"To be fair, I'm the most fair person. You owe me thirty-seven thorns, and I won't pay you back more than once!" Zhou Ye smiled. It was at this moment that his figure suddenly turned into a streamer. After reaching the woman's back, her hands tightly grasped her arms, and her legs were twisted by her legs.

"This is... what trick!" The woman only felt that her limbs were suddenly locked by copper locks, unable to move. "Didn't you say you wanted to stab me? How could you stab me like this!"

"Humph... Men are different from women, I can still stab like this..."

"Ah—what did you stab me with, it hurts..."

"It won't hurt to see you in a while, darling..."


I don't know when, Zhou Ye let go of the woman, and the woman also threw the sword in her hand to the ground. The two engaged in a dangerous close hand-to-hand fight.

The two fought from the forest to the water, from the water to the shore, and from the shore to the tree. During this period, the woman begged for mercy several times, but they were all ignored by the cruel Zhou Ye. After that, isn't he too mean?

It wasn't until the woman completely fainted that Zhou Ye revealed a triumphant smile and left the spoils in the woman's body.

Chapter 316

At this moment, on the Bamboo Sea Yayuan flying in the sky, the old mother Lishan felt a chill. She suddenly felt that she deliberately embarrassed Zhou Ye and asked him to go to Lishan to find the connection between the cave and the sky. Was it a wrong decision?

"Master, try this!" The little white snake came over with a cup of coffee, and with a well-behaved appearance, handed it to the mother Lishan. "This is the foreign tea that my brother got from a place called Yidaili, what did he say it was called..."

"Good boy..." The folds on Lishan's mother's face were much more numerous. She took the coffee from the little white snake and took a sip. A strong fragrance of the cow girl and the sweetness of the sugar cube filled her. In the mouth, under the fragrance and sweet taste of Nuo, there is still a trace of burnt bitterness. Under the background of this bitter taste, the fragrance of Nuo is more intense. "Well, good, really good!"

Little White Snake didn't see the same expression on the mother Lishan's face when he drank coffee for the first time, and said in disappointment: "Master actually likes this bitter taste..."

How could the old mother Lishan not see that the little white snake brought coffee on purpose, and wanted to see her frown, she laughed and scolded: "Naughty!"

In other words, human subjective will has always been unfair.

If you see someone pleasing to the eye, you will feel very happy when she does something, even if it is a harmless little joke, you will only find it cute, but if you see someone unpleasant, no matter what he does Correct, you will feel unpleasant, this is what people often say.

Obviously, the old mother Lishan felt that this cute little white snake was very fond of her.

"Master, how long will it take for us to arrive!" Little White Snake said coquettishly, lying in the arms of Lishan's mother.

"Let the teacher take a look!" The old mother Lishan used her supernatural powers and looked down, "We have already entered the Qin Kingdom, and we will be there in a while!"

"It's so slow..." Little White Snake sighed softly.

"You, I miss your brother!" Lishan's mother has lived for thousands of years, how can she not see the little white snake's careful thoughts?

"Well, my brother and I have never been separated for such a long time..." Little White Snake nodded and said naturally: "I miss my brother so much now!"

"Hey, what a fate!" Lishan's mother was good at seeing people. In her opinion, Zhou Ye's head was covered with suffocation, and he was covered in peach blossoms.

But when she looked at her new apprentice, she was afraid that Zhou Ye's heart had long been attached to her. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to give her apprentice an insurance. "Disciple!"

"Master? What's the matter?" Little White Snake asked worriedly when she saw the face of Lishan's mother.

"You are of a different kind, with a strange body. If you fall in love with a mortal person, you can't make out with them until the snake body disappears. Otherwise, that person's life will be hard to save, and ghosts and spirits will be hard to save..." Lishan's mother explained word by word. .

"No... can't... make out with him?" The little white snake trembled as if struck by lightning... Why didn't she want to leave Zhou Ye's side, it was because she thought of herself and her age and gave her innocence to her own brother.

She eats and lives with Zhou Ye. Every morning when she wakes up, she sees Zhou Ye's lofty pillar. Gradually, she has grown up and knows what it is... If she wants to be bigger, she will give herself to her. Zhou Ye.

This year, according to the human algorithm, she has transformed into a human body that is already twelve years old, and there are only three years left when she reaches the age of 12.

But... but her master actually told herself that if she really made out with her brother, she would kill him... She suddenly felt that her mind was blank, and there was only one sentence left [that person's life is hard to save, ghosts and spirits are hard to come by. Rescue] lingering in her mind...

"Children—" Mother Lishan sighed slightly as she looked at the little white snake who was stunned. In fact, she concealed some things. Although Zhou Ye himself had no cultivation, his physical body was stronger than that of the Twelve Great Witches of the ancient times. With such a physical body, her mere toxins couldn't help Zhou Ye at all.

She doesn't actually have any malice, she just wants the little white snake to be more mature and make her own choice when she sees her relationship more clearly.

In her opinion, her apprentice is probably too young to tell the difference between family and love, etc.

When she is older, she will naturally know what she loves in her heart.

"Why is this happening..." The murmuring little white snake repeated this sentence over and over again, "Why...why is this happening!"

"Children, why are you obsessed with this, meditate early, study and practice diligently, and get rid of the snake body is the right way!" The old mother Lishan finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted angrily. The little white snake who was stuck in a dead end was dragged out.

The little white snake's eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole person suddenly recovered a little color. She tidied up her clothes and bowed respectfully in front of the old mother Lishan: "Master, my disciple is willing to serve the master day and night, just to get rid of the snake's body as soon as possible."

Saying that, the little white snake kowtowed three times to the old mother Lishan.

In this life, I have cultivated alchemy and attained the Tao, not for longevity in the world, but only to spend the rest of my life with you.

In this life, I am willing to endure the pain of thousands of cuts and slashes and fade away from the snake body, just to go to the covenant of life and death with you.

brother, wait for me...

"Hey, Chi'er—injustice!" The old mother Lishan looked at the tenacity in the eyes of the little white snake, how could she not know that she was self-defeating, and instead let the child fall into it even more.

"Please complete the master, please complete the master, please complete the master..." Xiao Bai Snake kowtowed, and Bai Nen's forehead had turned blood red.

"Okay, get up, it's still my fault!" Lishan's mother felt as if she had done something wrong, and doing so seemed to bring a catastrophe to the world... "I promise you for the teacher! "

There was a hint of joy on the face of the little white snake when she heard the words, but she seemed to have grown up overnight, and she no longer looked cute and cute, and her face was as tight as a little adult.

Before you know it, in the Zhuhai Yayuan, you can already see Mount Li in the distance.

"Hey, mother, it's coming so fast!" A voice sounded out of thin air, and then a figure condensed in front of the two of them, followed by a coy little sister paper behind him.

"My disciple Zhong Wuyan pays a visit to his master!" Sister Zhi didn't dare to greet her master so carelessly as Zhou Ye.

"Teacher, the birthmark on your face..." The old mother Lishan saw at a glance that her apprentice was no longer perfect, and the birthmark on her face had disappeared.

From the tenderness in the eyes she glanced at Zhou Ye from time to time, how could the old mother Lishan not think of who broke her body?

"Lishan old beggar, what have you done to my sister?" A loud shout interrupted the thoughts of Lishan's mother.

Chapter 317

As soon as Zhou Ye appeared, the first thing he noticed was the swelling on the forehead of his younger sister, Little White Snake. The big, watery and cute eyes were still red, and it was obvious that she had just cried...

Especially when he saw that his sister no longer flew into his arms like before, but instead stood behind the old mother Li Shan like a little adult.

Zhou Ye's anger suddenly rose.

Although he is greedy for flowers, he is very kind to his woman. Together with Zhong Wuyan, he will use Umbrella's freckle removal biological cream to help Zhong Wuyan restore her original appearance, and together with Little White Snake, she will take care of her growing up. impatient.

For Zhou Ye, every woman in his life is his baby, but now someone dares to bully his baby? How could Zhou Ye not be angry?

Zhou Ye wasn't stupid. It must have happened during the time he was out that he didn't know about. In his mind, he couldn't help but make up a scene of Rong Mama's tune and teaching Xiao Yanzi. Is this Nima still good?

The little white snake was the baby that Zhou Ye held in his hands, how dare someone treat her like this, not to mention the old mother Li Shan, even if Sanqing came to the world, Zhou Ye would definitely not be arrogant, just scolded.

"Old beggar Lishan, what have you done to my sister???"

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