At this time, Yondu could no longer hold back his emotions, and he roared hysterically: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan !!!”

I don't know when... In Yongdu's eyes, tears fell on the girl's corpse... He slowly stood up, turned his head to Zhou Ye and said, "I have done countless bad things in my life... Robbed, killed...but I never regretted it, but Egg let me know what regret is. Tell me, where is Egg?"

"Come with me..." Zhou Ye sighed and walked to the ground with Yongdu...

Chapter 456 The Living Planet.

Zhou Ye took Yongdu and walked towards the underground... As the two of them moved forward, the rocks and soil in front of them seemed to have their own consciousness, and they automatically separated to both sides, forming a channel leading directly to the ground.

Of course, this is not magic, but Egg is a living planet, or rather, this planet gave birth to its own consciousness. He can control everything on his planet...

That's why Zhou Ye was interested in this planet that didn't have any precious minerals and was smaller than the moon...

At this moment, Yigo has been controlled by Pandora, so Zhou Ye and Yongdu can walk towards Yigo's core so comfortably... Otherwise, they would have been attacked by Doigo's madness long ago. .

Although it is said that Zhou Ye can easily kill this small planet, but Zhou Ye's purpose is not to destroy him, but to take him down... and take him without damage... that's why Zhou Ye will Before participating in the assessment, he sent a message to his base. Simply put, this super-giant brain wave diffusion device is a mature technology, and it can be used directly with only a slight modification.

As the two went deeper and deeper, the scenery inside became very different...

There is no mantle like other planets here... some are connected structures like nerves in the brain. Although they are all composed of stones, they really look like neural structures... even the subtleties are similar , maybe that's why this planet was born with a will.

Soon...the two came to a huge rock-wrapped core deep in the center of the earth...

As the two walked here... the rocks slowly spread out to both sides, revealing a huge beating blue heart...

"This—this is Egg." Zhou Ye looked at the blue heart in front of him and said with a smile, "Now I'll leave the time to you... You only have five minutes..."

"Five minutes is enough..." Yongdu looked at the huge blue heart in front of him and said confidently, he whistled in the middle, and with the sound of his whistle, his whistle arrow dragged the red light and shadow from His waist slowly rose...

"Ego, go to die..." Yondu said, urging his whistle arrow to pierce the blue heart... As Yondu's whistling arrow pierced the heart, Yigo's face was faintly hidden in the heart. Emerging from the stone, he roared, "No... Yondu."

"I gave you an incomparably rich reward, is that how you repay me?" At this time, Egg only had this amount of strength left, and he couldn't control his body at all... He never knew that his mind was also Being able to be controlled, he could feel an incomparably huge spiritual force pressing his thoughts firmly, he could feel everything soberly, but he couldn't move a small stone...

"You promised me I wouldn't hurt those kids... assholes." Yondu roared.

"Yes, I did not hurt those children, they died without pain..." Egg roared.

"Bastard... You killed them, and said there was no harm..." Yondu stopped talking, and stepped up his whistle arrow... A red light shuttled back and forth in the blue heart, and it didn't take long... Egg's His face disappeared... and Yondu fell to his knees on the ground...

"Evra...I avenged you..." Yondu muttered, and gently put the Q-version doll he took out from the little girl's corpse in his pocket. At this moment, he It's like letting go of all the burdens...

After a long time, Yongdu slowly stood up, facing Zhou Ye, and said solemnly: "Thank you... boy, I have no regrets anymore."

"Where are you going now?" Zhou Ye asked.

"I'm going to Starka and the others... I'm going to tell everything I've done." Yondu said and walked over, "So that I can get the final redemption... No matter what the result is."

"Okay, good luck..." Zhou Ye said.

"Come on, boy, don't lose my people..." Yongdu waved his hand without looking back, and walked towards the fighter...

It didn't take long for Zhou Ye to receive a message from the mothership. "Master, Yondu left with the fighter jet... He did not return to the mothership."

"I see, this guy, he's going to take a fighter plane with me when he leaves." Zhou Ye laughed and teased, and then said, "Now you can order those guys to land..."

"As you wish, master." The voice of the banshee came out quickly.

Immediately afterward—a dozen motherships on standby in space slowly landed on Planet Yigo, and tens of thousands of researchers descended from above, who will conduct research on the entire planet...

"Doctor, tell me, how sure are you to transform him into what I want?" Zhou Ye asked, looking at the sloppy guy in front of him.

"Master, don't worry, we are the number one living planet that is both biological and material.

See you again, but... I believe that with our Umbrella's achievements in biology, we will soon be able to decipher the secret of why this planet is alive... At that time, we will soon have countless living Death Stars , Dominate. "

"After the inspection, give me an exact timetable..." Zhou Ye said.

"Yes, Master." The doctor solemnly agreed.

"Very good, then I'll go back first..." Zhou Ye said as he walked towards the underground passage... And the ant-like researchers were linking the nerve blocking devices to those nerve-like mesh structures.

Yondu didn't kill this guy just now... Although Egg was indeed hit hard, I'm sorry... Planets are still different from humans, and he is not as fragile as humans...

And these nerve blocking devices can completely cut off the connection between this guy and his own planet. In the end, his fate is the guinea pig in the laboratory... And because of his existence, Umbrella will soon have countless living Death Star... This is the reason why Zhou Ye wanted to take Egg.

Chapter 457

United States - MIT -

In senior staff housing complex————

"Darling, it's time for you to get up..." A soft whisper woke Zhou Ye from his sleep... As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Susan Stone's delicate face. "Morning, baby..."

"Morning, dear..." Susan lowered her head and kissed Zhou Ye's cheek, and said, "It's time to get up, you said yes, you will accompany me to class today..."

"Uh—is it okay not to go?" Zhou Ye asked with a gloomy expression.

"That won't work, my dear..." Susan smiled and blinked and said to Zhou Ye, "You told me what you said... So, dear, you don't want to become a dishonest man, do you?"

"Okay okay...I see." Zhou Ye sighed and sat up.

This is a week after his return to Earth...

After arriving on Earth, Ingrid occasionally saw Sun Tzu's Art of War in Zhou Ye's study, and immediately developed a strong interest in the ancient art of war in China.

In her words, your ancestors of the Chinese people are really too powerful to see the situation of the battlefield so thoroughly...

But in the face of those classic military books in China, she still can't read them, for no other reason, because the Chinese language is broad and profound, and many parts of the translation into common language will lose the original charm. In order not to miss these battlefield cheats, Ingrid I am learning Chinese with Jia Ying...

If occasionally one day, you see a Xandar star who speaks authentic Hunan dialect, no doubt, it must be that Ingrid did not run away...

And Aletta directly threw her mothership in Umbrella's base on Mars, and took her own women's army to Paris Fashion Week... For them, this kind of special purpose A festival set up to satisfy a woman's shopping urge, it's amazing.

Pandora took Dolores to travel around the earth... In Dolores' words, this is really a beautiful planet, much more beautiful than Xandar...

Zhou Ye ran all over the place, busy comforting his women... Washington - Los Angeles - Kathmandu - Attilan - Zurich - he was busy everywhere... At this moment, he I really feel that I am a little too many women...

And Susan was his last stop here—

It's not that Zhou Ye didn't like Susan, so he came to her last. It was because Susan was busy with one of her scientific research projects a few days ago, so she didn't have time...

Yesterday I managed to spare a bit of free time... It was a tragic discovery that relatives came to visit, so Susan could only get up so early today, otherwise, how could Zhou Ye let her down?

"Okay...Honey, get up quickly, I've already made coffee for you..." Susan said, sipping on Zhou Ye's forehead again, and said, "We'll go to the school cafeteria to eat in a while. Breakfast, wake up late, but there is nothing good..."

"Okay, okay..." Zhou Ye sighed and looked at the still hazy night outside the window. It was already late autumn, and the sky was brighter late... He turned his head to look at the table on the couch. Alarm clock, it's only half past six... "It's too early..."

Zhou Ye himself had forgotten how long it had been since he woke up so early... Few people dared to wake him up, including his women. If the enemy provoked Zhou Ye who didn't sleep well, he would die... And if women provoked Zhou Ye who didn't sleep well, they would be put on the couch for morning exercise...

But forget it, this girl Susan is in an extraordinary period now, and this account is recorded first...

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