He walked directly into the bathroom, stood in the mirror reluctantly, and left everything to his maid.

after an hour--

Zhou Ye walked down the stairs refreshed. As for persuading the maid who served him? Uh—she was a little too tired, so she went to rest first. After all, serving people is also a physical job.

Zhou Ye had just sat down at the dining table when a maid came over with breakfast, "Master, your breakfast."

"Yeah." Zhou Ye was thinking about his own affairs while eating breakfast.

It's been three days since he came back, and all those who should be comforted have been comforted, and all the homework that should have been handed in have been handed in. Now he is about to start working on the permanent portal. After these things are done, he will be free again...

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye cleaned his breakfast in two or three, then stood up and walked towards the room where he had placed the portal upstairs.

Walking into the room, Zhou Ye started to get busy. He had to build three portals at a time. The workload was not too big... But, what you said must be counted. Of course, this sentence is only for his own woman... ...for the others...hehe.

Time passed by minute by minute, Zhou Ye's whole body turned into a golden streamer, and he was busy quickly. The three permanent directional portals were slowly taking shape...

I don't know how long it took, maybe an instant, maybe ten minutes, maybe a few years, time has long lost its meaning to Zhou Ye. The three portals are finally complete...

"Phew—I'm exhausted." Zhou Ye let out a long sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and looked at the completed portal in front of him with a relaxed smile on his face.

His exhaustion is not physical, but psychological...

No way, something like a portal can't tolerate the slightest mistake. It's not an exaggeration to describe it as a slight difference... But for the smile on his woman's face, Zhou Ye had to do these things he used to do in the past. The most hated thing to do.

"Okay, there's one last step left, activate the portal, and then, test it..." Zhou Ye said, and lightly tapped a spell beside the portal.

A golden ray of light quickly flowed in the magic rune beside the portal, and soon, a golden directional portal was activated...

Zhou Ye did not activate the other two portals, but stepped into the golden portal that had just been activated. After all, the test had to be done one by one. Moreover, he tested the portal of Xandar Star first because of the When he left this time, he felt as if he had discovered a very interesting thing... He wanted to check it out for himself.

Zhou Ye, who stepped into the portal, only felt darkness in front of his eyes, and then...it didn't light up—it was still pitch black.

"Where is this Nima?" Zhou Ye was dumbfounded when he looked at the dimly lit barren land in front of him. This is definitely not Xandar Star... Could it be that something went wrong with his portal?

Chapter five hundred and seventeen

Here, the sun in the sky is dim, there is no trace of any living creatures on the ground, there are various skeletons everywhere... The whole world looks dead...

"I'm Nima, test the portal and actually come to this ghost place..." Zhou Ye had some vague guesses about where he was, but, after all, he had never seen it in a movie, so he was still a little unsure...

Looking around, there are bone spurs piercing the sky everywhere... There are souls wandering around the earth... Zhou Ye is somewhat sure of his own thoughts again.

At this moment, a playful female voice rang in Zhou Ye's ear.

"Ah, how interesting... In this kingdom of the dead, there is a living person... It's so interesting."

Zhou Ye followed the voice and saw a portal with green light appear in front of him, and a black-haired woman wearing a tight black bodysuit with leaky shoulders appeared in front of him.

"...Who are you?" Although Zhou Ye recognized this girl, he still pretended to be confused.

"Me?" The woman in black smiled and walked slowly towards Zhou Ye with graceful steps. "I am Hela, the daughter of Odin, the darling of Asgard... the one destined to inherit Odin's position and become the king of the gods, now..."

Hela walked in front of Zhou Ye, smiled and said, "Facing your queen, kneel down."

"..." Zhou Ye let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that his guess was correct, but now, first of all, he had to face this woman who pursued her power to the limit.

How could Zhou Ye kneel down for a woman? He said with a little teasing: "I only kneel under one circumstance..."

"What...?" Perhaps because of the loneliness for too long, Hela didn't immediately turn her face to fight with Zhou Ye, but looked at the handsome young man in front of her with interest and asked, "Under what circumstances would you kneel? Come down? Say it and listen, maybe... I can make you kneel?"

"I only kneel when... a woman is crawling in front of me..." Zhou Ye said as he twisted his waist and made a pose of a small electric motor that moves like a boat...

"Bold!!!" Although he didn't know what Zhou Ye meant, but Zhou Ye's posture and posture made Hela understand that he was being tricked... Two black long swords appeared directly in the In her hands, she swung a long sword with both hands, and stabbed it towards Zhou Ye's body.

"... I still appreciate this kind of character that starts a fight as soon as a word disagrees." Zhou Ye's figure disappeared directly in front of Hela. No, it didn't disappear, but the speed was so fast that Hela couldn't see it at all. ...

"A coward who can only dodge, do you only have this ability? Are you still a man? If so, pick up your weapon and come and fight with me..." Hela, who was holding two swords, couldn't catch it at all. Zhou Ye's trail, so she could only use the oldest method of provocation to provoke Zhou Ye. In her opinion, fast speed does not necessarily mean great strength... She can win.

"Am I a man... You'll know soon, Hela." Zhou Ye's voice appeared directly in Hela's ear.

However, when Hela didn't turn her head and swung the long sword behind her with force, she didn't touch anything at all. However, Zhou Ye's voice still lingered in her ears, like a whisper of sympathy in the world.

"Also, I will soon satisfy your thoughts, kneel down... Of course, in exchange, you must first satisfy my preconditions." Zhou Ye said, stretched out his hands, and grabbed Hela's sword His arms, his two hands were like steel, making Hela unable to move his arms.

"Give up the struggle... Hela, your resistance is so ridiculous in my eyes..." Zhou Ye unconsciously played the drama of playing the villain boss, the villain rapes and abuses the villain. This drama feels very interesting.

But obviously, Hela didn't realize that Zhou Ye was playing a game, and the strength she was so proud of couldn't even move... Moreover, Zhou Ye's gloomy words made her feel an unspeakable throbbing...

This feeling is like she has become a weak woman who is bullied by others... This is her extreme dissatisfaction. In the years when she led Asgard's army to the north and south, she had seen too many people being bullied. The drama of the weak woman who bullies...

Hela definitely doesn't want to be like this. In the past, she was regarded as an ant and was despised by her...

"You... it's too early to be happy."

Following Hela's words, her double swords turned into two black vines that directly wrapped Zhou Ye like a zongzi.

And Zhou Ye's hands also loosened as she wished...

"Now...I've changed my mind." Hela, Shi Shiran walked up to the black zongzi-like Zhou Ye, and said with a victorious attitude: "I, I want you to be my subordinate...help me take me back. Deserving everything..."

"Who gave you the confidence... These rubbish things can trap me?" Zhou Ye has been cooperating with Hela in acting. Of course, as one of the actors, Hela doesn't know about it... But now, Zhou Ye feels this The woman's illness is unclear and needs in-depth treatment... As for how to treat it? Please refer to Zhou Ye's treatment of Lala syndrome.

"It's impossible..." Hela was stunned as she watched Zhou Ye easily tore and smash the vines that trapped him... This was far beyond Hela's expectations. No one could break free from her sword of the night sky. Pass……

"Now, it's my turn... Little baby Hela." Zhou Ye hugged Hela with a smile. I have to say, this girl does have the capital to wear tights... this body ...where there is meat, there is meat, and where there is thinness, it is absolutely thin...

"You can't imagine that I will surrender..." Hela said, the whole person was paralyzed as if he had lost his soul...

Hela couldn't do anything either, her body was being held tightly by Zhou Ye, how could Zhou Ye's strength be something she could break free? Moreover, she has witnessed too many scenes of women of different races being played by her subordinates in the battle... As a woman, she has a shadow, so, for thousands of years, she has been single... Hela stubbornly believes that women and men are the same A war, but as a woman, she suffered too much in terms of strength, so she was conquered by those men.

Hela once thought that she would never have such a day, but... today, Zhou Ye gave her a taste of the weak women who used to struggle under her soldiers... She refused to surrender, she would never surrender Yu Zhou Ye. (In her opinion, being ooxxed by Zhou Ye is a sign of surrendering to him.)

"..." Zhou Ye looked at Hela's body, who had lost consciousness in his arms, and was speechless. This girl is really ruthless, ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to herself... In order not to be harassed by herself, she is actually at this time. Playing astral projection... Aren't you afraid he'll have a shot while it's hot?

However, is Zhou Ye the kind of person who takes a shot while it's hot? Obviously not……

In the face of astral projection, other people may not be able to do anything... However, Zhou Ye can also serve as the professional attribute of the Great Magister.

Chapter five hundred and eighteen

After Zhou Ye gently placed Hela's body on the ground, he directly used astral projection.

Zhou Ye, who had left his body, saw Hela again, but at this time, the long hair that had been scattered behind Hela's shoulders was gone, and replaced by a hat that looked like spider legs... quite a punk style.

"Your current image is really not very good. To be honest, I still like your long hair and shawl." Zhou Ye looked at Hela who was standing in front of him and complained.

"Man, you really surprised me..." Hela looked at Zhou Ye with a complicated expression. She didn't expect that all her means would be ineffective against this man... Maybe another woman would have already surrendered to this handsome young man. Let's go down... But, it definitely won't be her.

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