"Okay!" Diana took Zhou Ye and jumped directly onto her small sailboat and sailed towards the outside world: "Dad, I won't call you father, what will I call you?"

"Just call me darling...Baby 1"

"Dear? Is that so?"

"That's right, baby, that's it!"

"Dear, dear... Hee hee, it seems that such a title is not bad!"

As the voices of the two drifted away, Diana's little sailboat finally disappeared on the sea. At the highest point of the island, Hippolyta sighed until she could no longer see the shadow of her daughter's boat. With a sigh, he leaned against the wall and returned to his bedroom...

Feeling the strange feeling of numbness and crispness coming from under him, Hippolyta couldn't help but blushed slightly and snorted: "This bastard... just leave, you will harm people before you leave..."

Having said this, she couldn't help but sighed and muttered to herself, "I'm starting to miss you now, what should I do, dear..."

And now on the sea...

Diana was hugging Zhou Ye and asking 100,000 why...

"Why is that ship smoking?"

"Why do people make such machines that pollute the environment?"

"Why do humans eat meat from other animals...?"

Zhou Ye was finally annoyed by the question, so he simply pressed Diana on the deck... I came to a sunrise trip on the sea, facing the rising sun, made this move...

The battle this time was really dark and dark. It didn't end until the night stars covered the sky. Zhou Ye had to admire his cheap daughter. The blood of a demigod was worthy of being a demigod. To be able to entangle with myself for such a long time...

"Dad, what is good? What is evil?" Diana murmured as she leaned into Zhou Ye's arms.

"Huh..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly. Seeing that his daughter was still struggling with this issue, he simply said, "There is no complete good and no real evil in the world, there are only relative good and evil. , maybe everyone's view of good and evil is different..."

"What is your view of good and evil, Dad?" Diana asked curiously.

"What's good for me is good, and what's bad for me is evil!" Zhou Ye grinned, "Everyone is like this...!"

"Then what is my good and evil?" Diana was a little confused.

"If there is a person, everyone says he is kind, but he wants to kill me, is he good or evil?" Zhou Ye thought for a while, and then asked in a good manner.

"Great evil..." Diana blurted out without even thinking about it, actually wanting to kill her favorite father, he is not evil, what is evil?

"But people say he is a kind person?" Zhou Ye continued to induce.

"Then he is also a villain, at least to me, he is a villain!" Diana did not change her mind at all.

"Baby, isn't this your good and evil?" Zhou Ye smiled.

"What's good for Dad, those who help Dad are kind, those who are bad for Dad are evil, and those who want to hurt Dad are evil, I understand Dad!" Diana nodded firmly. From this moment, she had no more Confused, her view of good and evil was completely distorted by Zhou Ye...

Chapter 302

half year later------

A tall and fit brunette, holding an incomparably handsome blond boy, roams the streets of London, looking up at the sky above her head, obscured by black smoke from forest-like chimneys, the city He is already worthy of his title of fog.

"Dad, why are we coming to this damn place?" The black-haired girl was exactly Diana who had traveled most of the world with Zhou Ye.

In the past six months, Zhou Ye took her to the Oriental World to see, to see the Eastern commoners who were dying under the opium of British merchants, and the innocent people whose homes were destroyed by opium, and then went to India. Take a look around and take a look at the ordinary people who are dying under the iron shoes of the British colonists.

In the end, Zhou Ye took her to the American continent to see how this country, which advertises freedom, justice and justice, treats the Indians who helped their ancestors descended from the Mayflower to gain a foothold in the American continent.

Indian slaughter orders, scalp-for-dollar orders, Thanksgiving...? This is simply the greatest blasphemy on the word gratitude.

Diana was completely misled by Zhou Ye. Now she doesn't have any good feelings for these countries in Europe and the United States. In her opinion, any natural and man-made disasters suffered by these countries are caused by herself and deserve it.

Now even if Diana is released alone, it is estimated that there will only be one Wonder Woman, and there will be no more so-called Wonder Woman... Zhou Ye felt very satisfied with his life education.

"Of course we are here to do business!" Zhou Ye frowned and looked at the narrow neighborhood where coal ash was floating everywhere. He also hated London in this era. It's really a shame for those European environmentalists in later generations Criticize the sandstorm in my great Kyoto. No matter how bad the environment of my great Kyoto is, it is a hundred times better than London, the world's most advanced and fashionable metropolis of this era.

"I feel like I can't breathe, Dad..." Diana looked at the gray sky with disgust, and mocked: "This is the justice that the lieutenant advertised? Ha..."

"That's why I said that the definition of justice in everyone's heart is different. We just need to implement our own justice!" Zhou Ye smiled and corrected Diana's view of universal justice. The thing he is most proud of.

"That's right, Dad!" At this moment, Diana had already reached the point of blind obedience to Zhou Ye. Even if Zhou Ye said that the whole European continent was to be landed for the sake of world peace, she would not hesitate to implement Zhou Ye's idea. .

"But I still hate it here, because they stain the new boots you gave me!" Diana said dissatisfiedly, looking at the little black mud spots on her new boots.

"Okay, it looks like we need a means of transportation!" Zhou Ye smiled and hugged Diana's slender waist as he stood on the side of the street.

It didn't take long for the two to see a carriage drawn by two horses coming towards them. A violet sword and shield badge was hung on the side wall of the carriage, which was obviously a carriage belonging to a nobleman.

The luxurious carriage stopped in front of Zhou Ye, a smiling face wearing a white fur hat stuck out the carriage window, looked at Zhou Ye and said with a smile: "Hey, do I need to take you for a ride? Handsome gentleman !"

"Of course, I will never reject the kindness of a beautiful lady!" Zhou Ye replied with a smile, the door of the carriage was opened from the inside, and Zhou Ye pulled Diana into the carriage naturally.

Diana is now immune to this situation. Only in the big world outside does she really know how destructive her father's face is to women.

While they were still at sea, a French noblewoman forced the captain to stop the ship, just to pick her up with her father, and even kindly invited herself to travel around the world with her...

Zhou Ye also agreed to their invitation unreservedly. Although Diana was a little jealous at first, but later found out that those ladies had just lost their wives and lost their soldiers. Zhou Ye didn't look down on them at all, and let them stay. In front of him was like a peacock with an open screen, and he didn't plan to go to their chuang at all. In the end, it was Diana herself who was the cheapest.

So now Diana is no longer jealous. Anyway, her father was just teasing them. Besides, in the past six months, except when Zhou Ye flew with Diana when the distance was too far, most of the time he was relying on With an incomparably beautiful face, eating, drinking and squatting...

Those ladies also both love and hate Zhou Ye. They love his witty words like pearls, as if there is no problem in the world to get him This guy just can't get on their chuang?

It's like a piece of fat hanging in front of their eyes. It seems that they can swallow it in one bite, but in the end, they can't eat it. A few noble ladies almost want the overlord to bow to the bow... But in order not to destroy their Zhou Dynasty. The image in front of Ye, they had to swallow hard and pretend to be serious, the ugly and amusing Diana often couldn't help snickering.

It seems that this is another new hook... Diana smiled and looked at the lady in the fur coat in front of her, as if waiting for a good show.

"Sir doesn't look like a Londoner?" The lady in a fur coat started to want to touch Zhou Ye's bottom as soon as she arrived, "Is this your first time in London?"

"Yes, I came to London to find someone!" Zhou Ye took out a piece of paper written in English from his pocket and handed it to the lady. "If it's convenient, can you send me here first?"

"No problem!" The lady was also very straightforward. She casually opened the small window behind her that was connected to the driver in front, and handed the piece of paper over, "Sirens, send this gentleman to this place first!"

"Okay, ma'am!" came the coachman's reply through the small window.

"It seems that the person you are looking for is also a great person!" Although it was only a glance, the lady had clearly seen the address on the piece of paper. "The West End is a place where the rich and powerful gather, where you can find the most powerful people in the UK, and the richest people!"

"I'm visiting Sir Patrick, and I need to ask him about something!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"My God, you know Sir Patrick?" The lady covered her mouth with a goose feather fan, looking surprised.

"Is Sir Patrick already so famous?" Zhou Ye looked surprised.

"Sir Patrick is the leading figure in the hot conservative faction right now. The peace proposal he advocates is so heartwarming... He is such a peace-loving gentleman." The lady also seemed to be a conservative.

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