After half an hour...

Natasha, who had changed into a black loli princess dress, was standing in the middle of the bedroom. She was helpless. Although she liked these beautiful clothes, she always felt that this soft-spoken maid was playing with her. game……

This is the twelfth set that has been replaced... Natasha finally can't bear it anymore. "I think this one is pretty good..."

"I'm so sorry... I don't think you've been talking, miss. I thought you didn't like those outfits, so I kept changing your clothes for you... It seems really sad!" A very sad look.

"No...I think I like it..." Natasha smiled stiffly, and then said, "Can you take me to see your master now?"

"Of course, please come with me..." The maid said and bowed slightly, then took Natasha out of the bedroom...

Natasha looked at the maid walking in front of her, she really had a feeling that if she didn't speak for a while, this guy would play with her all morning...

If the girls who were brought up by the maids heard this, they would definitely feel the same... Playing dress up games for the ladies is one of their few pleasures...

Of course, after getting familiar with it, Natasha will find that even if she says she likes this suit, the maids will find various reasons to refute it, and then play the dress-up game. This kind of game will Until they are fourteen...

Why fourteen? Because European girls are developing fast, you can do that at the age of fourteen... After that, you will not be a young lady, but a hostess, and have a certain right to speak at home...

Hey, I accidentally seem to have said something that shouldn't be said... This paragraph should not be broadcast.

Without further ado, after Natasha walked downstairs with the maid, she saw the familiar golden hair and golden eyes sitting in the living room...

"Master, Miss Natasha is here..." The maid interrupted Zhou Ye who was reading the newspaper and said with a smile.

"Natasha...Come on!" Zhou Ye put the newspaper in his hand aside, then stretched out his arms in a hug gesture.

"..." Natasha didn't know why, her legs seemed to have her own consciousness, she trotted over, then fell into Zhou Ye's arms, hugged Zhou Ye tightly with both arms, and put her small head Buried in Zhou Ye's arms.

That's right, it was the smell, the smell that brought her hope in despair, the smell of dawn that showed her in the dark... That night, this smell... and this warm embrace, Natasha felt that she would be forever impossible to forget...

"What's wrong? Has anyone bullied my cutie?" Zhou Ye patted Natasha's back lightly and asked softly.

"No... I thought you left me here alone... I thought you didn't want me anymore..." Natasha said aggrievedly in a slightly choked voice.

"How is that possible... How could I be willing to leave little Natasha here and walk away alone..." Zhou Ye asked with a smile, "Are you hungry? What breakfast do you want?"

"Hmm-!" Natasha lay in Zhou Ye's arms with attachment, nodded obediently and said, "You can eat anything...but can I make a small request?"


"Then can I sit in your arms and have breakfast?" Natasha said, looking at Zhou Ye with a face full of expectations, making Zhou Ye look ugly, it was so cute.

After secretly meditating ten times in his heart, I am not a lolicon, Zhou Ye said, "Okay..."

"It's great..." Natasha cheered, turned over and sat in Zhou Ye's arms, her little butt twisted honestly, "What's down there is a good chrome—!"

"Nothing, your delusion...!" Zhou Ye changed the subject while talking, and instructed the maid: "Bring our little Natasha a French breakfast, by the way, Natasha, you like drinking women's Is it thick oil soup?"

"Hee hee, anything is fine, I can eat a cow now if I'm hungry!" Little Natasha was smart and didn't ask anything, but followed Zhou Ye's words.

After a while, the maid brought little Natasha's breakfast. Zhou Ye carried her directly to the dining table. In order to divert his attention, he spread a newspaper next to Natasha's breakfast and read the newspaper. .

And little Natasha read the newspaper after one bite of breakfast, and then looked at Zhou Ye...

The departure of both parents made Natasha mature overnight. She knew that she had lost everything, but God bless her and let her meet Zhou Ye. Zhou Ye was her future protector and savior to her. The benefactor of her life is her future support...

She has to make plans for herself. If she doesn't want to be abandoned by Zhou Ye, then she can only get Zhou Ye's favor and Zhou Ye's love... Only then will her future be safe...

She imitated her mother and her father's daily frolic, and made the move just now, but I have to say, it seems to work well...

It's just that she was dissatisfied with Zhou Ye's reading of the newspaper and ignored her own feeling, which made her feel that she was not taken seriously by Zhou Ye... This sense of crisis made her want to do something to attract Zhou Ye. attention...

"Can you take me here to play?" Natasha pointed her finger at the first-page photo of the newspaper. It looked like a meeting place. In fact, she didn't know English, but it didn't stop her from making such a move. To attract Zhou Ye's attention.

"Tomorrow's World Expo? It's a good idea..." Zhou Ye smiled, reading countless women.

In fact, he has already seen through Natasha's careful thinking, but it doesn't matter to him, the result is the same anyway, isn't it——

Chapter 349

Night - Stark Convention Center, New York.

"It looks pretty good!" Zhou Ye held Natasha in one hand, followed by Rui Wen and Pandora...

"Dad, look..." Little Natasha had already started to call her father obediently at Zhou Ye's strong request. At this moment, she pointed at the beautiful fireworks shining in the sky, with her big, charming eyes. Le's narrowed into a slit, looking so cute.

"What a beautiful firework, Dad!" Little Natasha happily held Zhou Ye's hand and jumped up and down. In fact, she heard the sound of fireworks just now, so she habitually wanted to find a place to hide, because She thought that the German artillery fire was coming again, and Zhou Ye was a little sad to see the panicked look on his small face.

Zhou Ye comforted her for a long time before he calmed her down again, and then slowly got used to the sound of the shells and stopped looking for cover...

Now, half an hour later, she has almost recovered the nature of a child, and began to like the colorful fireworks that exploded in the air...

"Don't you want to go in and have a look? Baby!" Zhou Ye asked with a smile, looking down at Natasha.

"Hmm-!" Little Natasha nodded obediently, and then she took the lead in pulling Zhou Ye and walked towards the venue...

"Why do I always have a weird feeling every time Natasha calls out dear dad?" Rui Wen asked Pandora in a low voice as she followed Zhou Ye inside.

"That's because you're jealous!" Pandora's face was still expressionless, but she pointed out Ruiwen's thoughts sharply: "When you saw little Natasha, you remembered that you were taken by your father when you were a child. When you go back, you think of yourself when you see little Natasha, because although the two of you have different backgrounds, they are both miserable..."

"Okay, I get it... I know I'm jealous of little Natasha, I just asked casually!" Ruiwen rolled her eyes and said, "You don't need to answer me so seriously!"

"I'm just helping you analyze your heart..."

"Okay, when I didn't say this... It really is nothing, and it's black when cut."

"Where did you read this sentence? That's the slander of eating Guoguo!"


Following the bickering of the two women, a group of people had entered the venue.

"Welcome to the Miracle Pavilion - Tomorrowland - A Stronger World - A Better World!"

Here is a conference hall with an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters. Various high-tech products for this era are placed in the center of the showcases for people to visit, and their respective instructions are placed under the booth...

Little Natasha finally regained a bit of her childish nature. One time she dragged Zhou Ye to this booth, and another time she dragged Zhou Ye to that booth...

When little Natasha was a little tired from shopping, Zhou Ye picked her up and let her rest for a while. Although Natasha was nine years old, she was only about 1.2 meters tall. It's not so abrupt when he is nearly 1.9 meters tall.

"There—Dad, there—" Perhaps because of Zhou Ye's doting, Natasha gradually became accustomed to calling Zhou Ye's father, and in Zhou Ye's arms, she gained a better sight, From a high place, she saw a booth that was arranged like a stage at a glance.

The lively child's nature made her hold Zhou Ye's head and pointed at the stage, wanting Zhou Ye to take her there...

"Okay, cute little princess, what you say!" Zhou Ye smiled and walked towards the stage where the crowd gathered... On the way, he didn't touch the crowd of onlookers at all, but the crowd automatically separated. The road, let Zhou Ye hug Natasha to the edge of the stage...

Obviously, Zhou Ye cheated with telekinesis...

Just as a few people had just squeezed in, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd around them, and then two women, two men and four young people also squeezed in...

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