If he knew that the Queen Mother of the West looked like a mature, beautiful, woman, maybe...hehe.

The old mother Lishan looked at this group of Yingying and Yanyan. Although they all looked coquettish and angry, none of them really had hatred in their eyes, more of them were shy. The little white snake had been with Zhou Ye for four or five years. , The deep-rooted love is excusable, why is there no trace of jealousy and resentment in his eldest apprentice? Could this little guy really be a woman's nemesis...

If she knew that Zhou Ye was pregnant with a magical power that was lost in ancient times, and that the spring breeze turned into rain, she would not be surprised...

"Lord, master, can you let people put on their clothes..." Chang'e shyly hugged her jade rabbit to cover her fierce scenery and said.

"Uh--, I've shredded all those things..." Zhou Ye held his forehead, but fortunately, there were quite a lot of women's clothes in his wristband, and he made more than a hundred dresses at will. Let the women choose for themselves.

I have to say that women's habit of liking beautiful clothes is really innate, no matter whether they are mortals or fairies... they are all the same, not only the Seven Fairies and Chang'e ran over to choose, even Zhong Wuyan ran over to choose together.

As for the little white snake, he is puffing up his cheeks and sulking. He can't see it at a glance. His brother will bring back so many girls. It seems that he is really going to change shape soon... I will ask the master for help at night. , it happened that he had already eaten the golden pill, and time was no longer an obstacle to him.

Chapter 321

A full moon hangs on the mountain string, and the Milky Way is bright and gorgeous. Before you know it, early summer has arrived...

The little white snake was holding a black and white chubby little guy in his arms, sitting in a room he hadn't used for a long time, talking to his senior sister and sister-in-law.

"Senior sister, don't worry, it's too late for you to go in anyway!" Little White Snake teased his senior sister while teasing the panda in his arms.

"...Hey, why am I in a hurry!" Zhong Wuyan's cheeks were slightly red, and she spat in embarrassment, being seen through by her sister-in-law, it was really...

"I said that I'm not in a hurry. Seeing how fidgety you are, Senior Sister, isn't my brother's attraction that big?" Little White Snake looked at Zhong Wuyan with a puzzled look on his face. "Could it be that marriage is really so beautiful?"

Today, my brother said that he was going to be slept with him, and the female fairies he brought back bowed their heads obediently and said yes, if it wasn't for him, she would have run over too.

But after all, the little white snake is still young, and he doesn't know the taste of it, he is just a little curious, but Zhong Wuyan, who has tasted that taste, knows what kind of happiness he will get by his husband's side.

"You're still young, why are you asking this?" Zhong Wuyan was asked by the little white snake, and she felt as if hair had grown in her heart, itchy, itchy, her thoughts seemed to fly back to the battle that day, "That The thing...it was very painful at first, it was as if the whole person was torn apart, but after that, it became very comfortable..."

"How comfortable is it?" Little White Snake's interest was also hooked, and he couldn't help sitting upright and asked.

The panda in her arms was reluctant, because the little white snake still had her food in her hands. After a few tweets, she found that her owner ignored her, so she had no choice but to be self-reliant, hugging the little white snake with its two claws and holding the bamboo shoots He pulled his hand into his arms, and the snacker ate the food again, humming happily.

"Comfortable is like... It's like..." Zhong Wuyan thought about the metaphor for a long time, but the metaphors were very different, so he couldn't help but say: "You are still young, you will know later. now..."

"Hmph, don't tell me, it won't take long for me to find out!" Little White Snake wrinkled his nose and said unconvinced, "I'll go to the master in a while, anyway, I've already taken gold. Dan!"

"Then you go to the master...why did you pull me out too!" Zhong Wuyan said with some resentment.

"I don't know where the master lives..." Little White Snake said naturally.

Zhou Ye has a lot of female dependents here. The old mother Lishan is really not suitable to live here, and she can only return to her cave. Although her two apprentices have stayed here, she doesn't want to be an eyesore here. Fortunately, there are not many places in the two places. far distance.

"Elder Sister, take me to find the master!" Little White Snake put the panda in his arms on the couch, hugged his senior sister with both hands and shook it vigorously. "Take me there, okay, good sister, good sister-in-law..."

"Okay, I'm afraid of you!" Zhong Wuyan was elated by the words of Xiaobai Snake's sister-in-law, and besides, the two also established a profound revolutionary friendship on the day Zhou Ye was away. They had a common topic. Zhou Ye, one misses his brother and the other misses his husband. Before he knew it, the two hearts became much closer.

"Sister-in-law is really nice, huh..." Little White Snake used her trick of coaxing Zhou Ye on Zhong Wuyan, and now it seems that the effect is outstanding.

"Okay, I got drool all over my face..."

"Hey, I don't know the goods. My brother likes my saliva the most. He said that my saliva is sweet...!" Actually, Xiaobai She's saliva has venom, but this venom is useless to Zhou Ye. The sweet taste is the sweetness of the venom. Greasy.

"Huh—that's disgusting..."

Now that the two women have made up their minds, they will naturally no longer delay. The two of them ran towards the top of Mount Li by the light of the moonlight.

One of the two is a snake demon, and the other is successful in martial arts, and the speed is naturally not slow.

I saw that Zhong Wuyan jumped to the top of the tree without bending his legs, and a pair of beautiful feet touched the branches again and again.

The figure swept past the sea of ​​trees.

And the little white snake is even more convenient. The whole person is like a human-shaped beautiful snake, circling between the branches of the tree, closely following Zhong Wuyan's figure slowly and quickly.

When it was not too long, the two of them arrived at a place behind the mountain.

The little white snake only felt that her eyes lit up, an open area with wild flowers appeared in front of her, and among the rocks not far away, an elegant cave appeared in her eyes.

I saw the entrance of the cave, the strange rocks, and the mountain vines climbing up the rocks, there was a hint of elegance in the quiet, and there was a hint of Taoism in the elegance.

"Is there no door in the master's cave?" Little White Snake asked curiously, looking at the open cave.

"What's the use of having a gate? The strange stone formation in front of this gate was created by the master himself. Not to mention ordinary mountain leopards and beasts, even angels with a low level of cultivation will be trapped here!" Zhong Wuyan was slightly proud. to show off to his little sister.

"What about the gods and above?" Little White Snake asked, blinking his big eyes.

"Uh—!" Zhong Wuyan suddenly got stuck, she never thought about this question.

"Why don't you come in when you come?" What are you doing standing outside?" The voice of Mrs. Lishan came from the cave, which relieved Zhong Wuyan.

"Yes, master!" The two replied, Zhong Wuyan grabbed the little white snake's hand and walked directly into the stone formation.

As soon as Xiaobai Snake followed Zhong Wuyan into the stone formation, he felt a burst of white fog blowing towards his face, and the whole world was completely white, and he couldn't see his fingers. I really can't get out of this rock formation.

When people are blinded by the five senses, they always feel that time passes very slowly. Little White Snake doesn't know how long it has passed, but she just feels that the door to the cave appears in front of her, and a white-haired figure appears in front of her. In front of her, it was none other than Mother Lishan.

"The disciple Bai Suzhen has met the master!" The little white snake respectfully kowtowed to the mother Lishan.

"Okay, okay, get up quickly!" The wrinkles on the forehead of Li Shan's smiling forehead were all piled up together, and she lifted up the apprentice who met her eyes with both hands.

The little white snake did not stand up, but knelt upright in front of the old mother Lishan and said, "My disciple wants to lose the body of a snake today, please master!"

"Hey, idiot!" Lishan's mother sighed, "If you wait for a hundred days, the snake body will fade away, and there will be no catastrophe! But you are so anxious, you will inevitably suffer!"

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two

"Tutor doesn't want to wait...Tutor wants to give brother a surprise tomorrow, he is not afraid to endure hardship!" Little White Snake said firmly: "Brother is willing to take risks for the sake of his disciple, for his disciple to go to heaven and steal the golden elixir. How can the disciple be afraid of those sufferings?"

"Hey... Since ancient times, love words hurt people!" Lishan's mother shook her head and sighed, and said with refreshed energy: "That's it, since that's the case, I will pass on your Great Compassion Heavenly Dragon Art to help you get rid of the snake body!"

"The disciple thanked the master..." The little white snake kept kowtowing excitedly.

"Hey, Chi'er, get up!" Lishan's old mother waved an invisible force to hold the little white snake up, "The law does not pass the six ears, you come closer!"

"Yes!" The little white snake respectfully walked up to the mother of Mount Li, and waited for the mother of Mount Li to teach the Dharma.

Without making her wait for a long time, the old mother Lishan passed on all the Great Compassion Heavenly Dragon Art to her. This Great Compassion Heavenly Dragon Art is a first-class practice in Western teaching, especially suitable for snakes and fish to learn dragon-turning monsters. , has the effect of turning hostility into peace, and changing thousands of things. The most important thing is that you can get rid of the dharma body of ordinary body cultivation, and the dharma body can be obtained according to your own wishes.

What is a dragon? It can be big or small, it can be big or small, and it can be transformed into a thousand and one without certainty. This is the dragon. Dragons are the best at transforming into human form. Don't you see the dragon sons and grandsons in the Dragon Palace, who can transform into human forms without hundreds of years of Taoism.

Therefore, what Lishan's mother passed down to the little white snake is really a good use of everything, especially with the word "Great Compassion". This method can naturally make people peaceful and peaceful. The law is self-sufficient!

Of course, the Heavenly Dragon Art of Great Compassion passed on to the little white snake also carried a little abacus from the old mother Lishan. She thought that this disciple of her might be entangled with that Zhou Ye in this life, and she could dissuade him by his side. It is also very good to let Zhou Ye commit less murder, after all, God has the virtue of good life.

At this moment, the little white snake was in shock. Those words passed through the mouth of Lishan's mother, passed into her ears, and imprinted into her mind, word by word, like Huang Zhongda Lu Zhenche's heart.

The little white snake itself is extremely intelligent, or else it would not have understood the way of swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon by relying on the practice method handed down in the family, and learned the illusion at a young age.

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