"Yes, the premise is that my dear is not angry." Susan said with a smile: "Once Ye went shopping with me, and I met a few Mexicans on the way. They scolded Ye and teased me... You Guess what happened?"

"How?" Betty asked curiously.

"They were built alive on the side of the road in the shopping street..." Susan said indifferently. For her, the more such ruffians die, the better. Their lives are a waste of air.

"Good job." Betty didn't pity those guys either. She felt that those Mexican ruffians deserved to die. Mexican gangsters are a big scourge in the United States.

"Okay, let's see Nina's performance..." Susan took Betty's hand directly and stood behind Zhou Ye, watching how Zhou Ye tested Nina's new toy.

"Baby, how do you want to test your new toy?" Zhou Ye asked through the personal terminal on his wrist.

"Give me a note wall first, and let me try the flexibility of the mecha." Nina said.

"Then let's have a soothing serenade?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"No, come to the most intense, let's have a wild bee flying..." Nina said directly: "I like that exciting feeling."

"Okay..." Zhou Ye said with a smile, "I haven't played for a long time, and I don't know if it's because of my hand."

"I'm waiting for your performance, dear." Nina's words were full of anticipation.

"...I hope it won't be embarrassing." Zhou Ye said, took out a piano from his wristband and placed it in front of him. A stone bench appeared directly behind him... Zhou Ye sat down and slowed down. Slowed down, and then said, "Baby Nina, are you ready?"

"Come on..." Nina was already excited.

"What are they doing...? Didn't they say they wanted to test Nini's mechanical armor? Why are you holding a piano dear?" Betty was no longer surprised by Zhou Ye's space bracelet, because she was already too surprised Yes, no wonder.

"Shh, there's a good show to watch..." Susan gently gave Betty a hand, motioning her to look carefully, not to speak, and Betty could only watch Zhou Ye's movements with confusion.

The moment Zhou Ye's fingers touched the keys, the whole piece of music entered into a stormy climax, and even his hands had already brought up waves of afterimages...

And with Bumblebee flying this hurried piano song, Betty was stunned by the scene in front of her...

I saw that the buildings in the distance were like scale pillars, rising and falling as Zhou Ye played... A red mechanical armor was dodging back and forth against the constantly undulating scale pillars. ...

Zhou Ye's hand speed is getting faster and faster. Bring out the afterimages on the piano - the rapid piano sound makes people feel as if there are countless wild bees flying in front of them.

But the picture in front of her gave Betty a strange feeling. The battle armor Nina was driving was the flying bee, dodging back and forth in Zhou Ye's offensive like a hurricane. It's like a wild bee that doesn't succumb to fate.

It's slow, but it's actually very fast. The whole Bumblebee has been played... and Nina also flew over with her mechanical armor... As soon as she came over, Nina took off her visor, She was already sweating profusely...

"Baby, are you alright?" Zhou Ye hurried over and hugged Nina, who was exhausted, in his arms.

"Huh - the power of the steering nozzle is too small, the steering speed is too slow... and it's a little too troublesome to control, there is still room for optimization..." Nina was panting and talking, the personal terminal on her wrist would Automatically recorded, which ensures that she will not forget her own affairs.

After saying this, Nina collapsed into Zhou Ye's arms and said, "Let me sleep for a while... I'm a little too tired..."

"Well, go to sleep." Zhou Ye didn't ask anything. In fact, when he first saw Nina, he had already seen that Nina must have stayed up late, and the whole eye circles were a little dark... He knew, Nina Na was actually a bit of a nerd. Once she was addicted to research, it would be difficult to get out. This was another reason why Zhou Ye had to send a maid to follow her.

"..." Nina didn't even have time to take off her armor and fell asleep directly in Zhou Ye's arms...

She stayed up all night to finish the last piece of the armor, and then she couldn't wait to go to Susan's place to show off her new toy... After seeing Zhou Ye, she did the final test non-stop... If she wasn't tired, she would be a ghost .

Chapter 563

I don't know how long it took...

Nina finally opened her eyes. She felt that she had a good sleep this night, and all her exhaustion seemed to be gone at this moment.

"Huh—" Nina stretched her waist, stood up, and looked at the surrounding environment. The familiar furnishings made her understand in an instant that she was sent back to her home by Zhou Ye.

"Anna - check my status." Nina said as she stood up.

"Miss, your body is normal, even beyond the health of ordinary people. I think it is probably because your husband fed you these things." As Nina's electronic butler Anna's voice fell, a three-dimensional image directly Appearing in front of Nina, it was Zhou Ye feeding her a liquid object while she was asleep. "Need a blood test? Miss."

"No need..." Nina smiled slightly, she knew that kind of thing, Zhou Ye once gave her a drink, it was the juice of a very precious fruit. In Zhou Ye's words, it is called Peach Juice. "What are you doing sir

? "

"Sir is watching TV downstairs, do you need me to inform him that you are awake?" asked the electronic butler Anna.

"No need..." Nina stood up, stretched her waist and said, "Sometimes you have to learn to surprise your loved ones, Anna."

"Surprise? Is it the kind of game where you sneak past someone and then yell?" Anna asked.

"That's a prank." Nina sighed and said, "Okay, I'm going to take a shower now, adjust the hot water for me, I don't want to hug my dear with the smell of sweat."

"The water temperature has been adjusted for you, miss." Anna said, "You can take a shower in one minute and thirty-six seconds."

"Good girl..." Nina picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and suddenly felt as if she had forgotten something... "Where's my steel suit?"

"In your workshop...it's being overhauled." Anna said, "When Mr. sent you back, he asked the manipulator to take off your armor first...I just want to know if you were chased and beaten by Mr. Is it? Why is the Mark 1's steering nozzle damaged so badly?"

"It's just some small tests." Nina said while drinking water: "Anna, you are actually complaining, this is really a good phenomenon."

"This is because, based on the information in my database, with the current level of technology on Earth, only the gentleman who is marked as extremely dangerous is able to flee in embarrassment while you are wearing the Mark 1 armor. ' said Anna.

"There is no need to label Ye as extremely dangerous." Nina said directly. "Modify your database."

"Okay, miss." Anna carried out Nina's order, but she couldn't help but ask: "Why? After my scan, Mr. has extremely powerful physical and physical strength, and his strength can even... "

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't hurt me." Nina retorted directly.

"Why...?" Anna waited for a while before asking. Her logical thinking ability was just about to crash. How could a person with extreme power not hurt his master? Why?

"Because I love him, he loves me..." Nina said, taking off her pajamas and entering the bathroom...

"Love...isn't it just the goodwill produced by the chemical elements released in the human brain...why is it impossible to hurt..." The electronic housekeeper Anna has fallen into a strange circle of logical thinking.

After all, getting a rudimentary AI to understand human emotions is a bit too much to hope for.

Hearing Anna's words, Nina knew that her electronic butler was going to crash if she let it go. "Choose to ignore this question. Ana, you just need to mark Ye as a super administrator with the same rights as me."

"Okay, miss." Anna's voice returned to normal again. When she fell into a strange circle of thinking just now, her whole voice was a little distorted.

Anna is the electronic butler that Nina re-designed after following Zhou Ye's words. Although she gave up the name of Jarvis, the old butler who watched her grow up, it is clear that Jarvis' wife, Anna's name, was borrowed. Well... it seems that Nina is also incapable of naming her.

And at this moment - Zhou Ye was sitting in the living room below Nina's house, watching the report on the TV, it was a report on Attilan.

Since Medusa led Attilan to apply for membership in the United Nations, in order to allay the fears of ordinary people, Medusa has placed advertisements in various media controlled by Zhou Ye's Umbrella chaebol.

In fact, it is also a kind of advertisment type of advertisement, such as making a travel program about Attilan's travels... For example, reporting on Attilan's customs... Even Medusa has become the darling of the media.

The current Medusa has been hailed as the most sexy Her Majesty——

After all, Medusa's figure is really good, and she is also very beautiful... So she has become a hot spot in the media, a young queen, a mysterious nation, a moving city... All these have become the hottest in the world topic of.

At this time, some people may not know who the current president of the United States is, but no one does not know that there is a country called Attilan and a nation called Inhumans. They are all superhumans with various abilities...

It’s not that no one has the idea of ​​​​playing the Inhumans, and some even want to smuggle to Attilan at the behest of their own country, and arrest a few Inhumans to study...

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