Aletta clenched her fists tightly and stared at the fighting fighters outside, "Wait, we haven't lost yet..."

Originally, according to her plan, everyone would fight for the fighters together. She knew the guys on the Yongdu ship too well. But now, the performance of those fighter pilots has greatly exceeded her expectations.

At the beginning, those fighting fighters still behaved like a rookie, and they were often besieged by their sisters on their ships, but later, they gradually turned into veterans at an unbelievable speed. Just run, seduce and lure your sisters into their encirclement...and then there's no doubt about it. This kind of learning ability simply made her look sideways.

"It's over..." Aletta collapsed on his command seat and sighed. "Remember the toughest battle we fought with the government forces? Send a message to tell the sisters to break through separately, and we'll take them around in circles..."

"Okay, eldest sister." A subordinate said excitedly and began to contact the fighter pilot.

They used this trick to drag down the government forces that doubled their enemies... To put it bluntly, it was a fight and run, run and fight, kite harassment tactics... Just under pressure, these two female predators never thought of this move , or rather, they have become accustomed to listening to orders and forget to think.

"Want to run?" Ingrid saw through Aletta's tactics at a glance, and ordered without hesitation: "Teams 4, 5, and 6 no longer need to hide their strength, catch up with full power, and nail her to death for me. mothership."

You know, at the beginning, Ingrid asked them to use half the power to approach the enemy mothership, just for fear of scaring them away, now since they want to run? Then there is no need to hide it anymore, it's time to let them know how perverted Umbrella's improved fighter engine is.

"Yes..." A voice familiar to Ingrid came, and she couldn't help but stroke her forehead: "Dolores - who asked you to fly the fighter?"

"Don't be angry, Mom, my mom has been my role model since I was a child, and I also want to learn from you!" Dolores said while pouring soup on her mom, "Besides, Sister Pandora is by my side, don't worry. For my safety, I will be the first to board the enemy mothership, Mom, wait for my good news,"

"...You..." Ingrid couldn't say what she blamed anymore. She didn't know when she became a role model for her daughter, maybe since she was a child. Thousands of words come together into one sentence. "Be careful, keep your mind safe, baby."

"Yes, Your Excellency Commander." Dolores replied playfully, and then closed the communication.

"Okay, baby, don't worry anymore, with Pandora by her side, there is absolutely no problem with her safety." Zhou Ye said, hugging Dolores who still looked worried.

"I hope so..." Ingrid was extremely weak at the moment, she cared too much about her daughter.

Chapter 448

At this moment, Dolores is looking at the enemy mothership that is close at hand with excitement, "The first person to board the enemy ship is me."

"Well, that's right, come on, Liz, I'm optimistic about you!" Pandora sat on the side and said nonchalantly. For her, this was completely meaningless. If she wanted to, it was just her A single person can turn this mothership into a mass of floating junk that can be found everywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds.

What's more, Dolores's so-called number one is still a bit watery. After all, the soldiers all know that the person who drives this fighter is the woman who dominates it. Who dares to rush up to grab the credit without opening his eyes? Not only did they dare not rush up to grab the merit, but a few consciously helped her to block the enemy planes that were chasing after her. This is the mistress, if something happened among them, it would be quite terrifying for the master to go crazy.

Otherwise, do you really think that Dolores is a genius in piloting a fighter plane, and she was able to drive a fighter plane straight into the enemy line on the first time on the battlefield? That's impossible...

But obviously, Dolores didn't know. All she had in mind at this moment was to rush to the enemy mothership, capture the enemy commander with her own hands, and draw a successful end to the battle presided over by her mother.

The moment she drove the fighter plane to the mothership, Dolores only felt the fuselage shake. She pressed the red button for forced landing at her hand, and several mechanical arms stretched out from the belly of the fighter plane. Grabbing the protrusions on the armor of the mothership, the strong ion beam generator specially designed for forced landing on the abdomen of the fighter, in a few seconds, cut a large hole in the armor of the mothership large enough for two people to pass through. .

You know, these fighter planes are not the junk that was originally carried on the Yongdu ship. With a good engine system, those crazy researchers in Umbrella specially designed it for their own master, specifically for Umbrella's advantage. Project, Biotechnology.

What's the best thing about Umbrella? That is naturally the human body strengthening technology... It can be said that every Umbrella soldier pulled out is enough to hang the soldiers of most cosmic countries...

Besides, what is a predator? It's a star thief, it's a robbery... If you smash the opponent's battleship into pieces, what else are you robbing?

Therefore, in response to this situation, Umbrella's researchers can only say that the performance of the fighter weapons equipped for their masters can only be said to be average in the universe, which is also related to the fact that there is not much weapon information on the Yongdu ship, but other parts The strengthening is too much. The strength of the armor can be said to be thick and durable. The improved engine makes them more than twice as fast, and the strong ion beam generator specially added to the belly of the fighter for forced landing is even more. It has laid a good foundation for its own master to rob other people's spaceships.

When they are on the enemy's mothership, Umbrella soldiers can use their strengths to receive the enemy's ships without damage. This is also Zhou Ye's tactic... After all, he is a predator now, and he has to do his own thing. Love one line.

The topic is too far away, let's talk about Dolores' side.

When the armor of the opponent's mothership was cut, several nozzles quickly sprayed condensed gas on the armor of the mothership, which was still blazing with red rays and scorching waves. Soon, the high temperature became a human body. Tolerable temperature, the ventilator that activated a large amount of steam generated by the alternation of cold and heat was quickly discharged from the interior of the fighter.

"Sister Pandora, let's go!" Dolores, who had already replaced her assisted driving helmet with a bulletproof helmet, was wearing Umbrella's unique black combat uniform. Seeing that the landing status had turned green, she couldn't help but want to try it. said to Pandora.

"Well, let's go." Pandora was still dressed in Lolita costumes. To her, it didn't matter what kind of combat uniforms, anyway, there were few weapons that could hurt her body.

"Pfft—" There was a sound of exhaust, and the pressure door opened... Dolores rushed in and jumped directly to the mothership that had been penetrated by the strong ion beam.

"It looks like a warehouse..." Dolores looked at the location where she landed. There were all kinds of sundries scattered here and there, looking a little messy and dirty. "It's so's like a rubbish heap compared to my dear mothership."

"..." Pandora, who was following her, was speechless, "This is the normal state of the marauder's mothership, and the dear mothership is an example of it, and it cannot be used as a benchmark, otherwise you will find that in the future, you will not only be in the dear mothership. You can't stand the other motherships other than the one you can work on."

"Then I'll be fine if I don't leave Ye's mothership. He doesn't have the heart to drive me down anyway..." Dolores said with a smile.

You are right, I am speechless... Pandora sighed, took out a box, and stuck it directly on the electronic keyhole at the door of the warehouse, and soon... the voice of the artificial intelligence banshee of the mothership spread out. "The entire ship has been scanned, and permission has been granted... to pass."

"Thank you, Banshee." Pandora felt that the Banshee was quite temperamental to her, perhaps because both of their names came from Greek mythology, and she had a strange intimacy with Banshee.

"It's my honor to serve you, Mother Pandora." The banshee's voice was also slightly smiling.

"Okay, now let's go see the expression of the woman who treats our man as a rookie..." Pandora smiled and walked in front of Dolores. After all, Dolores is not a battle. Personnel, it is an exception for her to be the first to board the mothership, and I don't know what dangers will be encountered for the rest of the journey, so it is better to fight the front station by myself.

The natural Dolores didn't think so much. She heard Pandora's words and said happily: "I also want to see that guy who is posing as a crushing rookie, and now I see what we will be like. The expression... I can't wait."

"Let's go." Pandora said as she walked outside. All the security gates along the way did not exist for her. The Banshee had already remotely cracked the security mechanism here. Now it can be said that all those who landed on the enemy ship Umbrella soldiers have already obtained the authority of the battleship, they can rampage without worrying about the counterattack mechanism in the mothership playing any role.

Pandora took Dolores directly to the command room marked by the banshee. After all, a mothership is still quite large. If there is no guidance, it is not impossible to get lost in it. This is Dolores. Si has a deep understanding...because...ahem, she got lost on Zhou Ye's mothership...and missed lunch because of this....

As for other important cabins, other Umbrella soldiers will naturally take care of them. After Dolores sent her first successful landing on the enemy ship, those soldiers began to land, of course they They are going to those important cabins such as hangars, weapons depots, fuel depots, and power rooms. Of course, they also brought some inconspicuous little things in their hands.

Although it was said that this was just an assessment and that no murder was allowed, Zhou Ye was not someone who came home empty-handed after entering Baoshan. After this battle, I believe that all the facilities on the Aletta mothership would be of no use to Zhou Ye. of the secret.

Chapter 449

At this moment, Aletta, who was in the command room of the mothership, stared blankly at the two sides fighting in front of him. The fighter planes were constantly entangled. Those black ones were like ghosts, and a strange umbrella was drawn on the fuselage. The marked local fighters have completely controlled the situation on the battlefield.

Those of my sisters, under the aggressive pressure of the other party, only have the power to parry, and they have no power to fight back. And there are already some sisters who can't hold it anymore and stop directly in the peaceful area outside the fire zone. In this area, there are more than a dozen Marauder's motherships watching the battle. Although they came a little late, they also I saw the excellent performance of the black fighter.

On one of the motherships watching the battle, Starka watched his sister be beaten and couldn't find Bei. It was a lie to say that he was not embarrassed, but he was more happy. In his opinion, there was such a feeling It is a good thing for the predators that the new force joins the big family of predators.

Although the predators seem to be scattered, they promise to abide by their own rules. They come from different star regions. They are usually scattered, but when they have a big job, they don't mind joining forces to do a big vote... …

Therefore, in Starka's view, the stronger the successor of Yongdu, it represents the general trend of predators

The stronger the force, this is what he wants to see.

"Yondu, it seems that your successor is a good guy. I haven't seen anyone beat Aletta so embarrassed for a long time." Starka smiled at Yongdu who was standing beside him watching the battle. said.

"Hehe, I didn't expect this kid to be able to do this." Yongdu has already seen that those guys who are driving fighters and are not afraid of death are definitely not his former subordinates, but so what? Do those guys who abandoned him still want Yondu to help them find justice? How is it possible, although Yongdu is a person with a bottom line, he is definitely not a good person, let alone a Virgin Watch... Such a person would not be a star thief.

Although they were chatting and laughing, Starka's sister, Aletta, was not so relaxed.

"Big sister, the armor of the third warehouse of the mothership was pierced..." A female predator behind Aletta looked at the three-dimensional map of the mothership in front of her, and the red light flashed and reported.

"Well, I see..." Aletta doesn't care anymore. In fact, she has realized her mistake and underestimated the enemy. This is the first rule, and the second rule is that she doesn't know the opponent's configuration at all, but Obviously, the other party knows his configuration very well, and the lack of information has put him in the current predicament. He is still looking at this successor of Yongdu with the old eyes from before, so he is not wronged this time.

"Everyone...the ship's hangar deck was pierced, oh my god, the third engine lost power, the first engine lost power...all the engines lost power..."

One bad news after another, Aletta has no room for anger.

Just when Aletta was disheartened and planned to give up her resistance and surrender, two figures suddenly walked in.

"Is it Aletta?" A silver-haired girl in a gorgeous black dress caught Aletta's attention. In her opinion, this girl shouldn't have a boring space voyage on the mothership. It should be served by those well-behaved maids in a gorgeous palace. She is so beautiful, so pure, like a diamond, radiating dazzling light.

"It's me." Aletta nodded unconsciously and answered the girl's question.

"I came to accept your surrender on behalf of my man Zhou Ye." Pandora said with a smile.

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