"Don't worry, they won't have the chance to betray them." Zhou Ye smiled. He didn't look down on these guys at all. He just coveted the technical materials on the Yongdu ship... These guys will give them all when they come back. Replacing... After draining their minds, of course.

"Then, I'm leaving... I should also go back to my hometown to see..." In fact, Yongdu didn't hate Zhou Ye at all. On the first day of star thief, he tacitly obeyed a jungle rule. The strong eat the weak - he didn't feel embarrassed to lose to Zhou Ye, he knew that Zhou Ye's strength was something he had never heard of. He was very relieved to hand over half of his life's efforts to such a strong man. "Don't lose face to our predators."

As Yongdu said, he pulled down the predator's logo from his murderous front, walked in front of Zhou Ye, pinned it on Zhou Ye's clothes, and finally patted his command chair nostalgically. "The fleet will be handed over to you... I'm leaving."

Zhou Ye watched Yongdu leave the cabin—after a while, a spaceship flew away from the mothership and flew towards the Centaur...

"Old guy, don't worry, I will make the entire galaxy feel deep fear when it comes to predators." Zhou Ye said to himself as he watched the tail flame of Yongdu's departing spaceship fly farther and farther away.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Little Lanpi asked cautiously.

"We... now go to Mars—" Zhou Ye smiled. Umbrella's Mars base had already been built, and many studies that were not suitable for Earth were done there.

The entire raider fleet, turned the bows in unison, and flew towards Mars...

Chapter 433

In the outer space of Mars, a formation of more than 30 medium-sized spaceships from a mothership is slowly entering here. It is the raider fleet that Zhou Ye received——

On the mothership, Zhou Ye was sitting in the place where Yongdu used to be, holding Pandora, quietly watching the dark red planet in front of him.

Just when the star thieves planned to land according to Zhou Ye's order, a strange communication signal suddenly came in.

[Unknown fleet, please indicate your identity and purpose, please reply within five seconds, otherwise we will be shot down. 】

With this communication, the star thieves discovered that the desolate surface of Mars, which originally seemed to have nothing, flashed like water waves, and then the scene in front of them changed drastically.

Countless turrets stand there. Among them, three giant cannons with a length of 3 kilometers are shining with dazzling electric light. Obviously, these turrets have completed the preparation for charging and can be activated at any time.

"Head... what should I do?" Xiao Lanpi, who had been promoted to Zhou Ye's adjutant, looked nervously at his new boss.

"Don't panic, it's all from us." Zhou Ye picked up the communicator at hand and said directly, "It's me, connect me to the top person in charge of the Mars base."

As Zhou Ye's words fell, there seemed to be a panic on the other side. Then, an excited voice said, "Welcome to the Sovereign. Please land at the first airport. We will send a pilot plane to guide you."

"Don't get excited, this time I brought you a lot of gifts." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Thank you... Thank you sovereign..." The other side couldn't say what he was already excited about, and his voice was choked. To be honest, the person in charge of the base was really excited... He originally thought that he was assigned to the Mars base. A disguised distribution. In the end, I didn't expect that today, the master actually came to this base in person... the master did not forget them, they were not assigned.

The star thieves in the command room looked at each other in dismay, and they were also very emotional at this time... Originally thought that the new boss was just one person, but now it seems that the new boss of their own family has a power that they can't imagine.

Among the star thieves, who can have a fixed base is simply a legendary character. What does a fixed base stand for? Represents complete logistical support, sufficient logistical support... It means that after they loot good things, they will no longer be exploited by those black market merchants, and at least they can share a small half of the money...

Their group of star thieves, perhaps under the leadership of the new boss, can really become famous in the galaxy and become an existence that makes all the empires in the galaxy look at them. At this moment, the star thieves cheered loudly in unison.

"Long live the boss... we're going home!"

"...Haha!" Zhou Ye sneered as he looked at the cheering star thieves. These guys probably didn't know that their doom would come after the fleet landed.

Zhou Ye couldn't believe these star thieves at all. Yongdu was right. If they could betray Yongdu, they could betray themselves. Don't look at how loyal they are now, but if they encounter a little setback, they might He would turn the gun on himself... Such a subordinate, hehe... Zhou Ye didn't want to keep any of them.

Zhou Ye had no shortage of loyal subordinates that he could use, so why did he have to use these rebellious guys? Keep them just for the knowledge in their heads.

After all, anyone who can be a star thief has two unique skills in their hands. Maybe it's repairing the spaceship, or maybe it's an extremely secret stargate in the star sea. Zhou Ye doesn't want to miss these things...

And those guys who didn't know that their death was imminent still greeted the pilots on the pilot plane excitedly, as if everyone was their own...

The fleet quickly landed at a T-shaped airport, the hatch of the mothership opened, and Zhou Ye took the lead and walked off the mothership with Pandora.

"Master!" The person in charge of Mars Base, who had been waiting at the airport for a long time, took the senior management of the base and stood respectfully at the Tibetan gate. The moment he saw Zhou Ye,

They couldn't help but bowed Umbrella's military salute to Zhou Ye.

"Hello everyone..." Zhou Ye smiled and nodded back to them.

Just when the person in charge of the base was about to step forward, Pandora's voice sounded in his mind, [These guys behind us are all star thieves, although they have been subdued by my dear, but my dear does not trust them, They have a lot of treasures in their minds. This is a gift from my dear ones. It is time for our Umbrella battleship to appear in the galaxy. 】

The person in charge of the base nodded understandingly, then after saluting Zhou Ye, he walked behind Zhou Ye and greeted the star thieves. "Hi guys, welcome home."

"...Hi, brother, do you have a chick here? You want blue skin..." Little blue skin asked with a smile through the interstellar interpreter.

"Of course there is, come with me, I'll take you to Hipi..." The person in charge looked like a good brother, and the two walked towards the base with a group of star thieves on their backs.

There will naturally not be any blue-skinned chicks waiting for them there, some only have various experimental equipment, and Umbrella soldiers.

Three days later————

In the hall of the base, Zhou Ye was sitting there listening to the report of the person in charge of his base.

"Master, we have completely analyzed the engines and propulsion devices of these battleships, and because our achievements in materials science far exceed them, the power of the first Starspeed I-type battleship ion engine we imitate will exceed them by 100%. More than thirty." The head of the base, Van Corton said excitedly: "After borrowing the weapons and devices on their warships, our first-generation Star Destroyer program will continue, and we have spanned three generations. , directly into the mid-to-high-tech generation of the Milky Way.”

"Oh? Why is the analysis work so fast?" Zhou Ye asked curiously, knowing that the reverse deduction will never be so fast. This is a systematic project. If it is calculated in ten years, he is not surprised. .

"This is your wisdom..." Ke Dunle's face was full of wrinkles, "Among the star thieves you brought, one of them was a senior engineer at the Adasim Shipyard of the Nova Empire. The guy was wanted by the Nova Empire for treason for embezzling public funds and secretly selling the drawings of the Nova engine to their old enemy, the Cree... He originally thought the Cree would cover him, but the Cree got the Nova Empire's After the engine drawing, he gave up on him, this unfortunate can only take shelter among the star thieves, and even dare not tell his true origin... Because he is afraid that these star thieves will take him to the Nova Empire to receive rewards..."

"What an unlucky bastard." Zhou Ye also had to sigh about this guy's bad luck, and he was glad that he didn't kill him in the first place, otherwise Umbrella's battleship plan wouldn't be so soon. "So tell me, when can I see Umbrella's Star Destroyer swarming the galaxy?"

"...That, Master, the fastest experimental model will not be built in six months... Besides, the experimental model is not equipped with weapons..." After hearing Zhou Ye's words, Keton's forehead was sweating. , he knows that his master wants to drive his own warship to the galaxy... But obviously, it takes time to convert knowledge into production capacity. Although the engineer has complete industrial chain structure data in his head, the new factory needs Builds, new engines need to be tested... these all take time.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless... "Forget it, you can renovate these star thieves' battleships without affecting the general structure, especially... Renovate the inside for me, see It's disgraceful to look like a slum... how long will it take?"

"It only takes a month, Master." Cotton said confidently.

"Then I'll wait another month... Anyway, the soldiers sent from Earth need some time to familiarize themselves with these battleships..." Zhou Ye said helplessly.

"Please rest assured, Master, we can use virtual operating devices to help those warriors adapt to these warships, and even we can add the battle scenes extracted from the minds of those star thieves, so that the soldiers can adapt to flying combat."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your good news..." Zhou Ye waved his hand, "Go down."

"Yes, Master." After giving a salute, Keton exited Zhou Ye's room.

Chapter 434

A month later————

Zhou Ye stood in front of his brand-new mothership, his face blooming with joy...

Although he said it didn't move the general framework, in fact, the guys under him could not wait to install all the latest technologies on their own masters... So, now Zhou Ye's mothership has gained a whole lot of weight.

"Master, your mothership is equipped with improved x-metal, so even if you land in the center of the sun, you won't have any problems." The final assembly designer who was solely responsible for refitting Zhou Ye's starship said in Zhou Ye Ye said eloquently: "In addition, we urgently installed six engines for you. Because of the use of our Umbrella's space cargo box technology, the space of the entire battleship has not been reduced, but it has become more spacious."

"Especially, we have prepared the latest achievement of our Umbrella technology for your ship, the Forerunner Annihilation Cannon. Of course, although it is powerful, a single cannon can destroy a planet the size of the sun, but due to technical limitations, we For the time being, it is impossible to make it have the burst function, and it needs to be charged for fifteen seconds before each launch."

"Not bad, I'm very satisfied..." Of course Zhou Ye knew that the Annihilation Cannon was powerful, but, to be honest, this thing is more deterrent than actual combat. After all, it is too slow... But, this thing is a good thing to use to blackmail the planet. something.

"In addition, we

Equipped with 600 rapid-fire electromagnetic guns for your ship, and equipped with a large nuclear fusion reactor for your ship, you don't have to worry about energy problems at all. "

"Well, more is beautiful, bigger is better, billions of turrets are billions of light, I like the doctrine of the multi-turret religion." Zhou Ye looked at the ship in front of him, to be honest, if the designer hadn't told him it was him After the refitted ship, he couldn't recognize that this was the mothership he brought over. It's just a big change...

The previous mothership looked like a big whale... Although it was big, it didn't look threatening. But now, the mothership looks like a giant whale full of spines, beautiful and deadly. The countless turrets protruding from the body make people know at a glance that this thing... is terrible.

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