself into Zhou Ye's arms, stood on tiptoe, lightly pecked his cheek, and said in a low voice: "Master is so concerned Qianxia, ​​Qianxia... Qianxia is so happy..."

After saying this, Yuan Qianxia, ​​like a frightened rabbit, picked up the corner of her skirt and ran out of the cabin...

Looking at Yuan Qianxia's back, Zhou Ye couldn't help but shook his head with a smile...

"Hey, master, Chinatsu is cute..." At this time, Himiko who had finished grooming came up and said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded...

According to the tradition of the Japanese country, Himiko should paint his face with white powder and put his long hair high on the top of his head...

In this way, it will take at least half an hour to take care of it...

However, Zhou Ye really couldn't appreciate that kind of beauty, so she just let her have no makeup and her long hair tied behind her back. That's why Himiko could finish grooming so quickly...

After waiting for a while, Fu Junmao finished washing with the help of the maids...

At this time, Zhou Ye's boat had already berthed at the pier in Danyang City.

Zhou Ye walked off the boat Shi Shiran with the two daughters...

It has to be said that Zhou Ye was originally extremely handsome and eye-catching, and with the two daughters Fu Junmao and Himiko behind him, it will be even more eye-catching.

Although both women were dressed in white samurai uniforms with veils covering their faces...but their exquisite figures alone were enough to attract the attention of many people.

"What a beautiful couple..." An admiration came from the crowd beside...

Zhou Ye heard the words and looked towards the place where the sound came from... When he saw the person who spoke, Zhou Ye suddenly laughed... And that person, when he saw Zhou Ye, almost cried...

Chapter 2254

Chapter 2254

"Hey hey hey..." Zhou Ye rushed in front of the young man who had just started to praise the two girls, and slapped him on the shoulder... said with a smile, "Master, when I saw my brother-in-law, I didn't know how to call him." How about hello?? Huh??"

Feeling the big hand on his shoulder that was pressing down on him like a big mountain, Song Shidao turned his head and said in a weeping voice, "Master...Shidao...have seen my brother-in-law..."

Looking at the handsome face in front of him, who looked two or three years younger than himself, Song Shidao's legs were shaking...

There is no way, he is really afraid of Zhou Ye's death...

Of course he wouldn't think that Zhou Ye was really younger than him... After all, when he was young, Zhou Ye already had this face when he went to the Song Clan to propose marriage. Five or six years have passed, and Zhou Ye is still the same as before. That appearance has not changed at all...

Regarding this, besides saying bt, what else could Song Shidao say? ?

Of course, he also knew that since he was caught by Zhou Ye, he couldn't run away...

Woohoo... so miserable, I knew I wouldn't say too much...

Of course, it's too late to regret it now, since he was caught by his brother-in-law, all he can do is bow obediently and say hello.

"Well, not bad..." Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, and said, "Just now I saw a ship from the Song Clan berthed at the pier. Your kid is... really good!!"

"That... brother-in-law..." Song Shidao's desire to survive was extremely strong, "Look, Uncle Lu is still in the boat, shouldn't you go over there and say hello to him?"

"Haha, don't worry... Since I met you today, we brothers haven't been close for a long time, let's go, accompany me to Danyang City to have breakfast, and then come back to visit Uncle Lu..." Zhou Ye said Without any explanation, he pressed Song Shidao's shoulder and walked towards the outside of the pier...

Among the fellows standing behind Song Shidao, some knew Zhou Ye, and some didn't...

If you don't know Zhou Ye, just reach out

Wanted to help my son... but was held down by those who knew Zhou Ye...

"You are looking for death, don't you know that is our son-in-law??"

"Ah?? So Miss Yuhua married him??"

"Nonsense... Besides, even if Ms. Yuhua didn't marry him, don't make fun of yourself. You know, we lords can't beat our son-in-law!"

"Let me tell you, the word Zhou Ye written on the biggest whetstone in our Lord's Knife Grinding Hall is the name of our son-in-law!"

"Huh?? Then since our lord can't beat the son-in-law, why did he marry the young lady to him?"

"Shh, let me tell you, don't spread the word... It is said that it was because our son-in-law won a bet with our boss, so our boss had to marry the young lady to the son-in-law of!"

"Oh... so it is like this!"

"Don't spread it... Otherwise, when the boss wants to punish you, don't confess me..."

"Don't worry, I, Song Tieci, the most reliable is this one!"

The whispers of the servants behind him naturally couldn't hide from Zhou Ye's ears, but he didn't care...

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong, don't trick me into the Discipline Academy again... If you let daddy find out, I will be beaten to death..." Song Shidao was really afraid of Zhou Ye...

During the period when Zhou Ye lived in the Song Clan in Lingnan, it can be said that Song Shidao’s history of blood and tears... There was blood and tears, coughing and coughing, but there was no corpse...

Why did he trick Song Shidao, who was only fifteen years old, into going to Jiyuan? Why did he deliberately let him destroy his father's whetstone...

In short, Zhou Ye lived in Lingnan for more than a year, and Song Shidao's bigu was more than an inch thick... it was swollen by the family law.

Especially now, my sister is not by Zhou Ye's side, and I can't find anyone to help me if I want to avenge my grievances...

"How is it possible, Shidao, you think too much... Am I that kind of person?" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"..." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Song Shidao looked at Zhou Ye speechlessly, and there were only two words in his eyes to describe - you are...

"Ahem...don't look at me like that, I really didn't cheat you this time..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "Just have breakfast with me, and then I'll let you go, how about it?"

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