The spell on the window above the temple has the function of avoiding idlers, that is to say, if you are not a magician, you will not be able to see these temples...

"I'm leaving, do you have anything to say to me?" Zhou Ye, who was standing at the gate of the London Temple, smiled at the ancient master, saying goodbye to an old friend.

"Take care!" Gu Yi hesitated for a moment, then after saying these two words, he didn't speak again.

"Well - goodbye, I will come to play with you when I have time!" After Zhou Ye said these words meaningfully, he turned around and walked into the portal leading to the New York Temple.

Watching Zhou Ye leave here... Gu Yi felt as if all the strength in her body had been exhausted. She casually sat on the stool prepared for the mages studying in the library. Her heart was like a mess.

"What's wrong with me?" Gu Yimen asked herself, she didn't know... why when Zhou Ye said goodbye to her as she wished, there would be a anger in her heart, a feeling that made her want to beat Zhou Ye. Anger, why is Lai here so innocent at this time? Why are you such a gentleman at this time? let you walk in?

"I'm really crazy..." Gu Yi laughed at himself, then put on his hood, hid his face, and walked out of the library...

Sitting in his quiet room to meditate, Gu Yi found himself unable to calm down no matter what. As soon as she closed her eyes, there would always be a figure gnashing her teeth that she hated.

"Huh!" With a sigh, Gu Yi opened his eyes, stood up, and walked outside...

This time is the time of the afternoon class, and the students who are practicing in the courtyard are exercising their spellcasting gestures——

"Supreme Venerable, I will always make a mistake with this spell!" A student who was successfully promoted to a mage took a spell book and asked Gu Yi for advice.

"It's very simple..." Gu Yi patiently explained the main points of a spell cast, but the mage still couldn't grasp the point.

"Why are you so stupid, Zhou Ye can see the point of spellcasting at a glance, how come you can't teach it like this?" Gu Yi finally couldn't help bursting out after teaching it for the third time.

The eruption of Gu Yi made the student feel astonished, and her eyes widened in horror. She couldn't understand why the patient Gu Yi Mage in the past was so irritable.

"I'm sorry... I'm a little uncomfortable today, let's go here for today's explanation first!" Gu Yi also realized that he was wrong, and hurriedly returned the spell book to the student, then turned and left.

Gu Yi's footsteps unknowingly came to the guest room where Zhou Ye once lived, pushed open the door, and walked in...

The layout here is still luxurious, and Zhou Ye didn't take the contents away...

"How long has it been. This kind of feeling of right and wrong, didn't I forget it a long time ago?" Gu Yi said lazily on the wooden couch belonging to Zhou Ye.

Immortality - for some people, wow, cool ability, wow, awesome ability...but when you watch your friends and family leave you one by one, that feeling...let you know The ruthlessness of time, but also let you know the impermanence of fate.

At that time, immortality was not a blessing, but more like a curse... a curse for orphans...

Gu Yi had experienced this kind of feeling before. She originally thought she had forgotten this feeling, but today Zhou Ye's departure made her realize this kind of feeling she hated once again.

I don't know when - Gu Yi fell into a deep sleep on the wooden couch that once belonged to Zhou Ye -

On the other side, after Zhou Ye came to the New York Temple through the portal, he greeted the black mage guarding the Temple inside. "Yo, Mage George!"

"Hello, Master Zhou Ye!" After saying hello to Zhou Ye, George asked curiously, "Didn't you come with Master Gu Yi in the morning? Why are you back now?"

"Uh, that time we came to the mirror space in New York to practice magic!" Zhou Ye said with a smile: "I'm going home this time, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I should go back, or my family should I'm worried!"

"Okay, goodbye, Master Zhou Ye!" George smiled and nodded.

"We'll see you soon..." Zhou Ye said, leaving the New York Temple with a smile that puzzled George.

But soon, George knew what Zhou Ye said [We will see you soon——! 】What do you mean...

The next day————

"Oh. My God, Master Zhou Ye, don't you have to go to work?" George asked, looking at the guy who had knocked on his door hard at just eight o'clock and disturbed his meditation.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm a rich man!" Zhou Ye smiled and walked to the portal where Kama Tajji was completed. "See you later, George!"

"Okay..." George curled his lips helplessly, "I hope this time it won't really be a while!"

Zhou Ye walked into Kama Taj through the portal, and walked towards the residence of Master Gu Yi... Along the way, many young masters greeted Zhou Ye happily. of.

"Master Zhou Ye, are you looking for Master Gu Yi?" asked one of the female masters in charge of managing the guest room.

"Well, that's right, I want to ask Master Gu Yi about something!" Zhou Ye laughed.

"Then you can't find her in Master Gu Yi's residence!" After speaking, the female mage leaned into Zhou Ye's ear mysteriously and said, "Master Gu Yi should be resting in your guest room at this time... "

"Oh? Is that so?

Then I am so relieved! "Zhou Ye turned around and left, completely ignoring the gossip on the female mage's face... Just kidding, what do you want me to tell you?

Taking brisk steps, Zhou Ye came to the guest room where he once lived, took out the key and opened the door——

"..." A young woman with long blond hair was lying on his bed - Zhou Ye only felt it at this time, he said that he remembered that after he passed the time, Gu Yi's biological age should return to twenty-five years old It looks so old, why does it still look so old, it turns out to be because of the illusion.

But now, the sleeping Gu Yi has no time to continue his illusion...

"Zhou're a... bastard!" Even in his sleep, Gu Yi was still obsessed, scolding Zhou Ye for venting his anger...

"Okay, I admit that I'm an asshole!" Zhou Ye said, undressed, and scurried onto the wooden couch...

A pair of magic hands probed into a secret place...

When Gu Yi woke up, she was already frank with Zhou Ye... "Zhou Ye? I'm not dreaming..."

"Well—probably not, but in order to prove it, let's do a little experiment to find out!" Zhou Ye said, his waist moved—

Gu Yi screamed in pain, and she felt something more in her body. "……lighter!"

"Well, I'll take it easy..."

A faint voice came from Gu Yi's mouth... The hundred-year-old iron tree has finally bloomed...

Chapter 388

In Belarus - in the Marina Gorka Forest.

There is a base like a military forbidden area. In this base, there are no important scientific research institutions, and there is no such thing as a secret military factory. There are only a few five- or six-story buildings like living quarters. .

It's more like a school than a military base. However, the barbed wire and bunkers all over the wall make people know at a glance that this is a heavily guarded military base.

In this military base, a badge like a sea monster hangs high on the most prominent part of the building.

And Dottie Underwood... uh no, that's not her name, it's just the name she's currently using... As an agent who is about to graduate, Dottie is lying quietly on a couch, waiting In the final graduation process...

The so-called final graduation procedure is to be taken away by the instructors. This is the tradition of the school, and she cannot resist.

Although her hands were tied by the window with two pairs of handcuffs, according to her training, she has dozens of methods, and it only takes a few seconds to easily get rid of the shackles, but for now , she didn't want to take off her handcuffs, because only when she was wearing handcuffs could she sleep peacefully.

Handcuffs are not so much a shackle to her, but a kind of spiritual comfort.

Beside her was another girl just like her, who she knew by her name, Dorothy Underwood. But Dottie didn't have the slightest desire to talk to her. Ever since she was ten years old, under the instruction of the instructor, she killed her closest friend who gave her food to eat.

Dottie knows one thing, here, if she wants to not hurt others and not be hurt by others, then she has to learn to keep a distance from other people...

This is an empty room, and there are only two large sofas in the middle of the room...

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