As for the other believers, when they heard the loud shout, they wanted to stand up and complain about Mr. Tapaz, who they worshipped, but... when they saw the person who made the sound, everyone stood still. on the spot.

Chapter five hundred and seventy-two

" Blasphemer - shut up." With this loud shout, the attention of all believers in the venue was attracted by a figure at the door...

I saw a handsome blond boy wearing a strange white robe standing at the entrance of the venue, and behind him were several other elders...

At this moment, these elders are not as graceful as they used to be. They are all like the most common believers, kneeling down behind him, bowing their heads and kissing the ground he walked on... That pious attitude is meticulous. Their attitude... let them know they were serious.

The handsome young man surrounded by them, with blond hair and golden eyes, with a smile on his beautiful face, looks like a god in the world. Although his robes are weird, the strange thing is that at a glance, he feels extremely sacred. , people have an urge to not help but want to worship...

The person who came here is none other than Zhou Ye, who is carrying out his own plan to create a god. Although he doesn't like to cause trouble, it doesn't mean that he is a good talker... Since this Tapas has provoked himself, then Zhou Ye doesn't like it. Mind slapping him in the face over the things he's most proud of.

Besides, this is also good for his God-building plan, isn't it? What plan could be better than stepping on the face of a high-level magic stick?

"The blasphemer... You use the name of Lord Shiva to make money crazily and exclude others. I, as Lord Shiva's agent in the world, will judge your crimes today on behalf of Lord Shiva, what else do you have to say? Do you want to say it? Blasphemer Tapaz." As Zhou Ye spoke, he slowly walked towards the high platform...

As Zhou Ye slowly walked forward, a dazzling golden light (the effect of a magic technique) was emitting from behind him, and the beautiful goddesses danced behind him to their heart's content. The appearance of her, and her wonderful singing voice spread throughout the entire venue like the sound of nature... (The song and dance are provided by the Valkyrie kindly)...

I saw him gently lift his feet and step forward, a crystal clear blood-colored flower bud suddenly appeared under his feet, and then the petals stretched towards the surrounding, blooming in an instant, the blood-colored flower bud became. A crystal clear blood-colored lotus flower...

Zhou Ye stepped on the blooming blood lotus without hesitation... When he continued to move forward, there would always be a blood-colored lotus blooming under his feet, and when his feet left the lotus, the blood-colored The lotus quickly withered and withered, and eventually turned into blood-colored light spots and disappeared in the air...

This opening and one defeat seems to deduce the way of life and death in the world, with an indescribable taste of the unity of man and nature.

How can those devout believers sitting in the venue rush to defend their idols because of this appearance, which is comparable to the scene of a Hollywood fantasy blockbuster? They believe in Lord Shiva... not Tapaz. When the two of them simultaneously claim to be their surrogate of Lord Shiva in the world, of course, it depends on who believes who is stronger... Messenger of God, you are weak The chicken is too embarrassed to say that he is the agent of God? Is it a god walking in the world?

In terms of appearance alone, the incomparably handsome Zhou Ye doesn't know how many streets of Tapaz have been blown up...

Coupled with the various supernatural events that appeared behind Zhou Ye, who is real and who is fake... Those believers can tell at a glance...

"The Lord Shiva is on top..." Jiagu stared blankly at Zhou Ye walking past her... She saw with her own eyes that Zhou Ye's feet were empty, and she was really just walking on the blood lotus that appeared out of thin air... ..."One step by one lotus... oh my god..."

She didn't even believe in evil and shook her hand between the blood lotus and the ground. She was very sure that it was empty and there was no support point, let alone magic props placed in the blind corner of the line of sight...

She stretched her hand to the bottom of the blood-colored lotus and swayed back and forth almost scared her father to death... Sahani pressed his daughter to the ground, and he also knelt at Zhou Ye's feet, frantically. The kiss of the land that Zhou Ye had just walked.

Today is really a worthwhile trip... To see the real miracle, Sahani has long since threw the idols he once worshipped into the sky. For him... He really only worships Lord Shiva, Whoever can best represent the will of God, he will be close to whoever... Now the result is obvious, the one who used to be a blasphemer...

There are countless people who have the same thoughts as Sahani... They all knelt down on the ground with great piety, and frantically kissed the ground that Zhou Ye had just walked on... It was a holy place for them... As for kissing Zhou Ye's feet? They also feel unworthy of...

Jia Gu has been stunned by the changes in front of her... She expected something to happen, but... I didn't expect this kind of thing, the true god came to the world... judge the blasphemer...?

As an atheist, even though she was born into a family whose father was a devout believer, Jia Gu still believed that God does not exist, it is just something illusory, and it is just made up by human beings for some unattainable goal. it's just something...

However, everything she saw today has completely subverted her three views... The impact of this scene is not too big...

Just as there is only a thin line between extreme self-confidence and extreme low self-esteem, there is only a thin line between extreme atheists and extreme mad believers, but there are few real miracles in reality. When it does, it only takes a blink of an eye for an atheist to turn into a fanatic.

The current Jiagu is like this. At this moment, she has changed from an atheist to a person.

A mad believer... Of course, she believes in Zhou Ye...

And Tapaz on the high platform was stunned... But soon, he regained his sanity...

In Tapaz's mind, his thoughts turned sharply... In front of him was the biggest crisis he had ever encountered in his life. If he passed it safely, it would be a vast sea and sky, and he could even take a step forward. If he couldn't pass it?

Tapaz looked at the crazy believers who were scrambling to kiss the ground where Zhou Ye walked. He believed that if he couldn't get through today, then... he would die without a place to be buried... After all, he Zhou Ye has already been labeled as a blasphemer.

You die and I live, just look at this.

Thinking of this, Tapaz calmed down... Once again, he made a confident appearance and said, "God said, he has never had another agent, only me..."

"Interesting..." Zhou Ye smiled... This guy was still trying to die. "You say that you are the agent of Lord Shiva? Is there any evidence?"

"Of course I have the evidence..." Tapaz said with an oath: "But how can people watch what God has given me... You say you are the agent of Lord Shiva, what about your evidence?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Zhou Ye laughed wildly... This old guy really couldn't shed tears without seeing the coffin.

And the believers in the audience are also nervously watching the debate between the two on the stage... Although there is already a decision in their hearts, after all, Tapaz's previous brainwashing was not in vain, and there are still some remnants...

And Jiagu looked at the stage nervously, she definitely didn't want her god to fail...

However, she obviously thought too much. Is Zhou Ye the kind of person who can be defeated by a magician? In terms of his ability to break through the boundaries of man and god, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a god of the world.

Zhou Ye is not in a hurry to kill Tapaz now, just like a game of cat and mouse, Zhou Ye is very interested in playing with this magic stick. "What evidence do you want?"

"..." Tapas was still ecstatic when he saw Zhou Ye laughing wildly. In his opinion, Zhou Ye's laugh was a sign of his guilty conscience, but Zhou Ye now throws the problem to himself, and makes him feel Something is wrong, and if you don't have absolute confidence, you won't do it. Is this person really the agent of Lord Shiva?

But whether it is or not, Tapaz is not willing to wait to die, he is going to fight to the death. "Lord Shiva is the god of life, the god of destruction, the god of creation, the god of destruction... What kind of artifact do you have of Lord Shiva?"

Zhou Ye was speechless, Nima, this old guy is really going to have problems, but, it doesn't bother him at all... Zhou Ye smiled slightly, spread his palms, and a crystal clear blood lotus blossomed out of thin air over him. palm. "Lotus is a symbol of purity, a symbol of life... and this blood-colored lotus is the evidence that Lord Shiva gave me to walk on earth..."

Saying that, he gently placed the lotus flower in his hand on the open space in front of him. The blood-colored lotus flower swayed and floated in mid-air, rising against the wind. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a fist to the size of a washbasin. It turned into a blood-colored lotus the size of a bathtub.

(The blood-colored lotus is played by the sisters Pingting, the sword of the gods.)

Chapter 573

"How do you prove it?" Although Tapaz was already very guilty, he still struggled desperately.

"I don't need to prove it, it will prove itself..." Zhou Ye said, waving at Jiagu's position. "Come on, little girl, how about doing me a favor?"

To be honest, when I just walked past Jiagu and saw Jiagu, Zhou Ye was dumbfounded. Isn't this Nima the beautiful reporter in "My God"? He was so shocked that he almost came out...

Seeing Zhou Ye beckoning in his direction, Jiagu stood up and wanted to rush to the stage... But before she could move, she found herself being supported by an invisible force, flying towards the stage out of thin air...

This scene even made the believers in the audience kneel down desperately... They once again witnessed the miracle, and the most devout worshiper was Jia Gu's father, but he knew that it was his daughter, and it was definitely not a trust... …

And Jiagu was also shocked by the sudden action, but after feeling the power of telepathy, she became more devout to Zhou Ye... so devout... Zhou Ye said that she wanted to ooxx her now, but she would not hesitate to do so. Hesitantly dedicated.

When Jiagu was carried to the central steps by Zhou Ye's telekinesis, Zhou Ye's first move was to kneel down and kiss Zhou Ye's shoes... Er, no, Zhou Ye is not wearing shoes now... So kiss your feet...

Zhou Ye smiled slightly and supported Jia Gu's shoulder. "Lord Shiva is tolerant, never happy and angry for these etiquette... However, Lord Shiva is also vengeful, and he will not let anyone who swindles and deceives in his name..."

This girl, Zhou Ye, will never let go. If you really let her kiss her feet, how will you kiss her in the future?

"God, your heart is as broad as the ocean..." Jiagu didn't know what to say anymore. She couldn't kneel down to kiss Zhou Ye's shoes, so she simply kissed the back of Zhou Ye's hand...

Seeing her actions, the eyes of the believers in the audience were full of envy, jealousy and hatred... This included Jia Gu's father.

"This is a lotus of purity, but at the same time it is also a lotus of destruction..." Zhou Ye's voice rang in the ears of all the believers at the venue, "When facing a pure person, it is a pure lotus. , when faced with blasphemers, it is a lotus of destruction..."

"Now, how about doing me a favor? Little girl?" Zhou Ye said, and looked at Jiagu, who had been standing behind him and looked at him obsessively.


"Please God's orders..." Jia Gu said without hesitation, she didn't care what Zhou Ye asked her to do, she would only obey Zhou Ye's words now.

"What's your name?" Zhou Ye asked with a smile.

"My name is Jia Gu... My father named me Jia Ge Jia Laini. I thought it was too convoluted, so I simplified it." Jia Gu said respectfully.

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