Of course, because of Zhou Ye's protection, Qingxuan was not given a loving education by her own mother after all, but she also had to be punished by grounding for half a year.

For this, Qingxuan is so happy...

Since my mother just restrained my feet, but didn't tell me to cut off contact with my father, that's great.

It means that my mother acquiesced in this matter...

Forbidding one's own feet is only for other sisters to see, after all-this wind can't last long.

Therefore, Qingxuan returned to the emperor to step on the peak happily.

As for Zhou Ye, Bi Xiuxin naturally complained...

Complaining hard, Zhou Ye became impatient, so he simply grabbed Bi Xiuxin and entered the house, and gave her some love education.

After this education, Bi Xiuxin immediately became a well-behaved woman, and she never dared to say a word.

Of course, Zhou Ye didn't go too far, asking them to go to bed together, after all, this level was a bit too high, Zhou Ye was afraid that Bi Xiuxin would not be able to accept it for a while.

However, since Bi Xiuxin acquiesced in Qingxuan's actions, would it be far behind to have sex together?

For the past half month, Zhou Ye, accompanied by Li Xiuning and his eldest grandson Wugou, brought his daughters to play everywhere in Luoyang, the eastern capital, every day.

Although, whether it's Rong Jiaojiao or Shi Feixuan, Luoyang, the eastern capital, has long since had nothing to do.

However, playing with my sisters and playing with my lover are completely two concepts...

Therefore, the girls had more fun than Zhou Ye.

It's just that, bringing a group of beautiful beauties to the market, this also brought some small troubles to Zhou Ye... However, before these small troubles came into contact with Zhou Ye, they were turned into a little trouble by Rong Jiaojiao's daughters. invisible.

Troubles in the martial arts world are resolved by Shi Feixuan, the successor of Cihang Jingzhai, the leader of the martial arts world, and troubles in the official world are resolved by Li Xiuning and Dong Shuni.

Therefore, Zhou Ye had a great time playing...

It's just that his leisurely days are probably coming to an end... because someone has set his mind on him.

To the east of Luoyang, more than thirty miles away, there is a town called Wenjiaji...

The population here is dominated by the surname Wen...

Wenjia Town is located on the main road to the Eastern Capital, with many merchants coming and going, it looks very prosperous.

In the town, due to the businessmen coming and going, many inns have been opened, among which the Penglai inn has the largest business.

The business of this Penglai inn is so big, is it because the food in this inn is the best and the rooms are the cleanest? It's just because the owner behind the scenes of this inn is the master of the Wen family...

In this one-third of an acre of land, the Wen family's words are much more effective than the government's.

Therefore, the business of this big house still needs to be taken care of by merchants and locals.

At this time, in the upper room on the second floor of the Penglai Inn, a beautiful woman in white with long hair hanging down her shoulders was sitting on the main seat, listening to the reports from her subordinates.

"Miss, I have already found out... In recent days, Shi Feixuan, the successor of Cihang Jingzhai, has been closing the door to thank guests, and has never discussed the general situation of the world with anyone..." A man in Tsing Yi, Standing respectfully in front of the beauty, he said in a deep voice.

"Oh??" The beauty in white was stunned when she heard the words: "Since the concubine Xuan has said that she will choose a master for the world, why is she so passive and negligent?? Aren't you afraid that the elders behind her will blame you?"

"Hey, miss, I have found out about this small thing..." The man in Tsing Yi smiled and said: "The little one inquired in Luoyang City. These days, the teacher and concubine Xuan said that she was thanking guests behind closed doors, but with a The teenagers in Huayi traveled together...and, beside them, there were seven or eight women together...just the little one who asked about it included the niece of the head of Luoyang, Dong Shuni, and the three daughters of the Li clan's family. Miss Li Xiuning, etc... There are a few other girls, I really can't figure out their identities, but judging by the way they talk and laugh, I think their identities are definitely not low!"

"Young man in Chinese clothes??" Hearing the reply from his subordinates, the beauty in white was taken aback. "Can you find out the identity of that young man in Hua Yi?"

"This... the little one didn't find out, but the little one also approached them and eavesdropped on their conversation..." Speaking of this, the affectionate man thought for a while and said, "It seems that Li Xiuning called him Yelang... ...while the other women either call him Mr. Lang, or Mr. Zhou...that's about it!"

"Zhou Ye??" Hearing this answer, the beauty in white thought for a while before she settled down.

With the name Zhou Ye, the beauty in white is confident that with her photographic memory, if she has heard it before, she will never forget it.

And she had obviously never heard of this person's name in Jiang Hu...

Of course, if you want to say this name, the beauty in white still knows it. After all, hundreds of years ago, the monarch of the powerful Da'an Dynasty, who was as short-lived as a flash in the pan, was called Zhou Ye...

However, the beauty in white obviously wouldn't believe that this Zhou Ye was that Zhou Ye...

After all, in her heart, she did not believe that someone could live for hundreds of years.

Even if some people can live for hundreds of years, they are probably already old, how can they be like a young man? ?

Therefore, the beauty in white regarded Zhou Ye as an unknown pawn in the world...

It's just a fluke that he has the same name as the Emperor Da'an.

"The big dragon ordered us to come and wait for the opportunity to seize the Heshibi. Such treasures must not fall into the hands of others.

Hand..." The woman in white said softly: "It's just that although I brought more than five hundred experts from the village, it's a bit inappropriate to fight at the White Horse Temple...! "

At this moment, an ugly woman standing behind her said, "Miss, why didn't you tie up that Zhou Ye to blackmail that concubine Xuan?" Cihang Jingzhai's little girl, Fanxin is moved... If you tie up her lover, maybe she will be able to offer He's Jade as an offering!"

As soon as the ugly woman spoke, the others immediately frowned at her ugly voice like a night owl's neighing.

Chapter 2277

Chapter 2277

"That's not right..." The beauty in white shook her head, and said, "Since Zhou Ye can win the hearts of many women, he must be an extraordinary character. Capture, but—in Luoyang City, I'm afraid that as long as that person persists for a moment, we will die without a place to bury him."

Hearing the words of the beautiful woman in white, everyone in the room fell silent.

They also knew that what their young lady said was true.

After all, their Wagang Village are all rebels. If they were in the wild on weekdays, they would not be afraid of the Sui army...

But in Luoyang City, they went deep alone, with no support from inside, no reinforcements from outside... Even if they were really going to die without a place to die.

Just when everyone was silent, the eyes of the big man in Tsing Yi who was in charge of investigating suddenly lit up.

"Miss Qibao... I have something to say..."

"Oh?" The beauty in white heard the words, looked at the big man in green, and said, "What do you want to report?"

"When I was following that man today, I overheard that the young man said that Luoyang City has long been tired of playing... complaining that there is nowhere to go... Then a woman said that there is a Luanchuan County a hundred miles south of Luoyang. , there are steep mountains and strange peaks, it is a good place for an outing to escape the summer... That young man seems to be interested..."

The big man in Tsing Yi narrates what he heard and heard...

When the beauty in white heard the words, her eyes lit up... "Okay... with this news, Heshibi will definitely fall into the hands of my Wadang Village..."

Speaking of this, the beauty in white looked at the man in green in front of her and said, "Go back to the White Horse Temple right now and keep an eye on that boy..."


"Others, you are like this..."

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