"Who are you?" Dottie and Dorothy looked at Zhou Ye who walked in, struggling desperately, trying to loosen the handcuffs on their wrists...

"Well—a person who came here to collect gifts!" Zhou Ye closed the door with a smile and walked to the couch... Zhou Ye never admitted that he was a gentleman Liu Xiahui. For him, food is currently not eaten. stupid x...

When Zhou Ye opened and closed the door, Dottie and Dorothy had already heard the sound of gunshots and screams coming from outside...

Dottie Underwood looked at the handsome man in front of her. She didn't know if this was another test by the base for her, or if something really happened to the base...

How do you choose? Do you want to take this opportunity? Get rid of the Leviathan?

And Dorothy next to her is thinking the same thing as her, no one is born to like the dark, no one is born a murderer...

But in the end Dottie decided to take an adventure, maybe for the first time, maybe for the last time, after this adventure, maybe she will die, maybe she will escape this life in the dark and usher in a bright future ...

"I'm willing to pay everything...as long as you can help me!" Dottie looked at Zhou Ye and said word by word, "Help me get out of here...help me get rid of Leviathan..."

Chapter 390

"Interesting..." Zhou Ye pulled a chair over and sat down between the two iron couches... and asked, "I can help you get rid of the Leviathan, get rid of their control, and even help you to be upright. Bright life under the sun, but what can I get?"

"Everything... everything I have!" Dottie said without hesitation.

"Dotty, are you crazy?" Dorothy was not as crazy as Dotty. She was still hesitating whether to seize this trap-like opportunity, but her companion had already surrendered.

"I'm not crazy, I just don't want to live in the dark all my life, I just want a life in the bright world..." cried Dottie.

"But..." Dorothy said hesitantly, "He..."

"He may have been deliberately arranged by the base to test our final loyalty program?" Dottie said: "I don't care, even if I die, I will die in the outside world!"

"Is it Dottie?" Zhou Ye smiled at the woman with long blond hair and said, "I'm very satisfied with your conditions, so the deal is done, but I need to collect a deposit first. Do you have any questions?"

"Of course not!" Dottie said, looking at the handcuffs on his wrist: "But I think you may need to wait for me for a few minutes!"

"Don't be so troublesome!" Zhou Ye said, pointing to the handcuffs on Dottie's hands, and directly used his telekinesis to break the steel chain linking the handcuffs. "is it okay now?"

"..." Dottie looked at the handcuffs on his hands that seemed to have been cut by the sharpest knife, then looked at Zhou Ye's handsome face, and then walked to Zhou Ye without hesitation, knelt down, and pulled it away. zipping, releasing something, and burying his head.

The moment she saw Zhou Ye breaking the handcuffs, she believed her judgment even more, because the organization would never send someone with such abilities just to test a female agent... She tried her best to recall the ooxx class. , the focus of the teacher's teaching, the perfect display of all the skills...

Because she already believes that under the protection of this man, she will get the long-awaited life under the sun... and this man will also be her master, the master of her life.

"Hey—she's really a good girl!" Zhou Ye resisted what was under him, patted Dottie on the head and said, "You did a great job, come on..."

While Dottie was busy, she looked at Zhou Ye, her eyes were full of pleasing expressions, and when she heard Zhou Ye's praise, she worked even harder...

Zhou Ye moved his gaze to Dorothy, "What about you? What's your name? Girl, what kind of exchange do you want?"

"My name is Dorothy... sir!" Dorothy looked at Dottie's movements, her heart was throbbing, she knew that maybe this was the only chance in her life to get rid of Leviathan. In the end, she also whispered: "I am also willing to give my everything...as long as...as long as..."

"Is it the same condition as Dottie?" Zhou Ye laughed.

"Yes! Sir!" Dorothy said with a spirited rise, her eyes were full of hope...for fear of hearing the word "no" from Zhou Ye's mouth.

"Of course no problem! I have always treated beauties preferentially!" Zhou Ye pointed at Dorothy's handcuffs. Ti, said: "Rules, you know!"

"Yes, sir..." Dorothy said and walked off the iron couch, then knelt down like Dottie and started to grab business with Dottie...

An hour later, the tired cheeks of the two women were sore, sore, and painful...

I have to say, the agents who have received special education, this kind of work is simply useless... Zhou Ye couldn't help it anymore.

He patted the heads of the two women, then pointed to the iron couch, and the two women crawled up obediently and raised the b...

Zhou Ye rode his horse to gallop again...

Three hours later————

Zhou Ye walked out of the room with two beautiful girls in mink coats in his arms... but the way the two women walked was a little awkward. After all, it was the first time, and it was Zhou Ye, they had been able to walk for years. The strong willpower of the training is convinced.

At this moment, the entire

There was no more noise in the ground, and a group of large and small loli were gathering on the playground, looking at the maids around them who were watching over them with horror.

After all, although they received military training, they could shoot and fight, but in the face of these maids with several abilities, they were as powerless as kittens that had just turned full moon.

Moreover, the incredible abilities displayed by the maids have greatly impacted their three views. From childhood to adulthood, people have told you that God is fake, there is no god in the world, but occasionally a god appears in your In front of him, showing his unparalleled divine power, do you also have a feeling that your three views are collapsing?

"Yo, the harvest is good!" Zhou Ye walked out of the building with the two daughters in his arms, and greeted the maids with a smile.

"Master, we killed a total of 682 soldiers, all the little loli are here, and they are unscathed..." Yin Yin knows what her master cares most, so she simply picks the important ones.

"Does it match the number you know?" Zhou Ye turned to look at Dottie and Dorothy and asked.

"Well, there are a total of 112 teachers and 570 soldiers of all levels!" Dottie leaked the details of the base without hesitation. For her, Zhou Ye was already her biggest The umbrella, but also her man, the only man.

"Dottie is right!" said Dorothy, too.

"Then, the mission has been successfully completed, let's go!" Zhou Ye said, and in the surprised eyes of the little loli, he opened an arbitrary door, which looked like a tropical island. "Let's go, girls, loli, a new study life is waiting for you, of course, don't worry, this time you won't be hungry because you can't learn the language class..."

"------" Dottie and Dorothy looked at the portal opened by Zhou Ye, and clenched their fists excitedly. They felt again that their choice was really right this time, and they really escaped This hell... this hell called Leviathan.

People with such abilities are not something that a Leviathan can compete with. They believe that their bright tomorrow will come soon... Of course, they are also extremely satisfied with Zhou Ye's abilities...

Before they knew it, Zhou Ye had slowly used the Spring Breeze and Rain Jue to capture their body and mind... In the near future, they would find that they could no longer be separated from Zhou Ye, and they would not be able to do without Zhou Ye, They will do it without hesitation...

Of course, Zhou Ye couldn't take two women who had been trained as spies with him so easily. After all, it was hard to guess the women themselves, let alone the two women who came to Zhou Ye halfway...

He never thought that he was a Long Aotian, a woman would love him to the death as soon as she saw him. That kind of thing would only appear in novels.

Zhou Ye opened any door and sent the little loli to Umbrella's Agent Island for training. By the way, he accompanied Natasha—

Then—— Zhou Ye took Dottie, Dorothy and his maids back to his manor in Long Island, New York...

Chapter 391

one year later----

Stark Industrial Building————

"Why do I have to attend this damn shareholders meeting for Howard?" Zhou Ye sat down on the chair he had never sat in, and complained dissatisfiedly, "This guy must be enjoying the European beauty on the European front. A woman's body, and I'm going to help him preside over this damn meeting?"

"...Mr. Zhou, according to Mr. Stark's recent letter, he was in a laboratory in France, working on a secret drug all night, so he didn't have time to come back to preside over the shareholders' meeting..." Jarvis said When he said these words, he himself felt a little guilty, but there was no way, who let him put on an unreliable master?

"Mr. Jarvis, your coffee!" A beautiful woman in a lady's suit brought the coffee and put it in front of Jarvis.

"Thank you, Miss Underwood!" Jarvis thanked the woman, but he didn't dare to look at this beautiful woman. This girl is a rose with thorns, and she is ruthless.

He had seen how this girl made a strong man who was trying to tease him to die in pain in one second, and he regretted it.

"You're welcome, Mr. Jarvis!" Dottie smiled slightly, then walked towards Zhou Ye with another cup of coffee in his hand, lightly placed the coffee on the table in front of Zhou Ye, and sat on him naturally. On his lap, he whispered in Zhou Ye's ear: "Your coffee, Master, of course, I guarantee it will definitely suit your taste!"

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