After all, if a woman knows, it means that all his women know... Then, it is estimated that the place will be full soon...

As for how to lie down on the couch for a few days? Zhou Ye didn't even think about it... He began to recall how many things he had scoured... In the end, was it useful?

Treat injuries? ...By the way, it is natural to use the golden elixir of Laojun to treat the injury... Zhou Ye raised his right hand tremblingly when he thought of this, then took a few golden elixir from the bracelet and directly followed him to eat candy. Like a bean, all the brains were stuffed into his mouth, and he chewed it and swallowed it.

When the golden pill was in his stomach, Zhou Ye only felt a cool feeling as he washed it from head to toe, and suddenly felt that his whole body was much more relaxed...

"There's a door!" Zhou Yele's eyes lit up, he grabbed a handful of golden pills again, and threw them into his mouth one by one.

After thirty golden pills were in his stomach, Zhou Ye knew that he couldn't eat any more, and he felt a sense of fullness that made him not want to eat anymore...

Lying on the couch, Zhou Ye was still a little uncomfortable at the moment, but he was able to exercise at will. Compared to the situation like a dead dog at the beginning, it was many times better.

He closed his eyes and began to take stock of the gains from yesterday to today, two days and one night.

He has basically learned all those spells, and what he lacks is only a little proficiency. Although his soul was injured in the forging of the supreme Horcrux this time, fortunately, the Horcrux has been forged successfully, and he will also get the Infinity Gems in the future. There is no need to do it again, just throw it into the soul array...

So, the sin this time was worth it.

For the rest of the time, Zhou Ye planned to find out more about Master Gu Yi when he had nothing to do. Although Zhou Ye had read all the magic books, he did not think that his magical attainments at the moment had surpassed Master Gu Yi...

At most, he has the advantage of strong mental power, and can easily cast various large-scale spells, but compared to the real understanding of all kinds of magic, Zhou Ye believes that compared with the ancient master, it is still too far behind.

So Zhou Ye planned to spend a few months to polish his magic——

Just when Zhou Ye was planning his itinerary for the next few months, his door was opened, and it was Master Gu Yi who came in with a dinner plate.

"How did you sit up?" Master Gu Yi looked at Zhou Ye who was sitting on the couch, and asked in surprise, knowing that when she came back with Zhou Ye, Zhou Ye was already a mess, don't say It's difficult to move your arms a little bit.

"Uh, I don't know, anyway, not long after you left, I feel much better, maybe the trauma to my soul isn't that big!" Zhou Ye can only say that, why don't you tell her? Did you recover so quickly because you ate the holy medicine for healing stolen from another world?

Although Zhou Ye's face was thick, he wasn't that thick, so he could only put it on the grounds that the injury wasn't as serious as it seemed.

"Okay, maybe the immortals are all perverts..." Gu Yi didn't believe Zhou Ye's nonsense. She was proficient in astral projection. She had also suffered trauma to her soul. This kind of trauma is not so easy to recover.

Especially in Zhou Ye's situation, Gu Yi estimated according to the most optimistic situation that it would take at least a year or so to fully recover, but now it seems that this guy will only need about a month to recover as before... …

But since Zhou Ye wouldn't say it, she wouldn't go to the bottom of it and ask: "Okay, since you're all right, get up and eat!"

"Oh!" Zhou Ye walked off the wooden couch and frowned when he saw the food on the plate. "Do you want to drink these dark porridge at noon?"

Zhou Ye hates eating porridge the most... For him, who doesn't like meat, drinking porridge is just a matter of fooling his stomach.

"This is porridge made from Star Soul Grass, it's good for your injury!" Gu Yi said lightly, "Besides, you have three meals these days with this kind of porridge!"

"...Can I not drink it?" Zhou Ye asked with a bitter face.

"Obviously!" Gu glanced at Zhou Ye and said, "No way!"

"Okay, okay..." Zhou Ye reluctantly picked up the porridge, like drinking herbal medicine, pinched his nose and poured it down...

But to be honest, these porridges were not as unpleasant as Zhou Ye imagined. They had a slightly sweet taste, and they felt good...

After lunch, Zhou Ye sat on the wooden couch and began to discuss the problems encountered in the spell book with Master Gu Yi. The two answered one by one, which seemed to have a somewhat harmonious atmosphere...

Many of Zhou Ye's problems are not a problem in the eyes of Master Gu Yi, and many times, a sentence from Zhou Ye can also bring some new ideas to Master Gu Yi...

With Gu Yi's confusion, Zhou Ye's magical attainment is rapidly improving. He now has a strong spiritual [magic value]. He has received careful teaching and [skills] from Gu Yi, which he lacks. It's just practice [proficiency].

It's just that Mage Gu Yi has always excused that his soul trauma is not thorough enough to prohibit him from practicing magic, so he is still a little rookie Mage with theory and strength, but no practice...

It wasn't until a month later that Gu Yi announced that Zhou Ye's soul trauma had completely recovered. He couldn't wait to pull Master Gu Yi and rushed into the mirror space. He had been waiting for this day for a long time...

Chapter 385

——Mirror World——New York——

This is New York, but it's not New York.

This is New York

Mirror space, where everything that violates physical common sense is reasonable, such as the Empire State Building hanging upside down in the sky, and streets like geological faults.

Maybe you will see a car suddenly drive out of the ground, maybe you will see the sky hanging upside down, maybe you will see a viaduct like a spider web in the sky... Rest assured, this is not the US government that discovered alien technology Achieved their breakthrough in black technology, because this is not the real world at all.

In this world, everything in New York is a toy in the hands of Zhou Ye and Gu Yi.

The whole of New York is like a Rubik's Cube in the hands of giants. It will change from time to time, but in the end, New York has become a super-large cube with countless faults...

"Okay, I admit that compared to interfering with reality, my mental power is far inferior to yours..." Gu Yi, who was standing at the corner of the cube, sighed helplessly and said, "It seems that the speed of your progress is far beyond mine. Unexpectedly... the current you, purely technically speaking, has already surpassed me!"

Interfering with space is a way for magicians to use their magic to guide changes in space. This method is generally used by them to create a battlefield that is beneficial to them and lay the foundation for winning the battle.

Before the war, they agreed on a shape that they would transform the battlefield into. Gu Yi chose to keep the original shape, while Zhou Ye chose a super-large cube.

But obviously, in the competition between the two, Gu Yi lost. This is the eighty-seventh competition between the two—

Gu Yi watched Zhou Ye grow up step by step.

From the very beginning, Gu Yi could easily use some small tricks to make everything Zhou Ye did useless.

Later, Gu Yi had to deal with it with all his strength to prevent Zhou Ye from taking the initiative on the battlefield.

Afterwards, the two were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

And up to now, even if Gu Yi tried his best to stop him, it couldn't change Zhou Ye's taking the initiative on the battlefield.

Such a reversal took just over a month... Gu Yi had to admit that there was a type of person who was born to be the darling of magic. He understood magic much faster than others. Zhou Ye was such a person.

At first, he was only used to using his huge mental power to press people with force. Later, he gradually learned to use force to make tricks, and then to make tricks. Gu Yi had to admit that now Zhou Ye is in the middle of nowhere. In terms of skills, he has not lost to himself.

"Is it possible to practice combat now?" Zhou Ye, who was wearing a white robe, floated in the air and asked with a smile. He had been looking forward to the actual combat training for a long time, so he specially prepared some small surprises for Gu Yi...

"It's time to start the combat drill!" Gu nodded and said, "Then you have to be careful...!"

"I'm ready, come on!" Zhou Ye said, with a wave of his hand, New York City, which was folded into a cube, quickly returned to its original state with a roar, but New York did not stop after returning to its original state. Down, those high-rise buildings were laid flat like building blocks, and all the tall buildings became the cornerstone of a huge ring.

At this moment, Zhou Ye was stepping on a glass window of a skyscraper.

"Are you sure that such an environment is beneficial to you?" Gu glanced at New York, which had turned into an endless arena, and asked, "Don't you create some pressure on your opponents? For example, rolling gears or something..."

"No need..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "My magic doesn't need to be so hard... Come on!"

"Then... I'm going to start!" Gu Yi said, shaking his body, and clicking his feet in the air a few times, every time she clicked, a circular magic circle would appear, and every time she stepped on her toes, a circular magic circle appeared. When she arrived at the magic circle, her figure seemed to be a little faster, and by the end, Gu Yi's speed had already brought out a shadow of smoke...

"I really don't understand why the mages of your genre like hand-to-hand combat so much!" Zhou Ye raised his foot and lightly tapped the ground. Hundreds of golden circular magic spells appeared on the ground. It happened to fly over a magic circle.

Zhou Ye smiled slightly: "You won't lose to me in the first actual combat drill!"

Following Zhou Ye's words, all the golden magic spells on the ground simultaneously spewed out a beam of light that reached the sky with a diameter of one meter...

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