"But, you are still young, do you really understand the meaning of love?" Mary asked worriedly.

"..." Zhou Ye really didn't know whether to laugh or cry when faced with the word "young", and Susan next to him also felt like laughing... In the face of a person who would call Captain America an instructor, you said he was young? are you kidding me?

"Actually—I know what Susan and I will face, but I have the confidence to walk with Susan, and I know that maybe for you, having love doesn't mean anything, but I think a marriage without love It really won't last long..." Zhou Ye could only say that.

"..." Susan's mother looked at Zhou Ye silently for a long time, and then a smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, boy, I have to say, you moved me, you passed me here, but... For one thing, we're not ready to be grandparents, so be careful!"

"Mary...how did you..." Susan's father. Frank was a little anxious, how could he let this guy who cheated his precious daughter pass so easily...

"I think he did a great job!" Mary said nonchalantly, "Compared to someone who came to my house for the first time, the trembling performance when facing my father was much better..."

"But your father was holding a double-barreled shotgun at my head..." Frank explained.

"No no, courage has nothing to do with having a shotgun pointed at your head, dear!" Mary retorted. "And I like this handsome guy a lot, can't I?"

"Who has the final say in this family?" Frank slapped the table angrily and roared.

"Of course it's me. What's the matter?" Mary stared at her husband without fear of her husband. "Do you have any opinion?"

"No no... I don't have any opinion, dear, I just want to show the little guy how to be a good husband!" Frank said timidly.

... Zhou Ye was speechless when he looked at the couple who looked like living treasures in front of him. His old husband seemed to be a bit afraid of his wife...

"My mother's family used to run a farm. I heard from my grandfather that when I was young, my mother was the famous cowboy who could subdue a crazy bull with her bare hands!" Susan whispered in her man's ear. The details of this parent.

I have to say that sometimes when you look good, you get extra points in front of your mother-in-law. At least Zhou Ye gets a lot of extra points...

Chapter 412

"Zhou, I really don't need me to help you add a quilt to Susan's room, so you can make do with it?" Mary laughed and teased Zhou Ye, not caring that her daughter was so shy that she was about to get under the sofa. now...

"No, I think we will spend a lot of time together in the future, don't we?" Zhou Ye refused with a smile. His personal terminal had vibrated many times, and it was obvious that someone was calling him, so he had to leave quickly. . "Thank you Mary, your cookies are great!"

"Okay, that's a pity. But thanks for your compliment, Frank always complains that I made the cookies too sweet..." Marile's face was almost a flower, she liked this very much A handsome young man who can speak, and she feels that this young man knows how to advance and retreat, not the kind of spoiled rich kid. "Should I ask Frank to drive you home?"

"No need, I can take a taxi myself!" Zhou Ye smiled and stretched out his arms, Susan hugged him obediently, gently smack his cheek, and said, "See you tomorrow, my dear, be a Good dream!"

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Zhou Ye also said goodbye to Susan's parents: "See you tomorrow, Frank, Mary, of course, and you, Joe!"

"See you tomorrow!" In just half an hour, Susan's family was conquered by Zhou Ye. No matter what the topic is, he can always discuss it with you, making people feel like a spring breeze. To be honest , Susan has the illusion that Zhou Ye is the child of this family...

Susan's family sent Zhou Ye to the door and watched Zhou Ye leave until his back disappeared at the intersection, and the family returned to their home again.

"I have to say, baby Susan, you are really good at finding a boyfriend!" Even Frank, who didn't like Zhou Ye just now, was a little reluctant to leave Zhou Ye. "This guy actually likes the same team as me, ha, what a nice guy!"

"Hey, it's not fair, why is the girlfriend I found a bad girl in your eyes, and Susan's boyfriend has become a baby with you?" Jonathan said dissatisfied.

"That's because they weren't serious girls, dear!" His mother, Mary, answered his question. "If they can conquer our whole family like Zhou, I think your father will definitely agree with you to bring them home!"

"Okay... a girl like Zhou?" Jonathan gave up this stupid idea after thinking for a while. "No... I think that will be the end of the day for me, I will be controlled by a girl like that..."

"I think you need such a girl..." Susan laughed.

"No, Susan..."

While the family was still talking about Zhou Ye at home, the other side————

As soon as he was out of sight of the Susan family, Zhou Ye took out a pair of flat mirrors from his pocket and put them on, and then connected to his personal terminal. On his flat mirror, a slim figure with blond hair appeared.

"Hi, Dad, did you miss me?" Ophelia said with a smile.

"Baby, don't you sleep at all?" Zhou Ye looked at the time on his wrist, it was the United States now

The time difference was ten o'clock in the evening, "I remember that it should be only after four in the morning in your place..."

"That's right..." Ophelia smiled and said, "It's because I'm six hours ahead of you that I can say to you now, happy birthday... Dad!"

"Birthday?" Zhou Ye really didn't remember his birthday for a long time, but he remembered every woman's birthday... "I forgot... It's my birthday again this year!"

"Yeah, Dad!" Ophelia winked at Zhou Ye playfully and said, "Would you like to come to me and celebrate your birthday in advance? Friendly reminder, Dad, I have prepared a mysterious A birthday present for you!"

"What gift?" Zhou Ye was intrigued by Ophelia's words, and his daughter could always bring him unexpected surprises. "Can't you tell me first? Baby!"

"Of course—" Ophelia deliberately pulled her voice long, and then cut off someone's thoughts. "Can't!"

"Okay, okay! I'll go right now..." Zhou Ye said and looked around.

This street is still in a residential area. At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, the street here is very quiet, and every family closes their doors to enjoy their lives.

Zhou Ye looked at the people around him, pointed his finger in front of him, a random door with sparks opened, and Zhou Ye jumped in and walked in. Soon, any door was closed, and the whole street was calm again...

In the underground base of z·h Group Headquarters ——————

Ophelia looked at the man who came out of the random door in front of her with a smile, pounced happily like a little girl, and hugged him. "Dad, happy birthday!"

"Baby, thank you!" Zhou Ye said with a smile as he embraced his eldest daughter.

Ophelia also has a special place in Zhou Ye's mind. After all, Ophelia is his first adopted daughter, so she can be said to be the eldest daughter... Zhou Ye still has some preference for Ophelia. of.

"Baby, where's my gift? If I'm not satisfied, you'll be out of luck!" Zhou Ye smiled and patted Ophelia's affectionate dolphin, teasing.

"As long as you have eaten the cake, you can open the present, Dad!" Ophelia Sa Jiao said, "Let's go, let's eat the cake first!"

"Uh - okay!" Zhou Ye touched his stomach. He just ate a lot of cookies at Susan's house, now he wants to eat it again? Forget it, he can't let his good daughter feel sad and feel a little full, but he can still hold it...

Ophelia took her father's hand, walked to the next room, pushed open the door, and Zhou Ye saw the big exaggerated cake...a six-layer ice cream cake with a diameter of one meter...

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless... He looked at the cake and then at his stomach. "Baby, although I have superhuman strength...but that doesn't mean I have superhuman appetite..."

"Of course I won't let Dad eat this cake alone!" Ophelia said with a smile.

Following her words, a group of young girls ran out of the darkness, each holding Zhou Ye and saying nothing, some said happy birthday to dad, and some said happy birthday to my dear...

These girls are naturally Emma the White Queen and the daughters of Qin Gray... With Qin and Emma around, Ophelia wants to dominate Zhou Ye for a birthday, which is simply impossible.

And Ophelia doesn't care either. This kind of thing is inevitable, but she also made an appointment with the girls. After celebrating her father's birthday, she will have to wait for her father to receive his birthday present before she can have fun with them... All the girls also agreed. After all, in terms of seniority, Angel still had to call their mother.

They have no objection to letting Jean Angel, a lovely daughter, occasionally.

Zhou Ye looked at the appearance of the girls, and said it was a lie not to be moved. It is such a blessing to have a group of people who love you deeply and always remember your birthday.

At least Zhou Ye felt very happy at the moment.

"Okay, Dad, don't be moved... Let's blow out the candles!" Ophelia said, pushing the trolley with the cakes to Zhou Ye.

Chapter 413

There are only eighteen candles on the huge cake. In fact, this is what the girls mean. Time has no meaning to them. Why can't they be eighteen years old every year? If you have to remember how many years you have lived, then your mentality will also grow old unknowingly.

When Zhou Ye blew out the candles, the girls cheered and grabbed the cake and fought the cake battle... At this moment, they forgot all their superpowers, just like ordinary people, dodging each other, right Lost cake.

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