Chapter 2599 Yes, one hits two...

Chapter 2599

At this time, Zhou Ye was kissing Wanyu under him, while playing with her slit, while the other hand was gently rubbing Mika's tender white tiger hole.

Meijia and Wanyu closed their beautiful eyes in shame, allowing Zhou Ye to play tricks on them, making seductive sounds one after another.

Before I knew it, ten minutes had passed...

The clothes on the two girls had already been stripped off by Zhou Ye...

Feeling the wetness from both hands, Zhou Ye knew... Both of them were ready.

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and hugged Mika...

Just now because Zhou Ye stopped rubbing, Meijia and Wanyu, who regained a little sanity, were shocked to find that the two of them had somehow become hugging each other.

Wan Yu looked at Mika in her arms in confusion, not knowing what Zhou Ye meant.

The same is true for Mijia... She doesn't know why Zhou Ye picked her up and put her on Wanyu's body.

At this time, the images of the two are Wanyu lying on the bed with her legs spread apart and slightly arched... while Meijia is riding on Wanyu's body with her arms outstretched and her legs wide open.

Neither of them understood what Zhou Ye was doing by arranging them like this...

However, at this moment, Zhou Ye gently pulled Mika's legs...

Mika, who lost her balance in an instant, lay on Wanyu's body, the two of them connected to each other with their pubic bones, and their nipples rubbed against each other...

The strange feeling coming from the three sensitive positions immediately made the two girls groan softly...

"Ye... what are you going to do?"


Just as the two girls said their words, they suddenly felt that a hot cock was being pressed against the seam of their lower body...

Then Zhou Ye held his thick cock and gently rubbed it up and down at the seam between the two girls.

I have to say, that feeling is really ecstasy...

The pleasure of rubbing the dimples between the meat stick man's crown and the meat seam made the two girls feel as if they were getting an electric shock, and it was difficult to hold on to themselves...

Unknowingly, Meijia and Wanyu hug each other tightly...


"Ye, don't...ah...don't..."

Listening to the groans from the mouths of the two women, seeing the viscous and transparent body fluid flowing out from the gap between their flesh... Zhou Ye smiled.

After rubbing up and down for more than a hundred times, he slammed his cock against Wanyu's slightly opened pussy... Then he straightened his waist, and his thick cock instantly penetrated into Wanyu's tight virgin hole...

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Wanyu felt as if her whole body was being torn apart. The pain was so unbearable, she couldn't help but hugged Mijia in her arms... desperately spread her legs to clamp Mika... "Ye, it hurts so much... ah... no more..."

Although she didn't know what Zhou Ye did behind her, but seeing Wan Yu's miserable appearance, Mika also knew that Zhou Ye's cock must have been inserted into Wan Yu's pussy...

Although there was some jealousy in her heart, perhaps it was the friendship between the two who fought side by side, which made her feel a little pity for Wanyu...

Meijia hugged Wanyu and comforted her in a low voice: "It's doesn't will be fine in a good..."

At this time, Zhou Ye, who was standing behind the two of them, gently played with Wan Yu's clitoris, so that Wan Yu could get rid of the pain of breaking the melon early.

Of course, because of the relationship between Meijia and Wanyu's pubic bone, Zhou Ye squeezed Wanyu's clitoris, and at the same time let him touch Meijia's clitoris.

Under the light, in Meijia's white and tender pink flesh like a baby, because Zhou Ye fiddled with her clitoris, transparent liquid slowly flowed out...

In the slightly opened pink flesh powder, a viscous liquid dripped down slowly—like a pearl in a jade oyster, extremely beautiful.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Zhou Ye couldn't help it...

He directly picked up Mika's legs and lifted them up...

"Hey! Ye... what are you going to do...ah!" Mika suddenly felt her lower body being hugged, and suddenly felt something wet and hot, which penetrated into the seam of her flesh, that indescribable feeling of pleasure , She couldn't say a word anymore... Only moaning was left... "Ye... Ye... Don't... Don't go inside... Ah!!"

And at this time, Wan Yu also felt that her body was much didn't hurt so much...

After noticing that the tunnel that was tightly holding his cock had become less tight, Zhou Ye knew that Wanyu wasn't in so much pain anymore... she had almost gotten used to it, and it was time to start the next move.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye gently retracted his waist, and then moved forward...

As Zhou Ye's cock moved in and out of Wanyu's pussy, he made a piston movement.

A feeling that Wan Yu had never experienced surged into her heart...Unknowingly, she began to follow the rhythm of the cock in and out, and moaned in her mouth: "Ah... ah..."

On the other hand, Mika, who was shaking her head desperately after being played with by Zhou Ye's tongue, was also a little bit uncontrollable...

The tongue is not a cock after all, it lacks some feeling...

In desperation, Meijia directly lowered her head and kissed Wanyu fiercely.

And at this time, Wanyu, who was already being fucked by Zhou Ye's cock and couldn't control herself, was already a little distracted... She didn't notice that it was not Zhou Ye who kissed her, but Mika


Seeing the actions of the two girls in front of him, Zhou Ye smiled slightly...then quickened his movements.

As Zhou Ye's movements accelerated... Wan Yu became more and more unable to hold herself back.

Every time the crown of Zhou Ye's thick cock scraped against the folds of her vagina, Wan Yu felt that her soul was going to be blown out.

That feeling made Wan Yu go crazy...

She desperately sucked the sweetness in Mijia's mouth, her fragrant tongue was entangled with Mijia's tongue desperately.

Five or six minutes later... Wanyu let go of Mijia's tongue suddenly, hugged Mijia tightly with her hands, stretched her legs upwards desperately, even stretched her toes upwards desperately... her whole body was like a convulsion Trembling desperately, a long moan came out of his mouth... "Ah—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————!!"!"

At the same time, Zhou Ye also felt a stream of heat from Wan Yu's body spraying on his glans...

Zhou Ye knew——Wanyu's first orgasm came...

At this moment, he put down Mika's cock, stretched out his hand, and hugged the two of them tightly in his arms, and then pressed his cock firmly against Wanyu's cervix... Gently twisting Ass moving, grinding up...

This kind of action brought Wan Yu, who had already reached her climax, to another peak in an instant... "Ah----I can't take it anymore... Ye... Don't... Don't...Ah!!!"

With a long scream, Wan Yu completely collapsed on the bed.

Chapter 2600 what a perfect day

Chapter 2600

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