But obviously, the concubine Xuan who was born in Cihang Jingzhai was far less unscrupulous than Wanhou who was born in the Yinkui sect... Therefore, she had no choice but to ignore Li Er's shameless behavior.

At this time, an extremely weird scene formed on the pier...

A pair of beauties who looked like fairies stood beside the carriage, looking at the river in the distance... and more than ten meters away, there were more than a dozen young men holding tall horses, standing there, looking at the two beauties ...

This scene made the coolies on the pier secretly speculate...

Of course they didn't dare to go up and disturb these people, but they didn't delay in making up a tortuous love story for these people in their hearts.

Just at this time……

With a crisp bell ringing, another extremely gorgeous carriage drove into the pier...

The carriage drove straight to the side of Shi Feixuan and Zhou Qingxuan, and then stopped.

Concubine Shixuan and Zhou Qingxuan couldn't help frowning when they saw the carriage that appeared suddenly... Then, when they saw the person walking out of the carriage, their brows widened...

I saw two women walking down from the carriage, one was wearing a black dress, and her skin was extremely fair. If Shi Feixuan and Zhou Qingxuan were fairies who fell into the world, then this one was wearing a black dress. The woman in the skirt is an elf who lingers in the world...

And following behind was a woman wearing a red warrior uniform. Although that woman's appearance was not as good as Shi Feixuan and the others, she was still an extremely rare beauty.

"Why doesn't Shuni have to wear a samurai outfit today?" Seeing the two girls getting out of the car, Zhou Qingxuan joked with a smile...

Obviously, the two groups are acquainted... Moreover, it seems that the relationship is quite good.

"No big or small, call me aunt..." Dong Shuni joked with a smile...

"If I yell, I'm afraid that many young masters in Luoyang City will have their hearts broken!"

"Hey, why do you care about those self-confident sentimental guys?" Dong Shuni waved her hands with disdain, and said: "As long as my husband loves me and loves me, then I will chase after him and call me love you every day. It's nothing to give birth to a monkey for you..."

"You girl, my husband didn't learn anything else, but this kind of incomprehensible place, I learned a lot..." Rong Jiaojiao sighed helplessly, and teased...

"Sister Jiaojiao, what she said is the truth, as long as my husband visits me more times, I will lose this face, so what can I do?"

"Okay, okay...you are amazing..." Facing Dong Shuni who dared to love and hate so much, Rong Jiaojiao was speechless for a while...

In fact, why not herself? ?

As long as my husband is willing to come to Luoyang to accompany her a few more times, it is okay to let her do even the most embarrassing things.

However, although this is just a fantasy, it is not impossible...

Thinking of this, Rong Jiaojiao couldn't help thinking of the good mother Shafang, the water girl, and the fire girl who only came to Luoyang a few days ago.

These three people, headed by the good mother Sha Fang, want to snatch the world's most precious treasure and pass on the national jade seal... Of course, Rong Jiaojiao can also see that the good mother Sha Fang and the three daughters of the water girl and the fire girl, although They are also members of the Ming family taught by the Great Ming Zun, but they are all still young, so there is a lot of room for manipulation...

It's better to let her husband subdue them completely, and then kill the Great Zun Xu Kaishan, and completely master the Great Ming Zunjiao... In that way, she won't have to hide it so hard, and she can also please her husband, this is really great ...

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2263

Just when Rong Jiaojiao was secretly thinking...

Suddenly, I heard Shi Feixuan's words... "Here we come..."

Rong Jiaojiao's heart suddenly trembled, and she hurriedly looked into the distance...

I saw a fleet of four large ships slowly sailing towards the pier...

The leading ship is completely different from the other ships, and has a somewhat exotic style... The three big ships that follow are also different from ordinary water transport ships, some of them look like sea ships.

As the fleet got closer...the figure standing on the bow also came into their eyes.


Seeing that figure, the first person who couldn't bear it was Dong Shuni standing beside Rong Jiaojiao...

I saw her, lifting the hem of her skirt, and kicking her embroidered shoes slightly, her whole body flew to the surface of the river like a feather, and then... like a flexible petrel, she took advantage of the water surface and leaped From a distance of more than 100 meters, he jumped to the bow of the ship...

Standing at the bow of the boat, Zhou Ye looked at the slim figure leaping towards him like a fairy in black, and opened his arms with a smile...

"Husband, Nini misses you so much..." As soon as Dong Shuni slipped into the embrace of her day and night thoughts, she tapped her toes without hesitation and blocked someone's jaw...

And Zhou Ye, of course, would not disappoint the beauty, and responded to the expectations of the beauty in his arms...

Everyone on the shore was stunned by this scene...

Of course they were not stunned by Zhou Ye and Dong Shuni's show of affection on the bow of the boat. After all, the distance was too far, and Zhou Ye used the blind spot of his sight to let them see nothing but a man. A woman hugs tightly...

These people were amazed by Dong Shuni's extraordinary dexterity...

Among them, Li Er and Li Shimin are included...

For Dong Shuni, Li Shimin naturally knows...the niece of Wang Shichong, the manager of Luoyang... I heard that Wang Shichong

He treats this niece as his own, and loves her very much.

However, he never knew that Dong Shuni, known as one of Luoyang's second beauties, was actually so good at martial arts...

This really overturned Li Er's cognition a bit.

In particular, Li Shimin knew that Dong Shunic had never married anyone before, so why did she say that about her husband?

Who is this man? ?

Just when he was guessing in his heart...

Zhou Ye's fleet has also arrived at the pier...

Following the people on the pier, they connected the pedals to the big boat, and Zhou Ye also took his women off the boat...

At this time, Dong Shuni was snuggling beside Zhou Ye, her pretty face was blushing with happiness.

What happened next shocked Li Er even more...

I saw that as Zhou Ye stepped off the big boat, Shi Feixuan, Zhou Qingxuan, and Rong Jiaojiao's three daughters all had smiles on their faces, and then went up to them without hesitation...

"Father, you have worked hard all the way..."

"Sword Master... you have worked hard all the way..."

"Husband, you have worked hard all the way..."

Hearing the greetings from the three women with different titles in front of him, Zhou Ye just smiled, and then opened his arms...

Zhou Qingxuan was the first to rush into her father's arms, and then pecked her father's cheek... "Father, I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too, Qingxuan..."

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