The delicate handwriting on the top shows that it was written by a woman. It records the process of Peggy's execution of the task one by one... It can be said that it can be called a task progress chart.

"This is..." Peggy's body softened, and she vaguely remembered what she promised someone...

"November 15, 1944, cloudy and cloudy. Agent Carter followed the Roaring Commando to capture a secret Hydra stronghold. After the battle, Agent Carter broke into the base first, while subduing German troops with guns. Fifteen people..."

"November 20, 1944, Qing, Agent Carter..."




"March 21, 1945, light rain, Agent Carter..."

"Darling, trust me, I can explain..." Carter's legs were softening... According to what was recorded in this little book, she was probably embarrassed these days.

"Well, I'm waiting for your explanation. Baby, trust me... I'll be patient and listen to your explanation on X!" Zhou Ye said, bent over, and carried Carter directly on his shoulders, facing her go to the dormitory...

"I really don't know if I don't see these things. It turns out that our agent Carter is so brave. He is almost catching up with Superman. How do you think I should reward you? Baby Peggy!?" Zhou Ye said, while walking.

"At least..." Carter spent at least a long time, but couldn't say anything, because the things recorded in the notebook were true... At this time, should she be like a shrew, yelling, you actually sent someone spying on me?

No, no, Carter is pretty sure, if you do this, you will die even worse...

"Well, at least let me prepare something to eat..." Peggy didn't want to be starved to death... Punishment is punishment, at least punishment is better than being hungry.

Zhou Ye was almost amused by Carter's words, "Don't worry, you will never be hungry. I'm afraid that when that happens, you won't be able to eat anymore..."

"Do not……"

With Carter's cry, the door of her room was closed. It is said that after the Victory Day celebration, Carter did not show up for a whole week... Carter, who appeared a week later, looked like his lights were running out... But on the contrary, her face was flushed, and she looked nourished and moisturised.

Carter's disappearance this week has become an unsolved mystery for the field special operations team. Those who know it are taboo, but those who don't know it are repeatedly guessing... History says, the mystery of Agent Carter's disappearance.

Chapter 393

1946 - New York - Long Island Estate.

"Hey, baby, come on, you're about to win!" Zhou Ye was standing beside the racetrack, cheering for his daughter... Natasha, who was thirteen years old at this time, was already a big girl. .

During the spring break, she brought her classmates to visit Zhou Ye's manor. What I have to say is that Natasha's classmates, of course, are those little boys brought out by Zhou Ye from the Leviathan institution. Lolitas, at this moment have received a full Umbrella education.

Easy, but great results.

They have already regarded Umbrella as the place where they fought all their lives, and before they knew it, they had made Zhou Ye the object of their allegiance...

No way, compared to black technology, Zhou Ye dumped Leviathan more than a dozen streets away. When Leviathan was still using those backward, hypnotic brainwashing methods to ensure the loyalty of his subordinates, Umbrella Technology had already put all his Genetically modified drugs were mixed into the vaccines given to the girls and injected into the girls' bodies.

The iron law of being loyal to Zhou Ye and Umbrella was firmly engraved in the girls' DNA... This kind of brainwashing method was not comparable to those simple hypnosis.

"Dad - with you around, the classmates are not comfortable anymore!" Natasha, who came back from a lap, rode her beloved pony to Zhou Ye, and said coquettishly.

"Impossible... How could an easy-going person like me make the little lolitas uncomfortable?" Zhou Ye said to the lolitas behind Natasha and asked, "Did I make you uncomfortable? "

"First, sir... are you talking to me?" A girl with curly brown hair looked at Zhou Ye in disbelief with an unconfident expression.

"Of course..." Zhou Ye replied.

"My God...Oh, my God...Mr. Zhou Ye talked to me...My God..." The girl excitedly uttered those unspeakable interjections from time to time, and she also interspersed with her. Some slang words from hometown.

The loli next to her all looked at the girl who was talking to Zhou Ye with envy and hatred. Their eyes were full of eagerness to rush over to talk to Zhou Ye.

"Uh - it seems that the effect of brainwashing is not very good!" Zhou Ye felt that even if he said anything to those girls at the moment, they would do it without hesitation, and he still held the kind of person who showed up for xx. Made in a noble spirit...

"Now, do you know? Dear Dad!" Natasha said gloomily, looking at the unsatisfactory performance of her classmates. "So, Dad, can you give us some independence?"

"Okay alright... Sigh, my daughter is getting older, so I won't let me accompany her anymore!" Zhou Ye walked out while sighing.

"Stinky dad..." Natasha looked at Zhou Ye's back, and bit her Xia Chun tightly. In fact, she really wanted to be alone with Zhou Ye, but... looked at the people around her who were still worshipping. look,

The loli who watched Zhou Ye leave, she didn't want to share Zhou Ye with these classmates at all...

But who made her the initiator of the event? What about you, you have to finish it with tears in your eyes.

"Okay, girls, the external reason for disturbing us is gone, let's continue our game!" Natasha said, urging the little loli who still looked at their father's back and refused to leave to return to to the track.

The first horse racing meeting of the Umbrella agent class was held again.

On the other side, just as Zhou Ye returned to his residence, a maid came to him and said softly, "Master, Mr. Stark has been waiting for you in the living room for a long time!"

"Oh? Why is this guy free to come to my place?" Zhou Ye said and followed the maid toward the living room. As soon as he entered the living room, Zhou Ye saw Howard sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, Zhou!" Seeing Zhou Ye walking in, Howard stood up, looking as calm as ever... But from his slightly messy hairstyle and slightly hasty steps, Zhou Ye could already tell that this guy In big trouble.

"Hi, Howard, don't I remember that you were supposed to be on vacation in a certain country in Europe?" Zhou Ye shook hands with Howard, then sat down. Asked: "What? There are too few beautiful women there? So you ended your vacation early?"

"No, I was actually brought back!" Howard had no other way to think at this moment. If he had other tricks, he wouldn't have come looking for Zhou Ye. "You must help me this time, Zhou!"

"Oh? Tell me, what happened?" Zhou Ye asked.

"Someone punched a big hole in my basement...and I lost some toys, uh, some dangerous ones..." Howard said.

"But shouldn't you call the police if you lose something?" Zhou Ye asked, pretending to be confused.

"The problem is that now the committee wants to arrest me on the grounds that I am suspected of selling military technology to foreign countries without permission..." Howard said: "You know those vampires, they want to occupy all my inventions without giving me a penny, And those industrial companies that we offended before are also one of the driving forces behind the scenes... Now I suspect that if I get caught by them, I will soon die in prison due to some acute illness..."

"Well, what do you want me to do for you?" Zhou Ye asked.

"I want you to help me retrieve those toys. After all, there are many things that are very dangerous..." Howard said: "The most important thing is one of the molecular formulas. He is quite dangerous..."

After listening to Howard's story.

"Okay..." Zhou Ye sighed, who made him owe others favors? Sometimes Zhou Ye is still very willing to talk to people about human feelings. Of course, the premise is that that person makes Zhou Ye look good, otherwise...hehe.

"I'll send you to Yiduoli first, this country is not safe for you now..." Zhou Ye said, waved his hand, and called a maid over and said, "Go and prepare dinner, Mr. Stark and I will go. After we have dinner together, we will send him abroad!"

"Yes, Master, I'll prepare now!" the maid said and left.

"Why didn't you go to Steve?" Zhou Ye turned to look at Howard and asked. "He's Captain America. If you say something to you, won't you feel a lot less pressure?"

"Stop joking, Zhou!" Howard said depressedly: "In this capitalist country, you and I both know what is the weapon to control the media. Obviously, although Steve is the darling of the media, he does not have the Control the capital of the media!"

"Besides, if someone can help me solve this big trouble, I don't think anyone has this ability except you!" Howard said: "If you can't solve this trouble, then... Steve and the others still Don't be bothered by me anymore..."

"You really trust me..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes, "Why can't you think of me when you go out to pick up girls, and you think of me when something happens?"

"This is really a big misunderstanding..." Howard called out: "Every time I call you, it's a female voice. I can't tell who is who? Which is your maid and which is yours? Women... as soon as they heard that I was looking for you for a party, those women just hung up my phone..."

"Uh--!" Zhou Ye was speechless for a moment. Could he tell Howard that all the maids were his women? Forget it, I don't want to be complained about by this playboy.

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