However, just as he walked to the door, he saw Zeng Xiaoxian with a humble face...

"Gude Mao Ning, the charterer..."

Hearing this line from [Kung Fu], Zhou Ye felt a bit of disharmony... "Gu, you big-headed ghost... It's almost noon, so you still go..."

"Hey hey..." Zeng Xiaoxian laughed a few times, then walked up to Zhou Ye, nodded and said, "Well, Charterer, I have something I want to discuss with you..."

"What's the matter??" Zhou Ye asked a little strangely: "You don't want to move to Yifei's apartment to rent together?? Let me tell you, don't even think about it..."

"No, no, how dare I play Yifei's idea..." Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Isn't my roommate Tie Zhu getting married? It's not appropriate for me to live in a big apartment by myself, so I I just thought, can I find a few people to share the rent with me..."

"It's up to you to figure it out..." Zhou Ye waved his hand... "I'll go up first... By the way, I told Yifei that from now on, the apartment will be called Love Apartment, and you will live in the apartment. As long as the tenants are couples, the utilities will be free and the rent will be halved... Remember... If Yifei forgets to say it, remember to go up and say it..."

As he spoke, he walked into the elevator without waiting for Zeng Xiaoxian to speak again.

"Free water and electricity for couples? Rent halved?" Zeng Xiaoxian first clenched his fists excitedly when he heard this... Then, he calmed down very quickly.

"Wait... There is a charterer here... and there will be lovers?? Charterer, you are teasing me again..."

"With you here, which couple can't break up after living in..."

Talking to himself, the smile on Zeng Xiaoxian's face suddenly disappeared... "Come on, don't think about the free utilities and half the rent..."

Call Zhanbo first... Let's see where he is!

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian took out his phone and dialed a number...

After a while, a tired voice came from the other end of the phone, "Brother..."

"Hey, Zhanbo, where have you been?? Have you left the airport yet?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked hesitantly.

"I, I left the airport a long time ago... But, I got on the wrong bus, bro..." Lu Zhanbo on the other end of the phone had a hint of depression in his voice. "Wait, I saw the police uncle in front... I'll go to him and ask the way..."

"Okay, come here quickly..." Zeng Xiaoxian hung up the phone speechlessly...

Lu Zhanbo and him are a reorganized family, his mother married Lu Zhanbo's father...

Well, according to the original plot, it shouldn't be like this... But, there is no way - who told Zhou Ye not to want Hu Yifei to get involved with Lu Zhanbo? ?

Among other things, with Hu Yifei's carefree personality, if she and Lu Zhanbo grew up together, how many invisible benefits would be given to Lu Zhanbo.

So—under Zhou Ye's interference, Hu Yifei's old mother did not get divorced...

But maybe because of the butterfly effect, Hu Yifei's old mother didn't get divorced, but Zeng Xiaoxian's old mother got divorced and married Lu Zhanbo's father...

So - Lu Zhanbo became Zeng Xiaoxian's younger brother.

This is really a speechless thing...

Cough cough, less gossip...

After finishing calling his younger brother Lu Zhanbo, Zeng Xiaoxian walked directly to the wedding venue.

At this time, Zhou Ye had already returned to room 3603 in his own room.

Back in his room, Zhou Ye looked at the neatly cleaned room and couldn't help but nodded... Obviously, although he doesn't come back to live in this room often, people still come to clean it...

Hu Yifei is the only one who has the room key besides him, so who is cleaning the room for him? ?

Forget it, don't want to...

Go get some sleep first...

During the big gathering last night, he did not irrigate his own fields...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye stepped into his room, took off his clothes, and jumped onto the soft big bed... Smelling the familiar body fragrance on the quilt, he slowly fell into sleep...

after an hour--

In the community garden, the wedding officially started...

Listening to the host who was stirring up the atmosphere on the stage——Zeng Xiaoxian announced the new rules of the love apartment——[Rent for couples will be halved, water and electricity will be free]...

Under the stage, Lu Ziqiao, who was wearing a priest's attire, showed a look of surprise on his face.

Water and electricity are all free, and the rent is halved. What is the concept? ?

This is equivalent to - in Shanghai, living in the city center while spending the rent of living in the suburbs.

Grass holding, such a cheap thing, how could he not think of a way to live in it? ?

But, the problem now is——

He currently lacks a girlfriend...

Of course, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have girlfriends, he has too many ex-girlfriends, but the problem is - he doesn't want to live here with any of them, if he calls them, he will die in the future...

What a joke, he hasn't played enough...

How could he leave a forest behind and tie himself to a tree with a crooked neck and hang him all at once? ?

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw Mika standing aside, looking longingly at the host...

Lu Ziqiao also saw the scene where she hugged the charterer and kissed her forcibly just now.

In this regard, he can only express

Show - I can't afford to provoke...

However, now, this girl is obviously planning to live in the iPartment, so she can get the moon first if she is close to the water.

So can he take this opportunity? ?

With an attitude of giving it a try, Lu Ziqiao walked up to Meijia, and said politely: "Hi, Miss, I think you are also very interested in this love apartment... why don't we pretend to be a couple and live in it together?" How about it???"

However, what surprised Lu Ziqiao was——

Meijia glanced at him and said disdainfully: "I'm not short of money, why should I pretend to be a couple with you?? Idiot..."

Chapter 2587 Scoundrel, how long will you torture me?

Chapter 2587

Hearing what Meijia said, Lu Ziqiao was embarrassed...

He could only touch his nose resentfully, and walked towards the next target...

Looking at Lu Ziqiao's back, Meijia made a grimace... "Slightly slight..."

No matter how poor she was, she still had a lot of money for renting a house. Besides... She wanted to live in it for Zhou Ye, so why would she label herself as a xxx girlfriend? ? Are you stupid? ?

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