Chapter 502

I don't know how long it took...

Nova Supreme Nova Prim finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Mom..." Seeing that her mother finally woke up, Klauris burst into tears with joy, and cried bitterly while holding Nova...

"I'm fine..." Nova just didn't take a breath and was held back. Her body was fine. She opened her eyes and looked around. This was a pure white medical room. All kinds of medical equipment were placed beside her, and apparently, she was sent here while in a coma. "Help me up—baby."

"Uh-!" Klauris wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and helped her mother up. "Mother, your body is too weak, you need a good rest..."

"Even if I die, I don't want to die here." Nova hates the smell in the medical room, and that smell can easily remind her of bad memories...

"Mother—" Klauris groaned, but it was useless. Nova still insisted on leaving here. In desperation, she had to press a button on the couch. Soon, the sick couch under Nova's body sounded. sound, it morphs into a comfortable suspended wheelchair.

"How long have I passed out...?" Nova asked, sitting in a wheelchair.

"Mother, you just passed out for more than four hours..." Klauris knew what her mother wanted to ask, but she didn't want to tell her mother any news that would easily make her mother angry. She tried to digress. Topic said: "The doctor said that there is nothing wrong with your body, you just need a good rest..."

"Baby, you know what I want to know..." Nova looked at her gaunt and smiling daughter in front of her and said, "And your acting skills are not good, baby, tell me... the news from the front line, I am very bear it."

"Mother..." Klauris took a deep breath, hesitated for a long time, and finally said it. "At the front line of the Cree, our fleet is desperately defending... But the strength of the two sides is too disparity. Commander Frederick has sent back more than a dozen requests for help..."

"...Tell Frederick that support will be here soon, and let him persevere." Nova closed her eyes tightly, thinking about the gains and losses.

"But mother... We don't have any more fleets..." Klauris said strangely.

"Where are the Fifth Fleet, Eighth Fleet, and Eleventh Fleet first?" Nova still closed her eyes, waiting for her daughter's answer.

"The Fifth Fleet has gone to the Bailey Galaxy to resist the invasion of the Cygnus X-1 Star Fleet. The Eighth Fleet and the Eleventh Fleet are on their way to the Centaur Cantilever. They are responsible for dragging the Sovereign fleet... "Clauris reported the movements of the three fleets to her mother.

"Whose order is this?" Nova opened her eyes instantly, her pupils full of anger.

"This... this is... the decision of the Supreme Command..." Klauris looked at her glaring mother and said with some fear: "While you were in a coma, the Supreme Command took over the command of the fleet. "

"A group of old foxes, what are they trying to do?" Nova's anger was burning, she didn't believe that the old foxes couldn't see how to deal with the current situation...

"Mother? Is there anything wrong with this?" Klauris asked in confusion.

"Of course there is something wrong..." Nova said angrily: "What is the relationship between the Cree people and us?"

"A thousand-year feud." Crowley replied without hesitation.

"So is it possible that the hatred between us will ease?" Nova asked rhetorically.

"How is this possible?" Klauris said disapprovingly: "After thousands of years of war, there is no possibility of reconciliation between our two countries. The son who lost his father, the mother who lost his son... Our hatred with the Cree people. It has been branded into the bones of our Nova Empire, flowing in our blood..."

Klauris knows how deep the hatred accumulated from the Millennium War is. It is no exaggeration to say that every citizen of the Nova Empire has hatred against the Kree, and every citizen of the Nova Empire once had relatives and friends In this thousand-year war, there is no possibility that the hatred between the two countries will be alleviated...

"If there is a big incident in the Kree people now and you are overwhelmed, what will you do?" Nova asked.

"Of course it's taking the opportunity to enter their home planet..."

"What about after reaching their home planet?"

"Kill them all." Crowley said without hesitation.

"...Kree people think so too." Nova said meaningfully: "Cygnus x-1 star and the Sovereign tribe are just a battle of wills for us, and we can get an understanding through negotiation, but ...Kree, do you think there is a possibility of negotiation between our two countries?"

"I know my mother, I'll go to the High Command now..." Klauris said, about to rush out of the room in a hurry, but was stopped by her mother.

"You don't have to go to the High Command." Nova stopped her daughter and said, "I believe those old foxes couldn't see the importance of this, but they did it anyway... Someone must be planning something behind my back. Now, go and call Rivas, and in my name directly order the Fifth, Eighth, and Eleventh Fleet to immediately return to the front line fighting the Cree to support Commander Frederick."

"Okay, mother." Klauris agreed, turned and left the room.

Nova watched her daughter walk out of the room and sighed tiredly

Anger... She is not as calm as she appears to be. Since Cygnus X-1 and the Sovereigns have sent troops, it is impossible for them to retreat without paying any price...

She is ready to sacrifice her confidant, Livas, no matter what... the battle with the Kree must not be lost, otherwise, I am afraid that waiting for the Nova Empire will only be destroyed...

Not much time - Rivas walked into the room under the leadership of Klauris.

"Supreme--!" Rivas saw Nova and hurriedly saluted: "What's the matter with you?"

"Go and check what the old guys at the Supreme Command have been up to lately..." Nova said, waving her hand and letting Rivas go down.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Rivas didn't dare to say more. He took the order and went down. Although he was confused, he didn't think much about it.

Nova originally wanted to let Rivas send his Dark Star Legion to take over the defense of the entire Xandar star, but thinking that he might be sacrificed by himself soon, in order to avoid trouble, Nova swallowed the order again. go down...

In the end, there are still too few people available... Nova can't help but sigh, the capable and ambitious, she dare not reuse, the loyal ones are the incompetent guys like Rivas...

"Mother?" Klauris looked at Nova strangely. She knew that when her mother just asked her to call Rivas in, this was definitely not what she wanted to say. For such a thing, you only need to use the communication system. It's enough for Rivas, there is absolutely no need to call him to explain it face to face.

"Baby..." Nova looked at her daughter and hesitated. She didn't know whether she should entrust such an important task to her daughter...

"Mother, what happened?" Klauris asked worriedly as she crouched under her mother's knees.

Forget it, Nova sighed, her daughter is going to learn to grow up after all, and some things are really only hers to do, she doesn't worry about changing someone else.

Nova, who made up her mind, gently lifted her daughter's cheek and said softly, "Baby, it seems that you are going to be the ambassador for a secret negotiation..."

"Secret negotiation? Ambassador?" Klauris looked at her mother in confusion, waiting for her next sentence.

"Yes." Nova nodded and said, "I want you to secretly contact Karina Tifan of cygnus x-1 star and Ayesha, the new high priest of the Sovereign tribe - ask them to come together once. Secret negotiations."

Chapter 503

On the Imperial, in Zhou Ye's command room.

"The Nova Empire is about to start begging for peace?" Zhou Ye looked at the message that Karina specially sent, and said with a smile, "This is really good news...Baby, you can wash away the title of traitor in no time. "

"Well...!" Ingrid didn't know what to say anymore. In her opinion, her man started this war entirely for herself. How could this keep her from moving? There are thousands of words in my heart but I can't say them, I can only replace them with actions.

Ingrid jumped up excitedly, hugged Zhou Ye and started eating...

Her actions aroused someone's dissatisfaction.

"Ingrid, you crushed me..." Karina, who was busy under Zhou Ye, complained dissatisfiedly, "Although I know you are very happy... but... your knee just hit my face just now. now..."

"Sorry, sorry..." Ingrid hurriedly apologized to Karina, and just agitated, she forgot that there was someone under her man...

"Okay..." Zhou Ye pulled Karina into his arms and said with a smile, "Don't blame baby Ingrid, let's talk about it, who did the Nova Empire send to negotiate? Where is the location?"

"This time Nova Empire is responsible for negotiating with us the only daughter of Nova Supreme, and the successor of the next Supreme of Nova Empire, Her Royal Highness Princess Clarys Prim, they invited us to be in Bohart forty-eight universe hours later. Star negotiation..." Karina said obediently.

"Clauris..." Ingrid's expression became a little complicated when she heard the name...

"What's the matter? Baby?" Zhou Ye noticed Ingrid's strangeness, put his arms away, and asked, "Are you familiar with this princess of the Nova Empire?"

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