"Trust me, you won't want to know the truth, because that's too cruel for the organization..." Dottie laughed, she had already seen the figure appearing behind the man.

"Are you testing the organization's patience?" The man was dissatisfied. He thought Dottie was delaying time. He knew how the organization dealt with traitors. He had already made up his mind that he could not let Dottie go out alive...

"I'm sleepy, let's hurry up and go back!" A voice suddenly came from behind the man. The man didn't turn his head, and turned the gun directly at the place where the voice came from behind him.

It's a pity that he didn't know whether he was beaten or not, because he only felt a pain in the back of his head, and the whole person passed out...

Like a puppy, Zhou Ye carried the man by the back of his neck and walked in front of Dottie. "How much do you think he will know about the organization?"

"I don't think it's a lot, but we can just follow the line, can't we? Darling!" Dottie said with a smile.

"Of course, it may be difficult for others to pry his mouth open, but for us... we don't need him to speak to know everything he thinks!" Zhou Ye said and patted Dottie The back said: "You go back to rest first, I promise that tomorrow, you will usher in a real new life!"

"Hmm...!" Dottie nodded happily, then kissed Zhou Ye lightly, and walked to her car. She believed that her man would take care of everything, just as he did for himself in the first place.

Zhou Ye watched Dottie leave here. He knew how much Dottie feared the organization that had raised her since childhood, so he didn't call Dottie together...

After seeing Dottie's car taillights disappearing into the night, Zhou Ye carried the man directly back to the base somewhere in Umbrella.

"Go and show me everything in his mind, and then uproot the entire Leviathan..." Zhou Ye casually threw the man to a soldier in Umbrella's combat uniform and said. : "In addition, retrieve all of Howard's lost toys. Of course, as a reward for helping him retrieve the toys, we can make a copy of each one before handing in!"

"Yes, Master!" After the soldier gave a respectful salute, he picked up the man and walked out.

That night----

There have been several unremarkable homicides across New York City, several underworld figures have died in their homes, and the death of another milkman is even more inconsequential.

At the same time, Leviathan's secret contact points in the United States have suffered devastating blows, and his base in Maoxiong's homeland has been destroyed by various strange blows.

There are meteors falling from the sky... [Actually, Zhou Ye opened any door where the meteorite passed by, and then opened the other side over Leviathan's base. After calculating the speed and time, the new version of magic, the meteorite The sky is formed! 】

Some were destroyed by the earthquake... [Cleaner's sandification ability! 】

There are bases where all personnel disappear for no reason. [I was dragged away by the soldiers as a human experiment! 】

Always, all Leviathan bases were razed to the ground, except for those little loli who were being trained to escape, all the other personnel...hehe...Leviathan was removed from the world of darkness.

When Zhou Ye gave Dottie a golden Leviathan sign, she cried happily. She had seen this in an educational video. It was the sign of the headquarters. She knew that she would never use it again. I'm scared, I just need to be at ease and be a well-behaved little woman for this man.

Chapter 397

Three days later————

At 7:30 in the morning, Peggy opened her eyes on time. Although she was still lingering in the warm embrace, she still struggled and got up from the couch.

"Are you going to work?" A sleepy voice came from behind her.

"Well, sleep a little longer, my dear!" Peggy said, smacking Zhou Ye's cheek gently, then got up and walked into the bathroom to start preparing for the day's work.

And what about Zhou Ye? He closed his eyes again and fell into sleep.

As usual, Peggy came to the restaurant on the first floor, when another person was already sitting in the restaurant eating breakfast.

"Hi, morning, Peggy!" Seeing Peggy coming downstairs, Dottie greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Dottie!" Peggy greeted Dottie as she picked up a plate and filled herself with breakfast.

"I heard you made a bet with my dear?" Dottie asked while eating his own breakfast.

"It's just a little game!" Peggy said casually.

"If I were you, start preparing for the losing bet now!" Dottie's words made Peggy's hand stagnate, and then returned to normal. "Why do you say that? Do you know anything, Dottie?"

"I can't say too much, or my dear will be punished with me..." Dottie said with a mysterious smile on his face, "But a friendly reminder, the power in the hands of my dear is far beyond your imagination!"

"...Thank you for the reminder!" Peggy knew how powerful the Umbrella consortium in Zhou Ye's hands was, but she still wanted to give it a try. What if she succeeded? It's nothing to fail anyway... it's nothing more than unlocking a few more poses.

Perhaps because of the fact that he is also an agent, Dottie especially likes to be close to Peggy in the back house. Although the two are not like sisters, they can be called good friends.

The two chatted and ate breakfast. soon, need to work

After the two finished breakfast at the same time, Peggy put down the cutlery and asked, "Do you need me to drive you to work today?"

"Of course!" Peggy said with a smile. Her car crashed while chasing a suspect yesterday. There are far more modern protection measures in the vehicle, so she is safe and sound, but the poor car needs to be pulled to repair. Overhauled in the yard.

Dottie drove Peggy to the downstairs of the Bell Telephone Company in New York. Looking at Peggy who got off the car, Dotty asked, "Peggy, do you need me to pick you up at night?"

"Six o'clock, if I don't have to work overtime!" Peggy said hello to Dottie, and turned to the Bell Telephone Company.

"Poor Peggy!" Dotty looked at Peggy's back and shook her head with a smile, but she knew that her man had already prepared everything, and just today, she wanted to give Peggy a big surprise. And Peggy, still at a loss...

After walking out of the special elevator, she was greeted by rows of busy receptionist girls. Peggy was accustomed to such a scene.

Going straight to the end, I said hello to a fat girl with glasses.

"Good morning, Rose!"

"Peggy, the director doesn't look very good today, be careful!" Rose said and pushed a knife in front of her. With her movement, the wall in front of Peggy opened.

Peggy walked in, "Thanks for the reminder!"

After passing through a few doors, Peggy came to a large office.

It looks no different from the places where white-collar workers go to work. The only difference is the sign of the Strategic Science Corps hanging on the wall.

And at this moment, their chief director is furious.

"Yesterday was the deadline that Washington gave me, but what about you?"

"We found several black market dealers who had sold Howard's lost weapons..." explained one of the agents.

"And what about their people?" the chief asked.

"They...they died two days ago..." the agent said.

"What about the people who killed them? Have you found the murderer?" the director asked again.

"...They were killed in their own residence!" The agent explained: "I checked around their residence, the doors and windows are all intact, and the younger brothers waiting downstairs also said that they did not see anyone. I've been in..."

"So...you want to tell me that this is a murder case in a secret room?" the director mocked: "Do you want me to send a letter of help to the London side and ask them to send a Sherlock Holmes to help us solve the case? You bastard!"

"...Sorry, Chief!" That was all the agent could say.

"Let's all go out... I'll give you three more days, and if there's still no progress, I'll transfer you all to Arizona to guard the dam..."

Outside, Peggy could hear the roar of the chief inside, but it didn't matter. Anyway, the role she plays here is just a little tea girl who helps to order meals and help to get coffee. All the fieldwork has nothing to do with her.

"Carter, please bring me a cup of coffee..." the director said.

"Okay!" Peggy agreed, then poured a cup of coffee and brought it in. Taking advantage of the coffee delivery, she glanced at the documents on the desk... She basically knew what was going on at a glance.

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