Meiniang was made very shy by Zhou Ye's words, but she remembered every word firmly in her heart, never daring to forget... When she jumped down to Xiantai, she vaguely heard Zhou Ye's own words. Soliloquy.

"Snail girl, snail girl... Although there is no snail girl, it is good to raise a jade rabbit girl..."

After Mei Niang descended from the realm, she landed directly in Wuyi Mountain. Relying on the Linglong Pagoda that Zhou Ye gave her, there were no monsters or people to bully her, so she devoted herself to cultivating in the mountain.

In the past five hundred years, she only went out of the cave occasionally to look for food, but since she rescued Cai Yin a hundred years ago, she has also entrusted Cai Yin to go out to buy food. …

As long as the three flowers gather at the top and the inner alchemy is successful, Mei Niang can completely shed her beast body and transform into a human form, but she didn't expect that this attempt today would be interrupted by her own sister...

Three hundred and forty chapters

Although her breakthrough was interrupted by a friend, the kind-hearted Mei Niang did not blame Cai Yin, she knew that Cai Yin was also unintentional, maybe it was her own chance...

"Yelang, when will I be able to see you..." Meiniang couldn't help but murmured.

"It's Yelang again..." Cai Yin rolled her eyes and said helplessly, "Is your Yelang really that good?"

This sister of mine is good at everything, but she is a cultivator and a lover. When she is not practicing, she starts to talk about the man who made her a cultivator. I really don’t know what is so good about that man. Never forget? Cai Yin couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

"Of course..." As a little fan girl of Zhou Ye, Meiniang would never allow her friends to question her Ye Lang, "Forget it, it's time for you to see my Ye Lang's peerless beauty... ..."

As Mei Niang spoke, she carefully took out a painting scroll from the sandalwood box next to the pillow in front of the couch, and slowly spread it out in front of Cai Yin.

It was the portrait of Zhou Ye that Mei Niang drew from her memory when she could not hide her longing for her. She looked at Cai Yin's small mouth that couldn't help opening slightly, and couldn't help but said triumphantly: "How is it? Be fascinated by my Yelang's demeanor..."

"Isn't this something you imagined?" Cai Yin couldn't help but strike, "How could there be such a man in the world..."

"How could Yelang be comparable to those ordinary people?" Meiniang's small face was full of complacency, and there was a little bit of playfulness on her face, which was 90% similar to that of the little white snake.

"Okay, okay, your Yelang is the most handsome, the most handsome in the world, okay?" Cai Yin doesn't care what Yelang is or not, she is now thinking about going down the mountain to play tomorrow.

Looking at the good sister who is still staring at Zhou Ye's portrait, Cai Yin rolled her eyes slightly, thinking about it. "Tomorrow will be the Shangyuan Festival. It is said that Lin'an Mansion will be very lively at that time. Wanderers and Confucian scholars from all over the world will gather there. Maybe someone's Yelang will also go to have fun. Well, since someone is not willing Go, then I have to go by myself..."

"I go……"

As soon as Mei Niang heard something related to Zhou Ye, her IQ would drop to negative in an instant, and she didn't care whether Zhou Ye would really go, she immediately put the portrait away carefully, and put it in front of the bed again, Then rushed into the kitchen and got busy.

"What are you doing, Mei Niang?"

"I'm preparing dry food for tomorrow. Aren't I going to Lin'an Mansion tomorrow? Of course I need to prepare more dry food!"

"But why do I feel that you have done so much, enough for the two of us to eat for several days!?"

"It's okay, if I meet Ye Lang, I want him to try my handicraft too, Cai Yin, how is my little rabbit doing? Does it look like me before?"

"Oh my god, Mei Niang, are you going crazy? After steaming a steamed bun, you actually steamed a picture, and why is this picture still a comic book..."

"I'm afraid Yelang will forget about me... I'll make out the story of our acquaintance, and then I'll give it to him to eat. Maybe he will think of me when he sees it? Okay, don't talk about it, Caiyin, help me Let me see!"

the next day--------

The listless Cai Yin was dragged by the excited Meiniang to Lin'an Mansion hundreds of kilometers away. Meiniang kept asking questions like a machine gun along the way.

"Caiyin, do you think I'm pretty today? Is there no rouge?"

"Caiyin, what if Yelang forgets me, what should I do?"

"Caiyin, what if Yelang doesn't like me?"


"Stop!" Cai Yin rolled her eyes, and said helplessly, "Sister Mei Niang, can you let me go? I was caught by you yesterday to make coolie steamed buns and steamed them until the third watch. It's not even five in the morning. I was dragged up by you,...Miss Mei Niang, Yao also needs to rest..."

"...Then...then I won't ask..." Mei Niang also seemed to feel that she was going too far, she smiled embarrassingly, and stopped talking.

Caiyin finally felt much quieter, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in her heart. This sister of hers was looking forward to meeting that Yelang so much... What if she didn't meet by then? Sigh, forget it, Dingtian will just walk with her to the Lishan Mountain when the time comes.

After Cai Yin made up her mind, the guilt in her heart also slightly decreased.

The two women cast spells all the way and flew towards Lin'an City.

On the other side, outside Qiantang County, in Qiu Wang's Mansion———————————

"Master, hurry up..." The black rabbit kept urging Zhou


"Okay, I get it, let me get dressed soon..." Zhou Ye raised his hands and asked Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen to help him get dressed, while sighing: "I hate this kind of clothes the most. strenuous."

"Officer, it was you who said that it is called Hua because of the beauty of clothing, and it is called Xia because of its great etiquette. What's the matter? Don't you like such gorgeous clothes?" Bai Suzhen covered her mouth and teased with a light smile.

"I like it..." Zhou Ye said with some embarrassment, and suddenly looked at the hood in Xiaoqing's hand, and said hastily, "No, don't bring that... just give me a cloth towel to wrap my head..."

There was really no way, when Zhou Ye saw that thing, he thought of Du Fu, a poet who had been spoiled in the real world, and all kinds of busy portraits of Du Fu left a deep impression on he didn't want to bring that thing no matter what.

"Got it, Mr. Zhou..." Xiaoqing gave Zhou Ye a charming look, chuckled lightly and put the Futou back...

Their family is also going to visit Lin'an. After all, the annual Shangyuan Festival, in terms of excitement, Qiantang is still not as good as Lin'an.

Simply because Qiantang is within easy reach of Lin'an Mansion, there is no need to get up early like Mei Niang and the others...

After everyone tidied up, Zhou Ye was surrounded by a few girls and walked out of Prince Qiu's Mansion... Hei Tu, who likes the bustle the most along the way, was crazy about playing, no matter what he saw, he rushed forward to have a look...

Seeing the sugar seller, Heitu waved his hand and made them all round, then brought them in front of Zhou Ye, and distributed the sugar figures in his hand to his sister and Zhou Ye.

When I saw a seller of candied haws, I ordered more than a dozen skewers, and they were still sisters who left my family...

There are several people who see dough kneaders...

Seeing the shadow puppet show, he couldn't walk made Zhou Ye's head grow big...

Until the sunset in the west, the night is getting darker, and when the lanterns first come on, the whole Lin'an Mansion is like the nightless sky of later generations. The lights are brightly lit, and lanterns are hung up in every household. There are so many lantern riddles...

On the river in the city, a painting boat was floating in the middle of the river, and the sound of silk and bamboo was faintly transmitted to the shore...

On the bank, there are also many idiots who put down their carefully crafted river lanterns in the river, begging God to give them a good home.

Chapter 341

Hei Tu is indispensable for such things as setting off river lanterns. At this moment, she was squatting by the river, and put the river lantern she had carefully crafted into the river.

It is said that setting off river lanterns is to express grief and pay homage to the ancestors. It should be done on the Zhongyuan Festival, but this is the Southern Song Dynasty, which is known for its extravagance and extravagance, especially the rivers in Lin'an City. The custom of setting off river lanterns has begun.

Of course, putting out river lanterns on the Shangyuan Festival is not about mourning, but begging for a spouse. It is said in the city that a poor scholar caught a river lantern from a rich family's daughter in the lower reaches, and went to the door with his own poems. The wealthy daughter who sponsored him made a legend about a gifted scholar and a beautiful lady, but I don't know if it is true or not.

Anyway, the upstream lights are all ladies from official families, the daughters of rich families, and Xiaojiabiyu, while the downstream are all those poor scholars who think they are romantic and suave. , wait for things like fishing nets... What are you doing? Of course it is Laohe Lantern.

Zhou Ye was standing among a group of women putting river lanterns, feeling extremely awkward...

Those women, one by one, would sneak a glance at him from time to time, and after a while, he had picked up a dozen champagne and returned them. A few brave ones secretly took his hand and asked him where his home was and if he was married...

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