This one is the worst...

Zhou Ye discovered that besides his female slave group and the girls of the maid group, only Pandora and Rui Wen were on his side... This made him feel so embarrassed...

Even the most well-behaved little white snake, Yuriko Koyama and the others stood on the neutral side... It means that the two do not help each other...

And Ophelia has Emma the White Queen, Phoenix Qin Grey, the copy cat Vanessa, Alice, King Ada, Wonder Woman Diana, etc...

There were also many women standing there. Zhou Ye said that they did not belong to the combat profession and left them in the base to watch the live broadcast...

Of course, Zhou Ye, who was so embarrassed, let these women know how serious the consequences would be if he got angry that night... After they were settled, Zhou Ye left the Umbrella base in this world.

His first order was to let the Maid Corps and the female slaves go to the United States first to help themselves lay a solid foundation, while he brought Ruiwen and Pandora to the battlefield where Sud fought.

Of course, Zhou Ye came to Stalingrad, which was still at war, not for the Infinity Stones... but for a little black widow who was still a loli... After all, for Zhou Ye, the lure of gems is not as good as that of widow sisters. Big...and she's still an uncontaminated widow sister who can shape her character at will.

Chapter 344

"Pandora baby, it's time to start working..."

"Well, just wait a moment, dear!" Pandora said, holding her forehead in her hand, and began to search for the girl named Natalia Arianovna Romanova.

After that unintentional injection of superhuman energy, Pandora's abilities have been greatly improved, and all abilities have been greatly improved.

For example, with her psychic abilities, she can now search the world without the aid of a satellite brain wave diffuser...

"I found it, my dear!"

In just a split second, Pandora had already searched all over Stalingrad, and Zhou Ye had to admit that his little padded jacket was really capable, in every sense. "Nice job... baby!"

"Darling, I'll take you to teleport there..." The praised Pandora's face was full of pride, grabbing Zhou Ye with one hand and Rui Wen with the other, and disappeared in a flash. in situ.

When a soldier who had just passed the church heard the voice, he couldn't help but look up when he saw the scene of the three people disappearing. He immediately began to draw a cross in front of the murderer and prayed devoutly. "molntвaГocпoдhr. otчehaш..."

——————————————————I am the dividing line of Natasha in the ruins ———————————————

Ten-year-old Natasha feels weak...

She was originally like an ordinary Soviet child, with a home and a pair of loving parents. But such a happy life ended on the day the war started.

The food at home is getting less and less, and my parents are always frowning. They are always discussing which street the German army has shot down today, and whoever is next door is shot by a stray bullet when they go out.

Even so, little Natasha still naively believed in her mother's words, the war would soon be over, and life would slowly get better.

It's just that today, it's all ruined...

Her home was hit by a cannonball, which set the entire house on fire. And her parents died in the fire to save her.

Little Natasha, who was finally stuffed into the underground storage room by her mother, never felt that the air she never cared about before was so important. According to her mother's last order, she covered her mouth and nose with a damp towel, but the thick smoke Still crawling in all the time, she choked and coughed non-stop.

"Is there anyone? Who can save me?" The desire to survive made little Natasha cry for help in a voice that was not much louder than a kitten's meow. She was too weak, and the war had started for several months. The ration quota for each household is also getting smaller and smaller. To be honest, she has not eaten for three days.

Just when little Natasha felt more and more lost, a ray of light shone into the storage room, and the iron door of the storage room was opened from the outside...

"Please... help me..." Little Natasha used her last strength to call out weakly to the three figures who walked in...

"What a poor child..." The dark storage room was not a hindrance to Zhou Ye at all. He saw this weak red-haired little loli at a glance.

He rushed in in a flash, gently picked up little Natasha with one hand, walked out of the ruined house, came to the open space in front of the door, and took out a piece from his bracelet. A small bottle of peach juice was placed slightly on the pure side of little Natasha, and she slowly drank it.

Little Natasha only felt that there was a sweet liquid flowing into her mouth. Little Natasha, who had been hungry for a long time, swallowed the liquid greedily. She felt that the liquid had the smell of peach. But it was sweeter than any peaches she had ever eaten.

As the peach juice went down little Natasha's throat, it slowly flowed into her esophagus, and then into her stomach. Little Natasha felt that her strength seemed to be slowly recovering, and the speed of this recovery surprised her...

"Is there any more? Can you give me some more?" Little Natasha's originally cloudy eyes also became translucent at this time, looking at Zhou Ye through the faint light and asked.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless. What he fed little Natasha was not ordinary peach juice, it was the fifth grade of Pan Taoyuan.

The peach juice squeezed by the once-ripening peach in a thousand years, if little Natasha was the woman he had already ordered, Zhou Ye would generally be reluctant to give her a drink. "There is no peach juice, but there is a lot of chocolate, do you want to eat it?"

"Well, I want to eat!" Little Natasha was also welcome. For her, she should fill her stomach first and then talk about other things.

"Here..." Zhou Ye took out a large piece of chocolate from the bracelet and handed it to little Natasha.

"Thank you..." Little Natasha found the chocolate. After peeling it, she was like a little hamster, holding it in both hands and eating it bit by bit. She knew that during the war, all supplies were in short supply. This is the result of three months of potato consumption and three days of starvation.

Zhou Ye couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw the cute little girl with red hair covered in soot, but he couldn't laugh no matter what... "I was inside... and saw two charred corpses. …”

"That's... my parents..." Little Natasha's voice was calm, and there seemed to be no trace of sadness.

But Zhou Ye saw two white marks drawn on her dark, smoky cheeks. They were marks drawn by her tears. She was crying silently.

"If you want to cry, just cry out..." Zhou Ye didn't think that little Natasha was dirty, he hugged her in his arms and comforted her in a low voice, "It will be better if you cry! "

"Ugh..." The choking sound was just forcibly endured, but the choking sound became louder and louder. Little Natasha finally couldn't help crying. "You're a badass...why do you have to make me Mom and Dad are dead... I'll be left alone in the future..."

The fear and fear in the past few months, as well as the grief of the death of both parents, as well as the confusion and fear of the future life, finally made little Natasha cry, although she is a strong child, but after all, she is only a child less than ten year old child...

"Just cry... I'll take care of you in the future..." Zhou Ye said while patting her on the back.

I don't know how long it took, little Natasha finally got tired of crying and fell asleep with Zhou Ye in her arms...

"Dear... The head maid and the others said they have prepared our destination in the United States. Shall we go there now?" Rui Wen, who had been standing by the side, came to Zhou Ye with a small satellite phone in her hand. asked in a low voice.

"Well, let's go then!" Zhou Ye said, looking at Pandora who had been on guard. "Did someone come just now? Baby!"

"The cry of the little guy just disturbed three Soviet soldiers and a group of German soldiers..." Pandora said indifferently: "But I guided them and let them go together and fall in love with each other..."

"Okay...I hope it's not the kind of blind date I thought..." Zhou Ye felt a chill, and he found that his little padded jacket was a little bit like a prank lately...I always felt that the ending of those soldiers was not optimistic... "I've been here enough, let's go find Yin Yin and the others..."

"Okay, it's a pity that I can't see the funny expressions of the soldiers. It's really sad..." Pandora walked between Zhou Ye and Rui Wen with regret, grabbing one in each hand, and Zhou Ye holding the little one Loli Natasha, the figures of several people swish and disappeared in place.

Chapter 345

On the other side - Ophelia with a lazy face was sitting in the main control room of the base, looking at the heavily guarded military base displayed on the huge screen in front of her, a contemptuous smile could not help leaking from the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Ophelia, I think so...isn't it..." Emma, ​​the white queen, sat beside her and said uncomfortably, "If we really let my dear lose...then..."

"Haha, you are really cute, Emma..." Ophelia, who stretched her waist and showed her seductive curves, turned around with a smile and looked at a Emma with a reluctant face.

It was Ophelia herself who sent this little cutie to her father's couch, so in Zhou Ye's harem, Emma was the closest to her.

"Do you really think I'm here to restrict my father?" Ophelia said, stood up, walked to Emma, ​​stretched out her hand and gently lifted Emma's chin, and asked with a scornful face road.

"If it's not...why do you want to attack the Red Skull now?" Emma tilted her head, shook off Ophelia's hand, and asked embarrassedly.

"So, Emma, ​​you are almost completely tamed by Dad!" Ophelia didn't care about Emma's movements, she straightened up and said, "I just want to play a little game with Dad... Like those battle games I played with my dad when I was a kid..."

"Since it's a game..." Emma asked with some confusion: "Why would you say such a bet? If he wins, wouldn't he be very angry dear... You know, dear though Usually easy-going, but he's a macho..."

"This is a game that Dad will never lose!" Ophelia blinked and smiled playfully: "I will definitely lose, but there are many types of losses... Big losses are Losing, a small loss is also a loss. But obviously I don’t want to lose too ugly, so I have to start to grab the Infinity Stones first!”

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