"It's not something you are used to..." Emma, ​​the white queen on the side, complained, "With your daughters who are obedient and obedient, what kind of ethics does he need..."

"Haha...do you dare to say this in front of your father?" Ophelia smiled and cast a blank glance.

"...What's the matter..." Emma just wanted to change her mouth, but she softened when she saw Ophelia's half-smiley eyes. "Okay, I admit that I don't dare to complain about him in front of him... This guy is too bad. I can't use my whole body after what I did yesterday!"

"So, don't say I'm used to it!" Ophelia rolled her eyes at Emma and said, "In fact, we are all the same, he is our man and our king, a well-deserved king..."

... When she said this, Ophelia's face glowed with piety. To her, Zhou Ye was her belief, everything she had... She loved him more than anything.

"..." Facing Ophelia like this, Emma was speechless. "Forget it, I'm going to deal with the company's affairs..."

"Uh--!" Ophelia nodded with a smile and watched Emma leave the room.

Turning her head, Ophelia looked at the year, month, and day at the top left of the screen, and said to herself, "That day is coming soon..."

"Do you want something new for this year's gift?" Ophelia touched her chin, thought for a while, and then gently pressed a button on the handle of her seat.

Following Ophelia's movements, the screen in front of him changed, and a researcher in a white lab coat appeared. After seeing Ophelia, he hurriedly stood at attention and raised his hands. "Long live Hydra!"

"Long live Hydra!" Ophelia said casually: "How is your research on Inhumans Attilan? Have you found their traces?"

"We have locked the general area..." The researcher said and marked an area on the map behind, covering the area near the North Atlantic Ocean. "Give us a few more months, and we can completely explore this area, and then we will be able to catch these mice!"

"You don't have to be responsible for this matter anymore..." Ophelia said: "I will send other people to take charge, and besides..."

"But... I'll find them soon..." The researcher looked very unwilling, "Please give me some more time, Madam..."

"No... Doctor, it's not that I don't trust your ability, it's just that we've run out of time!" Ophelia said: "I'll hand over this matter to the hidden forces, you don't have to worry about it, I will hand over all the materials you have to them in a moment, and I have more important things for you to do!"

"Okay, Madam, your will!" The researcher in white reluctantly agreed.

"Everything is for the Hydra, long live the Hydra!" Ophelia said.

"Long live the Hydra!" The scientific researcher in white shouted, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

After hanging up the communication, Ophelia pressed another button, and then a beautiful blond girl appeared in front of her, "Hi, Mom, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Baby Angel, I want to give you a small task!" Ophelia's eyes were full of pampering. Although Zhou Ye couldn't get them pregnant for the time being due to the improvement of his life level, he would not delay them in using himself. cells, and cloned into a progeny after modulation.

Of course, Zhou Ye still didn't know about his daughter's existence.

"What mission?" Angel asked curiously.

"A very simple task for you!" Ophelia smiled, perhaps because she often touched space gems during the extraction of her own cells, her good daughter is actually Wanzhong There is no X gene variant, her ability is space - space in her hands is like a toy... It can be said that she has the strongest spear and the strongest shield.

There is no attack that can ignore the distance of space, and no one can stop the shattering of space... So Ophelia is very relieved to send her own daughter. "Baby, in a while, there will be information sent to your personal terminal, enter that place, and catch two people out..."

"Okay okay..." Angela knew what her mother wanted to do as soon as she heard that the task was to arrest people... "Mom, are you planning to send a woman to your father again? You have given so much, you When are you going to send your daughter over there..."

"Baby, it's your comrade-in-arms who are going to be arrested this time!" Ophelia smiled. Knowing her own man's character, she has cultivated her daughter's father-control attributes since she was a child. Now it seems that her daughter can't wait... She I can't wait any longer. I really want to see what my man's face will look like after knowing what his own is.

"Can I finally meet my father?" Angel immediately became excited when she heard Ophelia's words... She said quickly: "I'll go catch those two people now..."

"Baby, don't forget to put on your gear, if you get hurt, not only will I get mad, but your dad will get mad too..." With Ophelia's last words, the video was interrupted.

Angel was so excited that she couldn't help herself, and jumped up happily.

The room where Angel was in was a bedroom with more than 100 square meters. In this bedroom, in addition to the normal round wooden couch and all the necessary daily necessities such as computers, the most conspicuous thing was the walls and ceilings. Countless pictorial...

And all the pictorials look like one person, Zhou Ye...


Sitting on the couch, he took out a small Zhou Ye figure from his pocket, caressing the figure like an idiot, and said to himself, "Dad... we will meet each other soon. Waiting for my dad!"

This is really a broken mother who has taught a broken daughter...

Chapter 410

At this moment, the personal terminal on Angel's wrist rang for a while, and then the information was projected one by one.

"Oh? So it's them that my mother wants to send..." Looking at the information playing in front of her, Angel said to herself, "This is really a simple task!"

With that said, Angel stood up, came to a small door beside the wall, opened it and walked in. Soon, a sassy girl in a black military uniform appeared in the room again.

This is the battle uniform that Ophelia asked the Hydra organization to design for her daughter Angel. It uses Umbrella's super biological material, which has the functions of resisting high temperature, high pressure, corrosion and penetration...

When Ophelia asked her daughter what kind of uniform she wanted, when Angel knew that her father seemed to have a soft spot for uniforms, she chose the military uniform style without hesitation.

"Okay, Medusa... You are destined to be my father's plaything!" Angela had a broken smile on her face, she lifted her foot lightly, and the entire space suddenly changed, she appeared directly in the label Fascinated place in the area.

This is not a teleportation, but a transformation of space... This is a movement ability that belongs to Angel.

"Come, let me see where you are..." Angel stood in mid-air at sea and closed her eyes. Soon, she felt an abnormal fluctuation in a space. "I found you, little mouse!"

With the voice of the words, Angel's figure disappeared again in place——

The last fortress of the Inhumans - in Midu Attilan -

Medusaris Amaqueline Boltagan er, the name is too long, let's just call her Medusa in the future.

Medusa was born in the royal family of the Inhumans. She was strengthened by Terrigan crystals since she was a child, and has super powers. She can control the density and length of her long hair, and she also has the ability to communicate with each other.

Therefore, she was assigned the task of communicating with Black Bolt who was locked in the silence room by the royal family.

With the contact between the two, Medusa gradually fell in love with this silent young man... Today, she just went to the silence room to chat with Black Bolt, and was planning to go back to her room.

Because of Black Bolt's ability, he is still under supervision, so the two of them are limited to chatting... After all, there are many people watching secretly every time they meet, and even if they can't help themselves, they can't cross the thunder pond. .

However, even chatting was enough for Medusa, who was just starting out in love... She walked towards her residence with brisk steps.

Just as she was walking on the street as usual, she suddenly found that the whole scene had changed. She took a step forward, and the whole space seemed to be stretched infinitely. She found that she instantly came from the street to an endless horizon. on the open plain.

"Who?" Medusa's long hair was windless... She looked around with a full face of alertness, but no one appeared.

Medusa cautiously retreated back. Although she didn't know who was trapped by her, it was better to walk backwards than not to go... Maybe there will be unexpected surprises?

"Don't waste your energy..." A female voice suddenly sounded, and the startled Medusa's long hair was raised high like countless rattlesnakes, as if she would pounce on her and shred her opponent if she found a little accident.

"Who are you?" Medusa asked.

"Well—how should I say it? Logically speaking, I shouldn't be so rude to you..." Angel's figure appeared in front of Medusa, and she said with a smile: "After all, we will be the same man in the future. Women will be close comrades-in-arms..."

"You are Black Bolt's girlfriend?" When Medusa asked this sentence, her heart was sour.

"Black Bolt? Bah—he deserves it too?" Angel looked disgusted. "

"Who the hell are you? Since it's not Black Bolt's girlfriend, why do you say we are a man's woman?" Medusa's question was like a barrage of cannons.

"Me? You'll find out later! As for our future man..." Angel's whole body collapsed when she mentioned Zhou Ye, "He is my father, the most perfect creation of the gods... No No, to say that is a bit too condescending to those gods. It should be said that he—is a god, my god, and will be your god in the future..."

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