"Then let's play for a while before going back?"

"Okay, I still have a lot of things I haven't tried with my dad..."

The two walked out of the apartment while chatting, and never showed up in London again...

Chapter 304

Just when Zhou Ye took Diana to travel around Europe, some people were thinking about him————

"This person has no past in this world, let alone a future in this world, he only has a present, what the hell is going on?"

In a dark cave, only a pile of burning firewood in the open space gave off a golden light. Yes, the light from this bonfire was golden.

There were three women sitting beside the bonfire. One of them had an old face with loose silver hair draped over her shoulders, while the woman sitting on her left wore a black veil that covered all her features, making people feel There is no way to confirm her appearance and age, and there is a young and beautiful woman with a motherly smile on her face, as if a young woman is looking at her child.

It was the old-faced woman who uttered the above sentence, and saw that she was holding a pair of dark scissors, and without hesitation, she pulled out the gold thread from the young woman's hand and passed through the hand of the black-veiled woman. shear.

The cut gold thread fluttered and fell directly into the bonfire surrounded by three people. Whenever an elderly woman cut a golden thread, a sad expression appeared on the young woman's face.

They are the three goddesses of fate in Greek mythology. The kind and beautiful young woman Crosso represents the new life, while the woman whose face is covered is the unpredictable fate represented by the second sister Lachesis. The old man who cuts the golden thread with scissors The woman is Atropos, who represents death.

What they were discussing now was a thread of destiny that would never stop cutting no matter what, a thread that Croso could not find a beginning, and that Lachesis could not exert any force of destiny on it, and the scissors of Atropos could not at all. Cut this line, even this line is illusory, she can't touch it at all.

This sudden thread of fate made their brains hurt, and they couldn't see the connecting part of this thread even after applying divine power...

This is not the worst, the worst is that the thread even mischievously found the hundreds of fate threads that they had deliberately hidden and tangled with them, and by its light, they could no longer control There are hundreds of fate lines.

"This... what's going on?" The boss of the goddess of fate, the old Atropos has been fighting this line for a long time. According to the time of the mortal world, it has been at least a thousand years, but he still can't break the line. root line.

She is exhausted...

"I think I probably know what's going on!" sounded in vain, and then a Valkyrie wearing a golden armor, holding a shield and a javelin suddenly appeared in the cave.

"Athena..." The three goddesses all stood up suddenly, the boss Atropos said rudely: "We have done everything we promised you, what are you doing now?"

"Of course, of course I know that you have done everything you promised me!" Athena smiled and walked gracefully to the three of them, "My stupid brother killed my father, and my selfish The eldest father thought that he could kill my stupid brother by leaving a backhand, but the backhand was cut off... This is really a sad story!"

"Hehe, your father's backhand is probably the backhand you left on purpose!" Atropos had already seen through the guy who was known as the goddess of war, "You want your sister, Diana, to spread the gods among the world. Glory, I want to revive the glory of the Greek gods again, but unfortunately, you can't control the fate of your sister now, right?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Athena laughed: "If it wasn't for such a plan, how could my stupid brother kill Apollo, Hephaestus, and kill him? Hermes, most importantly, if I hadn't stolen my father's lightning rod, how could he have killed my father?"

"Why did you plan all this?" Atropos asked, "Is it just so that only the goddess is left among the twelve gods?"

"Of course, isn't that bad?" Athena said with a smug smile: "The ancient era was the era of matriarchal clans. That era was the most peaceful era, with no wars and no destruction. Let's see what happened later? Those men have come to power, they are greedy, they are full of destructive desires, they wage wars for their own sake and destroy thousands of families, so... I want to reproduce the style of the ancient times, and I want female gods to completely rule the world! "

"You're really crazy..." Atropos murmured.

"No, of course I'm not crazy, I'm very awake, I've been planning this for thousands of years, and now it's only the last step!" Athena said, glanced at Atropos, and said : "If I am crazy? Don't forget that you are not much better. You are also my accomplices. Without your help to cover up fate, how could those male gods die in the hands of Ares!"

"I..." Atropos wanted to defend herself, but she couldn't say anything. After all, she was also one of the ones who was persuaded by Athena at that time.

"Okay, let's separate the runaway fate line and take the last step!" Athena said, using the spear in her hand to lightly tap the illusory fate line with no head and no tail. In her opinion, She will definitely break that fate line, so that Amazon's fate will return to her hands, but... but nothing happened.

"Oh, Ya

Dana, you can't either..." Atropos was very happy to see this woman shriveled, although she couldn't move the fate line, but when she saw someone like her, she couldn't help but feel happy.

"You haven't walked out of the cave at the foot of this world tree for too long, and your thoughts have become rigid!" Athena ignored Atropos' mockery, but raised her circular shield with a calm expression. The entangled fate line of the Amazon family took a picture, and a phantom appeared on the shield, which was the image of Zhou Ye and the Amazon girls. "In the ancient East, there is an old saying called follow the vine, we don't need to find the beginning and end of this fate line, we just need to find the person who is entangled with him!"

Following Athena's voice, Zhou Ye's image finally stayed on her shield, "Look, I have found the owner of this fate line... Now, it's up to you! Lachesis!"

Lachesis, who was wearing a black veil, nodded silently, and pointed to the image of Zhou Ye on the shield with her finger. On her raised finger, there was a trace of black ominous mist, which was called destiny. malicious.

I saw the black mist fluttering and flying towards the shield Zhou Ye's image. After hitting the shield, the mist was stained with a hint of golden aura, and the black mist mixed with golden aura turned to face the headless road. The tailless fate line flies away...

When approaching the golden fate line, the mist quickly entangled in it, dyeing the entire fate line black...

Chapter 305

On the other hand, Zhou Ye was traveling with his good daughter Diana in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Although the Europeans had completely turned their brains into dogs during the First World War, I have to say that there is still a place for peace. For example, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, etc. This time Zhou Ye chose Spain as the target.

"It looks really good here..." Diana looked at the port city where people were still living peacefully, but there were more cargo ships from other countries in the port.

"Of course, the place I chose is the best!" Zhou Ye replied, of course he wouldn't choose those inland countries in Europe. If nothing else, war refugees were a big problem.

If Diana gets there, she may be in a bad mood again. Although Spain is also a neutral country, but separated by a strait, those refugees will not choose this place first. It is more the first choice of the rich and aristocrats...

"Okay baby, I'll take you to eat a famous Spanish dish. I remember eating it once, and it feels good!" Zhou Ye still remembers the taste of the roast suckling pig he ate in the [Flying Eagle Project], and he had no choice but to eat it. Say, it's not really good.

Just when he was holding Diana and was going to find a local person to inquire about the food information, he suddenly felt his foot stumble, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

With Zhou Ye's reaction speed, he couldn't fall at all. He stopped there in a strange posture, and his whole body was at a forty-five degree angle to the ground. In order to hide his unnaturalness, he hurriedly supported him with his hand. ground.

Only at this time did he realize that on the ground, there was a twenty centimeter-long cargo box rivet standing there with its sharp part facing upwards. This situation is quite strange. What is this? Death is coming?

Zhou Ye's brows furrowed. Since he gained superhuman strength, he has never fallen, not to mention the weird rivets in front of him. These are the nails used on cargo ships to drive down the wooden boxes that hold valuables. That's right, this is a port, and it's not wrong to have such a thing, but if it appears in front of me, and I just happen to fall, it's not right...

Zhou Ye glanced around casually, but he didn't see anyone who made him feel very wrong, and he didn't feel anyone tripping over him when he just fell.

...is it really my own problem? Is this really an accident? Zhou Ye thought a little unconfidently.

"Dad, what happened?" Diana asked, looking at Zhou Ye, who was lying on the ground in a strange posture.

"No, it's nothing, baby, let's find a place where we can taste the local specialties!" Zhou Ye shook his head and stood up. For the time being, let's take this as an accident. Now he doesn't want to accompany his daughter. The good times were screwed up.

"Well, let's go, Dad!" Diana hugged Zhou Ye's arm happily, and the two walked towards the city like a close couple.

Nothing happened along the way, Zhou Ye also slowly let go of his vigilance, and took Diana to search for well-known local delicacies. In the end, the two chose a restaurant called 7portes. It is said that the seafood here good meal...

The two of them both ordered a tasting. Zhou Ye felt that apart from being a little saltier, it was not bad. Of course, the spring rolls here were also good. They were not Cantonese-style spring rolls, but the translated name was called spring rolls.

After eating, the two came to the Boqueria Market, the most beautiful market in Spain, which is known as the must-have for gluttons. Here, Diana, like a puppy who is happy, will taste the bread on this stall for a while. , I took a sausage from the stall for a while, and a brightly colored popsicle in my hand after a while.

It's just a rhythm that feels like the mouth is not enough.

Zhou Ye smiled and helped Diana pay the bill behind her. When he left the UK, Zhou Ye exchanged gold for a lot of pounds. In this era when the pound was still strong, this thing was better than Spanish currency.

"Hey, boy, your girlfriend is such a lovely girl!" An old lady in an apron rejected Zhou Ye's pound and said, "It's just a small piece of bread, just treat her as if I invited her to eat!"

"Thank you so much!" Zhou Ye thanked him politely and hurriedly ran after Diana again.

Go, my daughter seems to be short of snacks when she was a child. Now is this to avenge the days when she was a child without snacks? Just turned into a foodie...

Just as Zhou Ye finished paying the bills one by one and was about to find his daughter, he suddenly heard a strange [bang] sound, as if a heavy object had fallen from something...

Zhou Ye followed the sound and saw a ham shop next to him. Above the door of the shop, there was a row of large prosciutto. It just so happened that one prosciutto seemed to be unhooked from the hook and fell off. It hit the chopping board below, and the weight of the ham happened to hit the handle of the ham-cutting knife on the chopping board. This time, the sharp knife flew up and stabbed Zhou Ye's head in a circle in mid-air. come over.

"Nima..." Although Zhou Ye was not afraid of swords and spears, he didn't plan to use his head to pick up the sharp knife.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." The owner of the ham shop only realized at this time that his sharp knife had almost caused a catastrophe, so he hurried out of the shop and apologized to Zhou Ye.

"It's nothing, just be careful when placing knives in the future!" Zhou Ye saw at a glance that the shopkeeper was really ignorant, and he didn't plan to kill, but returned the sharp knife to him.

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