
Betty watched the battle between the two in a stunned manner, but soon, she had no time to think too much... Because she was dragged by Zhou Ye and joined the big melee...

Chapter 560

The next day—early morning—

Zhou Ye slowly opened his eyes. What caught his eye were two beautiful sleeping faces, each with its own merits. It was the two girls, Betty and Susan, who had been tortured by him yesterday...

The two women hugged his arms tightly, making him unable to move...

Zhou Ye tried to pull out his arms. He was going to make breakfast for the two girls so that they wouldn't get hungry...

After all, he wasn't used to the food in the cafeteria, and the two girls were tormented by him last night, so it was estimated that they would be very hungry together.

It seems that he was awakened by his actions, and the two women woke up at the same time...

"Morning, dear..." Susan didn't even open her eyes, she said good morning to Zhou Ye first, and Betty was not used to it, but she followed suit and gave Zhou Ye a good morning. dear. "Good morning, dear."

"Sorry... I woke you up." Zhou Ye said apologetically, "You guys should sleep a little longer... I'll go and prepare breakfast for you."

"Then I'll be waiting to enjoy your breakfast dear." Susan misses Zhou Ye's breakfast, not for the taste, but for the feeling of being loved by Zhou Ye.

"Still... I'll come..." Betty said she was about to get up, but she lay down immediately... After all, it was the first time for her to do that yesterday... Plus Zhou Ye was a bit of a beast... so , She only feels sore and weak now, and she doesn't want to move at all...

"Okay, take a good rest..." Zhou Ye looked at Betty who was still struggling to get up, and pressed her down gently. "Just wait and eat."

"Well..." Betty finally found that she still couldn't do it. In desperation, she could only let Zhou Ye tuck her back into the warm bed.

The two women watched Zhou Ye go down to the ground, put on a dress casually, and walked out of the bedroom.

Zhou Ye came to the kitchen and looked at it for a long time...and found that there was only some bread and ham...and eggs in the refrigerator.

Well, it looks like I can only make sandwiches again. Zhou Ye sighed... No way, you can't expect a variety of Chinese ingredients in the refrigerator of an American girl, it's unrealistic...

Just as Zhou Ye was preparing breakfast... The two girls in the bedroom were also talking about him.

"Is it Susan? Can I call you Su?" Betty said a little embarrassedly, after all, it was the first time that the two women met, but now they are with a man at the same time...even Betty even had Susan's I can't remember the name.

"Of course, Betty." Susan said indifferently. After all, she has been with Zhou Ye for a long time, and she knows many things.

"Can you tell me about Ye? What kind of man is he?" Betty really wanted to know more about Zhou Ye and let her leave Zhou Ye? Don't make trouble. If she wanted to leave, she left yesterday. The option of leaving Zhou Ye was long gone in her mind.

"A strong man...a man beyond your imagination..." Susan briefly summed up her man.

"I know he's a strong man..." Betty thought Susan was talking about that kind of thing, "I already realized it last night... God, I've been begging for mercy like that, he won't let me go, this beast ·beast……"

Even though she said this, Betty's face didn't have any sense of hatred, but a more shy and shy expression.

"I'm not talking about that kind of thing..." Susan was speechless, why is her man so fresh in your memory? "When I say powerful, I mean all aspects of things... He is like a treasure trove waiting for you to discover. Every time you see him, you will always have new surprises."

"...Are you sure you're talking about Ye, not a kaleidoscope?" Betty asked incomprehensibly.

"Some things need to be discovered by yourself... that's the only way to have fun." Susan smiled mysteriously. At this time, she smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen, and her stomach grunted unsatisfactorily. "Okay, now we're going to get up and get ready to eat... I'm starving to death."

"Okay..." Betty looked at Susan's meaning, that she didn't plan to tell herself about Ye. I can only sit up with difficulty and prepare to wash and eat...

"Let me help you..." Susan saw Betty's difficult appearance and came over to help Betty get dressed... She was very lucky that this guy was still with Zhou Ye when she was with Zhou Ye for the first time. It's a bit of a spectrum, I didn't make myself so miserable, if I was also double-killed by Zhou Ye that day, I'm afraid I'm no better than the current Betty...

"Thank you..." Betty said a little embarrassedly.

"It's nothing, you will know later that in this family, all sisters must live in harmony... or else they will be punished by the family law..." Susan said about the family law, with a love-hate expression on her face...

"What is family law?" Betty asked curiously.

"God, don't remind me of that feeling..." Susan blushed for a moment, she hurriedly stabilized her somewhat accelerated heartbeat, and said, "In short, it's the kind of thing that makes you love and hate at the same time. ...Of course it's not whipping or violence, in short ... I don't know how to explain it, if you have time, you will know it for yourself."

"Oh..." Betty nodded vaguely. She saw that Susan didn't want to mention the word, so she didn't ask any further.

when two

After getting dressed, washing up, and walking out of the bedroom, I saw the breakfast on the table in the dining room at a glance...

A ham sandwich with two fried eggs and a cup of niu no.

"Okay, it's time to eat..." After Zhou Ye served all the breakfast, he smiled and said to the two women who came downstairs, "How about my craft."

Susan, who was hungry for a long time, took a big bite of the sandwich and gave her thumbs up, "Excellent, dear."

Betty was also very hungry. You must know that she was the one who was tossed the most... Seeing Susan's action, she sat down and took a bite of the sandwich...

To be honest, the taste can only be said to be delicious, but the kind of bonus that her own man cooks for her makes her feel that this is the best sandwich she has ever eaten in her life... "It's delicious..."

"Thank you for the compliment." Zhou Ye smiled. He knew what he made.

If it's Chinese food, he still has the confidence to make it delicious that surprises the two girls, but forget about Western food... No matter how you cook it, it still tastes the same... But the compliments the two girls gave him made him very happy too.

While the three were having breakfast and chatting... The terminal on Zhou Ye's wrist suddenly rang, and then a female voice came. "Master, a high-speed flying object is flying towards your location, do you need us to intercept it?"

"A high-speed flying object? Flying towards me?" Zhou Ye was a little confused? What is that? It is said that if it is harmful to herself, the Red Queen will intercept it as soon as possible, but the Red Queen did not issue a warning. Instead, the shadow guard next to Susan sent an alarm, which is a bit interesting...

At this moment, Betty was startled by the words that suddenly sounded on Zhou Ye's wrist, "This... what is this?"

"It's just a personal terminal..." Susan explained to her: "This is a new generation of portable terminal developed by our family's Umbrella chaebol. I tell you, there are a lot of fun mini games in it..."

Saying that, Susan showed her personal terminal on her wrist and gave Betty Anley the game she played the longest.

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, this girl completely regarded the 3D stereo projection personal terminal as a small game console. But now is not the time to say this, the Shadow Guard is still waiting for his orders.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Ye said, "Give up the interception, let me see who it is..."

"Follow your will, Master." After the Shadow Guard replied, he hung up the communication. They basically didn't show up except in an emergency.

And Zhou Ye also looked out the window with great interest... Waiting for the appearance of the UFO who told him to fly.

Chapter 561

Just when Susan gave Betty Anley a game that could be played online, Zhou Ye had already seen the trajectory drawn by the high-speed flight in the distance... He saw something very familiar at a glance.

"Iron Man?" Zhou Ye was stunned for a while—

At this time, a mechanical armor similar to Iron Man had already flown to the door of the villa, and it seemed that she wanted to slow down... But obviously, she couldn't stop.

"Get out of the way... Susan, I can't stop." A female voice with a little mechanical sound rang out, Zhou Ye knew who it was at once... This is not his goddaughter and woman, Ni Na?

Seeing Nina who was in a hurry and wanted to stop, but lost her balance and bumped into Nina, Zhou Ye sighed... As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Nina's steel armor and pulled her to a stop. down.

"Hi, dear..." Nina in the mechanical armor greeted Zhou Ye awkwardly. She miscalculated. She just wanted to share the joy of her success with her friends, but ended up throwing the big killer ahead of schedule. Leaked in front of his own man, this is really worth the loss...

"Dear baby Nina, can you tell me what you are doing?" Zhou Ye asked, straightening Nina who had stopped.

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