"Master..." Mahata said the word in Vaishya. You must know that Mahata, who was born in the Brahmin clan, had a period of middle school when he was a child. At that time, he was in the family records. The legend of the mage is very obsessed... If it wasn't for his father's view of Yan, it is estimated that he would really wander around, looking for a master who really possesses great power.

However, Mahata, who grew up slowly, after receiving a high-level elite education, really sneered at his childhood dream. After undergoing scientific brainwashing, he became a staunch scientist...

But today, Zhou Ye once again taught him a lesson - Masters are real, not some illusory fantasy... Of course, the Masters mentioned here are not Masters in the West, but in the Asan Sect, right An honorific title for those with great power.

While Mahata struggled to pick up a smaller gold bar, he murmured the word Mage... After he tested that these gold bars are real, not some kind of magic trick, the obsession in his heart Germinated again.

You must know that as the Brahmin clan at the top of the caste system, their collection of books is very rich... After all, they used to be the small group of people who were in charge of the state's sacrificial power and enjoyed the worship of the people.

"It's not a mage, it's a secret mage..." Zhou Ye had already learned all the Vaishya language, how could he not understand Mahata's murmur?

"You are really a mage..." The Vaishya language spit out from Zhou Ye's mouth made Mahata more certain of his thoughts. Vaishya language is a language that is only used in ancient books and classics. This language is not Brahman. I can't learn it, and, even today's Brahmins, there are not many who can fully learn the Vaishya language...

"It's all said to be a secret mage, not a mage..." Zhou Ye said speechlessly.

"It's the honor of our whole family that Nissa can get your favor..." At this time, Mahata had completely changed. Although he believed in science, the education he received from a young age also made him a firm believer. Of course, now, he is a firm believer of Zhou Ye.

You must know that in the legends of ancient books, of course, those mages can also be called powerful ones, and each of them has the ability to destroy the sky and destroy the earth... After all, myths and stories, they can blow as much as they can... They are The messenger of Lord Shiva who walks in the world is the executor of Brahma's will... Their status is inherently higher than that of Brahmins.

Brahmins are just servants who serve God, a servant and a messenger, although the pronunciation is the same, but the meaning is completely two meanings... Who is higher and who is lower, everyone naturally knows...

"Forget it, what do you think..." Zhou Ye was speechless. Facing this guy who had been brainwashed by religion since childhood, he could only admit defeat.

Mahata has taken Zhou Ye's speechlessness as his acquiescence, this method of conjuring more than a ton of gold out of thin air... Who else is there other than the legendary Almighty One? With those magicians? Stop making trouble, the house is his house... the site is his site, and he can say with great confidence that the ground of his house has never undergone any transformation...

Besides, you put a whole ton of stuff on yourself to try? Not to mention the sudden change, you can guarantee that you will not be crushed to death... In summary, Mahata is so sure that Zhou Ye is definitely the powerful person described in the ancient books.

At this time, Mahata no longer struggles with the question of how much dowry. Are you talking about your daughter's dowry with a powerful person? Are you stupid? Will people care about this little money in the mundane?

So Mahata could only pray that Zhou Ye would not be too harsh on her because her daughter was still pretty and cute... Even if Zhou Ye beat his daughter in front of him, he didn't dare to stop her... Of course, it's just a description. How could Zhou Ye be willing to beat his own woman? Not those stupid x Asan.

Chapter 565

While Mahata and Zhou Ye were downstairs discussing the issue of his daughter's dowry, the conversation between the mother and daughter upstairs continued.

"Baby, tell me, how did you meet this boy..." Mahata's wife asked softly, stroking her daughter's hair.

"Just... I met... on the road..." Nissa buried her little head in her quilt. She knew how to say that she met the bad guy Zhou Ye on the way home, and then she didn't know what to say. If it's not white, he will give it to him...

"You... how long have you known each other?" Nissa's somewhat vague words made Mahata's wife think that her daughter knew Zhou Ye a long time ago... After all, in her cognition, she could make Their well-behaved daughter is so determined, the two of them have known each other for a long time.

"Also... it didn't take long..." Nissa's answer became even more vague... How dare she tell her mother that within five minutes of knowing each other, she was succeeded by that bad guy? Although it feels a little strange to think about it now, Nissa has no regrets...

"You...you already gave him...?" Mahata's wife took a deep breath and asked this sentence. Although she had already guessed in her heart, how much she still hugged With a glimmer of hope that her daughter was really just the cause of her injury...

"Um..." Nissa's head buried deeper...

Mahata's wife looked at her daughter's shy and shy appearance, and the last glimmer of hope was shattered. However, it was not too disappointing. After all, she didn't have much hope at the beginning. "Then do you know him? Do you know who he is? What does his family do? Are his parents still there..."

This series of questions almost made Nissa dizzy. Speaking of which, she only knew that her man was Zhou Ye and he was Chinese...

Although it's a little strange to say that the Chinese with blonde hair and golden eyes is so persistent, she can only believe it... As for what Zhou Ye's family does, she doesn't know whether his parents are there or not...

Seeing her daughter who was on the spot, Mahata's wife couldn't help but clench her heart... She lifted the quilt covering her daughter's face and looked at her daughter's sluggish appearance, and she suddenly felt sad. Her own daughter was probably deceived, so how could her daughter marry again in the future... Thinking of this, she couldn't help but hide her face and cry...

You must know that there are still many conservative forces in Ah Sanguo. A woman's loss of virginity before marriage basically means that the girl will never find a good husband's family... How can this make her, a mother, not sad?

"Mom...why are you crying..." Nissa heard her mother's sobbing voice and couldn't care less about pretending to be an ostrich. She hugged her mother and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, saying, "Mom , don't worry, Ye won't want me..."

"Why?" Mahata's wife stopped her grief temporarily when she heard her daughter's affirmative words and asked.

"Because... he asked me... do you want to put his surname after my name..." Nissa said here, a happy smile appeared on her face, against the background of the two dimples on her cheeks , looks so cute.

"Silly girl... Don't you know that men always talk sweetly before they succeed?" Mahata's wife was not happy because of her daughter's words. In her opinion, it must be Zhou Ye's coaxing It's just a way for my daughter.

"No, I believe him... He will never want me." Nissa said firmly, she believed that her man was definitely not the kind of bastard who ran away after taking advantage...

"Huh...even so...how can you be sure that your father will agree to this marriage?" Seeing her daughter's confident expression, Mahata's wife couldn't help but sigh, "You know, although our family already has some It's gone, but, as a descendant of Brahmins, your father is still very concerned about being in the right household... If the boy downstairs has nothing in his house, your father will never allow you to marry him..."

Hearing her mother's words, Nissa became a little anxious... "Then what should I do? Mom, if I can't be with Ye, I'd rather die..."

Hearing her daughter's resolute words, Mahata's wife hurriedly said: "Don't worry, baby, let's take a secret look at the conversation between your father and that boy... If the conversation breaks down, we'll think about it again. The way...it's not the time to despair."

"Hmm..." Nissa nodded worriedly.

She endured the physical discomfort, walked off her couch, and followed her mother to the corner of the stairs.

When the mother and daughter looked at the living room through the gap in the stairs... Mahata's wife was stunned by the scene in front of her...

I saw that my husband Mahata, who is the head of the family, was chatting with Zhou Ye... In fact, to be honest, the chatting was a bit flattering to my husband Mahata. He was almost servile. Following Zhou Ye's orders...

And on the carpet between Zhou Ye and Mahata, there was a pile of gold bars...

"Ye—what the hell is going on here?" Nissa, who didn't have the ability to watch words and emotions like her mother, thought her father was taking money to make Zhou Ye get out of the way...

If Mahata knew this kind of thinking of his daughter, he would probably tell his daughter with a wry smile immediately, baby, you look down on your father too much, and your father can't come up with so many gold bars for half his life...

Don't look at this pile of gold bars, it doesn't look like much, but you must know that the density of gold is high, and the volume of one ton of gold bars is only one-twentieth cubic meter... To put it bluntly, a pile of gold bars the size of a computer case is almost It weighs a ton.

Zhou Ye looked at Nissa who was rushing down the stairs, and hurriedly hugged the rash chick, and whispered in her ear, "Why are you so crazy, don't you know it hurts..."

"..." Nissa felt sweet when she heard her man's caring words, but this was not the time to say these things, and she couldn't care too much. He jumped directly into Zhou Ye's arms, hugged Zhou Ye's neck, turned his face and said to his father, "Dad, I'm already his person... I will never be separated from Ye..."

"..." After speaking these words, Nissa didn't see the imaginary furious look on her father's face, but her father looked at her kindly and relieved... "Dad's baby When I finally grow up...I can be someone else's wife..."

"This... what the hell is going on here?" Nissa couldn't figure out what was going on. Why wasn't her father angry? Why does my man look at me with a funny look...

"..." Zhou Ye took a light glance at Nissa's dolphin, and raised his chin at the gold bars stacked in front of him. "I was using these things as a dowry to convince your father to marry me... As a result, you ran away. Do you not believe in my ability to do things?"

"Ah...?" Nissa discovered at this time that she had made a big oolong...

But at this moment, Nissa's mother's exclamation came from the stairs again...

"You scared my wife..." Mahata couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard his wife's exclamation... There is no such thing as a dowry in Ah Sanguo... Of course, there are men who give money to women, but Rarely...because it's a form of making things difficult...meaning that you have to pay back at least three times the dowry to guarantee your daughter's status in the other party's family...

Think about it, Zhou Ye gave a golden dowry, then Mahata had to prepare at least three gold dowries for his daughter in order to ensure that his daughter would not be abused by Zhou Ye... So much money, even if he sold him Can't make it out...

Nissa explained these things in the ears of her own man, and her eyes were full of crescent moons. She couldn't be unhappy. She had studied the traditions of the Chinese... The betrothal gift is their tradition, the betrothal gift they gave The more, the more the man cares about the girl... She doesn't care about the money, what she cares about is her status in Zhou Ye's heart.

Chapter 566

Three days later————

In Mahata's villa————

"Baby, are you up? Hurry up... or we'll miss the plane..." Mahata's wife whispered outside her daughter's room.

"Okay... Mom..., I... I get it..." Nissa's voice had a wheeze that made her mother feel flushed, and with Nissa's answer, there was a hint of a low voice. pleading. "Dear... I really can't do it, you let go..."

Mahata's wife didn't dare to listen any more... She hurriedly walked downstairs in three steps and two steps. At this time, all the furniture in the house had been covered with a dust cloth... Because Mahata Ta plans to go back to his home country, so he has entrusted a real estate agency to handle the villa and everything in the villa.

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