"I don't have the habit of blowing up my property..." The voice was obviously Zhou Ye. Since he had discovered the so-called secret weapon of the Difan Group, how could he not be on guard? It's just an arbitrary door, it's not a big deal.

Just when he was in the middle of the war, a random door came to the spaceship loaded with the chain rail gun, punched a big hole in the armor of the spaceship, and took control of the entire ship in a blink of an eye. spaceship……

Why not destroy it?

Obviously, why should such a good thing with research value be destroyed? Are you stupid...

Chapter 447

"Destroy him... Destroy him immediately." Joyce was crazy, he could fail, and he could lose thousands of fighter planes, but the secret weapon must not fall into the hands of the enemy.

At this time, no one dared to speak to Joyce. The only thing they could do was to execute the order. As the order came out, all the motherships of the Difan Group turned their guns and aimed at the medium-sized mothership named Doom. ship.

Zhou Ye calmly watched the movements of the opponent's mothership. He didn't care at all... These things couldn't hurt him, nor could they hurt the secret weapon he wanted to protect...

"Fire, fire..."

Dozens of red lights the thickness of a bucket hit the medium-sized mothership of the Ruin. Zhou Ye smiled slightly, his toes a little on the deck, and a dozen random doors shining with golden light appeared around the mothership——

Those destructive red rays passed through any door and disappeared...

Uh — no, it didn’t disappear…

Instead, it appeared directly in front of Joyce's flagship... Zhou Ye directly opened the other end of the arbitrary gate here.

In an instant - Joyce's flagship was smashed into a giant fireball -

"It's over—what the hell are we fighting..." Joyce looked dull at the command room that had turned into a spark... The scene that just happened was completely beyond his comprehension... His last The will to fight has been completely destroyed.


When Joyce finished saying this, his flagship's bearing capacity finally reached its limit. With a loud bang, the flagship of the Difan fleet, Joyce's ship... accompanied Joyce forever. Sleeping in this star field, perhaps in the world of death, he will stare at the void forever, the place that buried him and ended his battlefield career.

The fleet of the Difan Group has completely lost its desire to fight after the flagship exploded completely... Under the orders of their own captains, the motherships scrambled to turn around and escape...

Strictly speaking, they are just mercenaries supported by the Difan Group. It is unrealistic to expect them to have a steel-like will to fight. It is okay to fight against the wind. Once defeated, they are the first group of people to escape.

Faced with the motherships of the Difan Group that were fleeing, Zhou Ye wanted to vomit blood in distress... This is all money, but there is no way, the [manipulator] is already the limit to manipulate the mothership of the Sovereign tribe. Well, their abilities are not unlimited...

And there is only one mothership of his own, which one to chase and which not to chase?

However, Zhou Ye didn't have to worry about it soon...because dozens of motherships of different shapes suddenly appeared behind the mothership of Difan Group. These motherships were completely different from other standard motherships. There are all of them, there is even a pyramid-shaped one...

"Are these guys from the Predator Group?" Zhou Ye saw their identities at a glance. It was obviously his own woman who called his uncle to help... It's just that the timing was too coincidental, Ma Dan's , the cheap is taken up by them...

But forget it, the uncle who is cheap is always better than others who are cheap...

Zhou Ye sighed, turned around, opened an arbitrary door and returned to the command tower of his mothership.

"Dear, my brother, they came to help..."

As soon as Zhou Ye returned to his mothership, he saw Aletta's elated expression. "Well - I saw it, baby, remember to go back and exploit your brother for some good things... This time he made a lot of money."

"Don't worry, my dear." Aletta also gritted her silver teeth and said with a look of resentment: "These guys... hum..."

It's true that Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, and when the two were talking about Aletta's brother, Miria, the head of the mothership, said: "Master, there is an unknown communication request link..."

"Come in..." Zhou Ye sighed and sat on his command chair. Ayesha knelt down obediently at his feet, snuggling beside his legs like a golden cat.

"Hey, brother-in-law, I'm here to help you..." As expected by Zhou Ye, it was Aletta's brother Starka who appeared in the communication video...

"It's too time for you to come, Uncle..." Zhou Ye rolled his eyes at him and said speechlessly.

"Brother, aren't you really here to take advantage?" Aletta asked directly without giving face to her brother.

"Uh—you know, the Marauder's organization is relatively loose, and the Difan Group is also a big guy. It took me some time to gather people..." Starka was also a little embarrassed...

He said he was here to help, but when he arrived on the battlefield, he found that his brother-in-law had already defeated the enemy... I actually only had the role of chasing the enemy, which seemed to be taking advantage of it...

Zhou Ye was speechless, but he looked at Starka's expression and knew that this guy didn't lie, and he wasn't such a person, so he could only helplessly say: "Forget it... those defeated soldiers will be handed over to me. You deal with it... I have to clean up the battlefield after the war."

"Well, don't worry, I will never let one go... I swear." Starka patted his murderous mouth, which was already the highest oath of a predator.

"I want half of the spoils." Aletta unceremoniously started discussing the ownership of the spoils with her brother.

"Okay..." Starka was also a little helpless, who made them not helpful.

"Then it's settled." Aletta said, and hung up the communication directly, but she knew the situation of her beloved here. If only her mothership went to pursue, it is estimated that it would be a fluke to get a few ships. , but now, as soon as I opened my mouth, a dozen motherships belonged to me, which was a huge advantage...

"Nice job, baby." Zhou Ye praised without hesitation.

"There's no way... Who made us Umbrella poor now..." Aletta said, without waiting for Zhou Ye to speak, "I'll go back to the void to check the damage, and I'll come back and report to you later. ."

"Well, let's go!" Zhou Ye nodded and watched Aletta leave the control tower.

Zhou Ye had absolutely no way to refute Aletta's complaints about Umbrella being poor. You must know that many of the materials needed to build the mothership are minerals that are not found on earth...

This makes Umbrella, who is trapped on one side, feeling cramped... Simply, the first step towards the universe is now very stable, and soon, Umbrella will rely on his own system suitable for war to occupy a place in the galaxy ...

Zhou Ye didn't know what Umbrella would look like in the future, but, like today, ships chasing the enemy's mothership would never be stretched...

Just when Zhou Ye was thinking about his own thoughts, a weak voice rang from under his feet, like a kitten meowing.


"Huh? Ayesha, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong with you?" Zhou Ye asked Ayesha, who looked at him cautiously.

"Master...I, I beg you for one thing..." Ayesha said weakly.

"What's the matter? Come and listen..." Zhou Ye asked with great interest.

"But, can you... hand over the captured Ayesha's clansmen to Ayesha to manage..." Ayesha said that she was becoming more and more careful here, for fear of angering Zhou Ye, she hurriedly explained: "Ayesha Sha has absolutely no intention of asking you to forgive those who have offended your people, Ayesha just wants to pick some people out of it to spread your greatness to the entire Sovereign..."

"Oh?" Zhou Ye raised Ayesha's chin with a smile and asked, "Is that really the case?"

"It's true, Ayesha is really trying to spread the glory of your master..." Ayesha's little head nodded quickly...

"That's really difficult..." Zhou Ye pretended to be embarrassed and said, "You must know that mining organic minerals in the void requires a lot of labor, and the supervisors there have applied to me many times... "

"Master, rather than creating economic value for you, Ayesha will definitely let your glory shine on the entire Sovereign clan... At that time, the entire Sovereign clan will let you do whatever you want... Master." Aye Sarah pleaded.

"It's not that I can't think about it..." Zhou Ye pondered for a while, and when he saw that Ayesha's little face was getting more and more desperate, he gave her a big reversal...

"Really? Thank you so much to the master, I thank the master for those clansmen..." Ayesha smiled, she really felt very happy at this moment, but it was obviously too early for her to be happy.

"I can hand over all the female Sovereigns to your management..." Zhou Ye said, "But those male Sovereigns can only mine in the void..."

"Thank you for your kindness..." Although she was only a female clan, Ayesha was already content.

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