"Please wait." The hell paratroopers still knew the purpose of the mothership coming to this planet, and they did not dare to delay, and directly reported to the upper level of the mothership with the communicator-

Not long after, a woman wearing the Valkyrie's iconic white combat uniform came out and looked at the shield badge on her shoulder. The hell paratrooper knew that this was a squad leader in the valet around the Lord...

"Sir, this woman said she was the princess of the Nova Empire and wanted to see the master." The hell paratroopers didn't dare to neglect, they gave Lucia a military salute and reported back.

"The Lord already knows, so he sent me down to pick her up." Lucia returned a military salute to the hell paratrooper on duty, then looked at Klauris and said, "His Royal Highness, the Lord sent me to pick you up, please follow I come."

"Thank you." Klauris nodded and thanked, then followed Lucia to the interior of the Emperor.

As Lucia walked towards Zhou Ye's captain's room with Klauris, she introduced the pride of this Umbrella to her, "This master's mothership has a total of more than 6,000 fighter jets. All fighter jets can be released within three minutes... If we can, we can easily occupy the entire Xandar with only one mothership."

Lucia said all this just to shock the princess, meaning, what are you arrogant about? I only need this mothership to strike your capital star...

After all, she has nothing to blow except blowing the mothership with the princess. Could it be that blowing her own master smashed a planet with one foot? Let's not talk about whether the master will blame her for being troublesome and say something that shouldn't be said. Normal people don't believe it, do they? Although this is true...

But to her disappointment, hearing her faintly threatening words, Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Nova Empire did not have the slightest fear or dissatisfaction. If she had to say that she was emotional... Lucia found that she was saying that she could When she easily occupied Xandar, Klauris had a happy look in her eyes...

What's up with this Nima? Could it be the beginning of the legendary palace fighting drama? This princess was deprived of her right of inheritance, so she came to seek the help of her own master?

I have to say that Lucia's brain hole is big enough, although I didn't guess it, but it's not too far...

But obviously, Lucia, who failed to frighten Princess Klauris, felt that she was ashamed of her sisters' entrustment... At this moment, she suddenly saw the high-speed elevator door at the entrance of the hangar, and rolled her eyes, thinking about it. Come.

"His Royal Highness, it will take us a day to get to the master's cabin. Why don't we take the elevator up."

Princess Klauris has just been focusing all her attention on Lucia's introduction, and she has no idea about the passage of time. After listening to Lucia's introduction, she is even more sure of her determination to save her mother. I can only ask Zhou Ye.

But when she heard Lucia said she would leave for a day, Klauris was reluctant at the time. She was so anxious now that she wanted to fly back to save her mother immediately. Naturally, she agreed with Lucia's suggestion to take the elevator. . "Okay, I also want to see Your Excellency Zhou Ye soon."

Soon, Klauris regretted the decision————


Chapter five hundred and ten

"Pfft—Princess Klauris, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Ye looked at Princess Klauris who was brought in front of him, and almost spit out the juice in his mouth...

This Nima is a bit too eye-catching.

I saw Klauris at this moment, her hair was messed up... Her little face was pale and pale, with an expression of wanting to cry but no tears. It looked like she had been given a round of rice by a dozen big men... Really - It was so unexpected.

"I...I'm fine..." Klauris resisted the tumbling in her stomach and said, "I...We...can we talk about this negotiation now...? Your Excellency Zhou Ye."

"...You better take a rest." Zhou Ye sighed and asked Sister Feili, the guest maid next to him, to pour her a glass of water, and then secretly glared at his valet captain, Lucia, meaning, a sample , did you mess up again? Be careful I clean you up...

Lucia was not at all afraid of Zhou Ye staring at herself. As long as she didn't commit a principled mistake like betrayal or hurting the mistress, the master would not treat her like that. If it was a big deal, she would just give her a family law of Zhou's family. Kind of family law, Lucia said, the more the better, she couldn't ask for it...

"Oh, you've all spoiled..." Zhou Ye sighed helplessly as he looked at Lucia who was provocative to him.

Of course, it's just casual talk. Zhou Ye is not willing to punish these Valkyries whose loyalty to him is full of life and death, and he doesn't care if there are occasional pranks...

"Master, I'll go down first..." Lucia still has to report to her sisters, Hai tidied up this arrogant princess, how could she not tell her sisters... She is secretly having fun What's the point.

"Go ahead, I'll punish you next time like this." Zhou Ye said neither light nor serious.

"I am willing to be punished by the Master." Hearing Zhou Ye's words, Lucia's eyes lit up, and she immediately confessed: "Master, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have let Her Royal Highness Princess Klauris take the high-speed elevator in a hurry. , ask the Lord to punish."

"No, it's none of her business, I agree." Klauris hurriedly pleaded for Lucia.

"Cough cough..." Zhou Ye did too

After a while of embarrassment, he knew what this girl Lucia was, but when the words came to this point, he could only say: "Thank you, Your Highness, Princess."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Lucia was disappointed for a while, this nosy princess, she couldn't help but let out a small sigh... Then she turned and left the room.

"...Is it my illusion, why do I feel like Captain Lucia seems to be very angry..." Klauris is somewhat fully aware of where she is wrong?

You ruined her welfare... Zhou Ye certainly couldn't say these words, he could only say with a smile, "That's your illusion, Your Highness. I don't know that Her Royal Highness is looking for me in such a hurry this time, for the sake of what?"

When Klauris heard Zhou Ye's question, she immediately thought of her mother who was still imprisoned, and hurriedly said, "Your Excellency Zhou Ye...I agree to all your conditions...as long as you..."

Before she could finish her words, Zhou Ye interrupted her, "As long as I go to Xandar Star to save your mother, right?"

"...Yes...Yes." Klauris asked in confusion: "You...how did you know that something happened to Xandar?"

"...I said it was a guess, you must not believe it..." Zhou Ye smiled. There is no secret to his future. The future can be changed for him... But there is no need to tell Klauris, after all , she is not yet his woman. "There is a kind of message called instant messaging, and there is a kind of people called businessmen, and there are many businessmen in Xandar, they are inextricably linked with cygnus x-1 star, and businessmen are the most unscrupulous group of people. , they can even sell their souls for profit..."

"..." Although Klauris felt that what Zhou Ye said was wrong, but at this time, she was not in the mood to play guessing games with Zhou Ye, so she nodded and admitted. "Yes, the commander of the Dark Star Legion, Rivas, rebelled. He captured my mother... Please, help me save my mother. I agreed to your second condition..."

"Haha..." Zhou Ye smiled, "Remember what I said? Her Royal Highness?"

"What, what...what." Klauris felt her heartbeat became super fast, not excited, but afraid...afraid of the worst outcome... Zhou Ye refused to help her.

"I said it at the time, [it doesn't matter if you don't agree now, you will agree at that time, but the conditions may change.]. I don't know, does Her Royal Highness remember what I said? "Zhou Ye is not in a hurry at all...

"...No problem, I'll promise you anything!" Klauris said directly, she couldn't care less, even if Zhou Ye wanted to take the entire Nova Empire, she didn't care, as long as she could keep her mother That's good, her home must have her own mother, and the place with her mother is her home...

"Uh—" Zhou Ye felt that he had no sense of accomplishment at all? This girl is so decisive... so that he has no pleasure in bullying sister paper at all... This Nima is too tangled.

Just when Zhou Ye was tangled... Klauris stood up directly and started to take off her clothes. "You're not a man anymore, I said so, why are you hesitating..."

...Ma Dan, Zhou Ye couldn't bear to be told that by a girl who looked weak, "I'll let you see if I'm a man..." After saying that, Zhou Ye started to help Klauris to get rid of it. armed...

Three hours later - Klauris began to beg for mercy. At this time, Lucia rushed in with her own guard sisters to save Klauris... But, is it to save Klauris or to enjoy it? · Take advantage of yourself, who knows...

Chapter five hundred and twelve

Nova Empire Capital Star, Xandar Star——

Today, the people of Xandar feel very panicked.

Because on this morning's video news, it has been low-key for a long time... The former God of War of Nova Empire, who has basically belonged to a semi-reclusive state, General Stuart actually appeared in public again, and made a high-profile declaration of his opposition to Nova Supreme's attack on cygnus x- 1 star for military action.

cygnus x - 1 star

He claimed that the Nova Empire was besieged by the Three Kingdoms as a result of this incident. It was precisely because the power of the Supreme Being was too powerful and unchecked that the dictatorship was transformed. He even called on the consuls of other colonized planets of the Nova Empire to unite... The Nova Supreme put pressure on the implementation of the joint council system of consuls, adding a strong yoke to the supreme kingship. . . .

For a time - the entire Nova Empire was in an uproar... Since the founding of the New Star Empire, there has never been such a precedent. Some are watching the limelight in secret, some want to stand out, jump up and down... and some are lamenting that people are not old... The political arena of the Nova Empire is in a state of flux at this time, and there are all kinds of people.

No matter how noisy it is outside, everyone's eyes are aimed at the residence of Nova Supreme. They are looking forward to seeing the reaction of Nova Supreme, but to their disappointment, Nova Supreme doesn't seem to have seen such a situation at all, still nesting In her residence, it seemed that the stormy waves outside could not cause a ripple in her——

In fact, Nova Nova Nova at the moment is almost dying of anger... but there is no way. She was controlled by her former confidant, the head of the secret police who she held up with her own hands...

In a secret room, Nova was looking angrily at Rivas who was talking to her across a railing, and said angrily: "I won't sign this statement, you'll just die. …”

"Your Majesty, why do you have to do this? After signing this statement, you are still the Supreme, but you only have one more agency under your command..." Rivas held a statement in his hand with a bitter expression.

The appearance of her heart seemed to make Nova feel sick for a while.

She couldn't understand, how did she think this guy was a loyal person and promoted him to the position of legion commander? I was really blind.

Nova gritted her teeth and said, "Are you treating me as an idiot? I don't understand what kind of statement is this? What's the difference between me signing it and handing over the Nova Empire to you traitors?"

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