"I don't need you here anymore..." Harbans said rudely: "You quack doctors can only delay my son's condition... I have found someone who can save my son's eyes..."

"..." It was the first time for Pia to be scolded as a quack doctor. Although she was only an intern, she turned her gun on Zhou Ye out of the natural desire to maintain her professional dignity. "Is that you? Do you have a medical license? Which medical university did you graduate from? Rajiv University? Merip University?"

After all, the Harbans and his wife brought Zhou Ye in, and there were only three people in total. The Harbans and his wife had met Pia, and the only one they had not met was Zhou Ye, a strange person. The reason why Zhou Ye was strange was because, Pia hadn't seen him, but he could say his name.

Zhou Ye has a feeling of speechlessness. You two quarrel whenever you quarrel. Does it have anything to do with me? For Mao to find my head? Who am I provoking? "I'm not a university at all..."

"That means practicing medicine without a license?" Pia said, taking two steps forward, her nose was almost touching Zhou Ye's face... "Why do you say you can treat a patient's eyes? Do you know that? , are you hurting someone?"

Pia's remarks didn't make Zhou Ye feel anything, but instead scared Harbans to death...

Zhou Ye is a goddess who he has been asking for, and because of this little doctor, if he gets angry and doesn't treat his son, then he can't find a way to cry...

"Get out...you get out for me..." Harbans roared angrily: "Singer...Singer, get out for me..."

The servant outside the door heard the call of his master and hurried in. "Master, what's the matter?"

"Kick this guy out..." Harbans directly instructed his servant to drive Pia out of the ward. For him, the world is huge, and his son's eyes are the biggest...

"Hmph, I'll go by myself..." Pia raised her face and walked out of the ward. "You will regret this……"

Harbans ignored Pia at all, and he looked at Zhou Ye with an attentive look. "Sir...you see...?"

"..." Zhou Ye was a little speechless, this little girl, Pia, let's go, and quietly stepped on her foot, she's really a little wild cat... But forget it, she won't be able to run away sooner or later. "Okay, I got it..."

"Sir, please..." Harbans said, and invited Zhou Ye to his son's sickbed.

"...It looks really serious..." Zhou Ye came to Raj and looked at Raj, whose eyes were swollen like walnuts. He almost didn't laugh out loud... This guy looks like an Indian Olympic Same with Terman... If you add a cephalic fin, you don't need makeup at all...

"Sir God..." Harbans looked at Zhou Ye pitifully, for fear that he would hear some bad news from Zhou Ye's mouth...

"Don't worry, since I told you to give back your son as good as before, I will definitely sit there..." Zhou Ye said, pressing his hand on Raj's swollen walnut-sized eyes, turning back time. ...

Harbans was stunned to see what happened on his son's face in front of him. When Lord God's hand left his son's eyes..., his son's eyes had returned to normal... The swollen eyes were gone, replaced by It's a pair of big bright eyes...

"Dad... Dad, I can see..." Raj was so excited that he couldn't understand the pain of losing the light without losing the light... The experience of being blind in just one day made him understand the value of light even more.

"That's great..." Harbans hugged his son excitedly, and burst into tears. Although Raj is not a success, but after all, he is his only son, how could he not feel sorry for his son?

"Remember what you promised me..." Zhou Ye was not interested in watching any tragic drama, "Let Rohit go now..."

"Okay, my lord..." Harbans hurriedly let go of his son, stood up, and replied respectfully, "I'll call now and ask the inspector to acquit that Rohit."

After experiencing this scene, Harbans no longer had the slightest doubt about Zhou Ye's identity as the so-called representative of Shiva. When he asked Zhou Ye for help, he was completely holding the mentality of using a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Now, he didn't dare to be disrespectful to Zhou Ye... His son's eye, which was judged by the hospital's doctor to be bound to be blind, was restored to its original state in a blink of an eye, and even the bruise disappeared in an instant. To explain, is there any other explanation?

Although Raj on the sickbed didn't want to let go of the mentally handicapped young man who almost blinded him, he didn't dare to say anything in front of his father, and he didn't have the courage to refute his father's decision.

Zhou Ye nodded. He believed that Harbans wouldn't dare to treat him badly... "Remember this, I'll go first..."

With that said, Zhou Ye's figure disappeared at the door of the ward in an instant...

Seeing that, Harbans hurriedly knelt on the ground, and kept kneeling at the place where Zhou Ye disappeared.

Did Zhou Ye leave?

Of course not... He disappeared in an instant to catch a little mouse... Of course, that little mouse is a little cute...

——————————————————I am the dividing line for lens transitions ———————————————

Lying by the window, Pia, who secretly looked at the ward, was stunned by the scene in front of her... As a doctor, she certainly knew how serious Raj's eyes were, and she knew even more To treat Raj's eyes is to instantly reduce swelling and modern medicine

Impossible to do.

But now, she saw that a young man just gently shook his hand in front of the patient's eyes, and the patient's eyes had recovered... This... This is simply incredible...

No, I'm going to ask him how he did it... It's a miracle in the history of medicine. Thinking of this, Pia turned around - she wanted to run out and go around the door of the ward to stop Zhou Ye...


Pia found herself slamming into someone's arms...it hurt her nose...and then a somewhat familiar voice sounded in her ear. "Caught you, little mouse."

"..." Pia covered her nose and looked up. It was Zhou Ye who she wanted to stop. She didn't even bother to ask why Zhou Ye was still in the ward just now, and why it appeared behind her in a blink of an eye. "You... how did you do it?"

ps: It is estimated that something will happen tomorrow... Today, I will publish tomorrow's schedule first.

Chapter five hundred and eighty-eight,

"In what capacity are you asking me this question?" Zhou Ye teased as he looked at him with a smile, looking up at his little face, looking like a girl who was eager to ask him.

"If I said that I asked you this question as a doctor, what kind of answer would I get...?" Pia asked, staring at the handsome young man in front of her, staring at her big eyes.

"Then I will say, I have no comment..." Zhou Ye spread his hands and looked helpless.

"What if it's a friend?" Pia said, blinking her eyes, and asked expectantly.

"Are we friends?" Zhou Ye asked rhetorically.

"Of course..." Pia said as a matter of course: "Look, you know my name... You know me too, what are we not friends?"

"..." Zhou Ye was speechless, this girl really tried her best to know how she did it. "Then as a friend, do you know my name?"

"Uh--!" Pia suddenly lost her temper. She still doesn't know why Zhou Ye knew her name and knew her... How could she know Zhou Ye's name? Isn't she a god?

"Look, although I know your name, you don't know my name, so we're not really friends..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"Tell me...how on earth are you willing to tell me..." Pia was heartbroken, she couldn't be too soft to be hard, anyway, she must know how Zhou Ye managed to judge a hospital blind People are instantly healed.

"There is no free lunch in the world. I think you should know this sentence." Zhou Ye looked at the time, it was still a little early, and he didn't need to rush to collect the account he released. He had plenty of time for himself. Find some other little fun.

Pia looked at Zhou Ye with disappointment on her face. In her opinion, this man is so handsome, why is he so philistine? There was a slight loss in her heart...

Taking a deep breath, Pia drove the inexplicable loss in her heart out of her chest, "Tell me, how much do you want to talk about?"

"..." Zhou Ye was a little speechless. Why did everyone think of money first when he mentioned the price? He really doesn't need money...he's not bad for money...

"Is one thousand rupees enough? Five thousand rupees?" Pia said, without waiting for Zhou Ye to answer, she took out her delicate wallet, which was full of large bills...

"Not enough..."...Rich woman... Zhou Ye gave Pia a small definition, but that's right, Pia's father is the president of the best university in India, how could she have no money?

Pia, who was drawing money from her wallet one by one, never heard Zhou Ye's restraint, and the more she drew, the more grievances she felt... She didn't know where her grievances came from. She felt that she was being held by Zhou Ye. She had been extorted, but this was not the source of her grievance. The person who extorted her was actually Zhou Ye, which was why she felt grievances.

To be honest, at the first sight of Zhou Ye, Pia had an inexplicable affection for him. That's how girls are... always thinking that the other half of her dreams is a perfect person... But this person should be perfect. Actually blackmailing myself... Pia is about to cry...

"It's all for you...all for you..." Pia didn't hear Zhou Ye say enough until she took out all the money in her wallet... She was so angry that she lost her wallet all at once. In Zhou Ye's arms. "Take it... I'll give it to you, is this enough?"

"...Not enough..." Zhou Ye looked at Pia, who was aggrieved in front of him, and shook his head with a smile.

"How much do you want..." Pia has completely forgotten what her original intention was. She is now full of grievances... How can Zhou Ye be so greedy... It's so annoying.

"..." Zhou Ye gently held Pia's drooping little head with his hands and let her look into his eyes... "You can't afford the price I want... Let's forget it..."

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