"Dear... I want to see how you beat the Linxian team on the court..." Nissa said, turning her eyes to the other three sisters for help.

"Yeah, Master, you can go on stage." Mrs. Mehera was restored to about 20 years old by this guy long before she was caught by Zhou Ye. Although her body and appearance have become younger, her mature woman's The temperament has been perfectly preserved. After all, the temperament is related to a person's experience and education, so it is not surprising that it will be preserved.

But in order not to attract attention, Mrs. Mehera is still the original Mrs. Mehera in the eyes of others, except that when she is partying with Zhou Ye and the others, she will remove the old makeup on her face and restore her original appearance. .

And Mrs. Mehera would help Nissa to speak, just to reciprocate. In any case, her identity is Zhou Ye's slave, but Nisha's three daughters are her mistresses in terms of identity, but they treat her as a slave. Accepting her as a sister was the most touching thing for Mrs. Mehera.

"Don't..." Zhou Ye didn't want to say anything.

In the end, Mrs. Mehera had more experience. She could see the lingering fear on her man's face, but according to his level, there should be nothing to make him feel afraid. The US government can't do it. Why does a basketball make his own man? so scared?

"Master, what are you afraid of?" Mehra asked softly.

"Joke, what's so scary about me..." Zhou Ye looked disdainful. "It's just that the smell on those guys is too unbearable..."

"Taste?? What taste??"

"Do you think that's the stadium? You're so naive, there's a poison gas battlefield... Tell you guys, when I was in high school..." Zhou Ye described the nightmare he had experienced to the girls...


"Ha ha ha ha……"


After listening to their man's story, the four women couldn't help laughing and bending over... "My dear, you can wear a mask..."

"Uh--!!" Zhou Ye was stunned for a moment. Was his nightmare just broken? No wonder the group of guys didn't mention the characteristics of that body odor team when they asked them?

It is estimated that one of the reasons is to let themselves experience their past pains, and the other reason is that they do not want them to prepare masks in advance and defeat the body odor team...

However, Zhou Ye thought about it, and when he did the same thing, his mind became much more balanced... That year, it was a big event for the Boozy Rooster team to win the championship, but it was really difficult for the head teacher of that class. Found these weird ones?

Even though he had figured out the nightmares and his own woman had suggested ways to deal with it, Zhou Ye still didn't want to go...

"My dear, Uncle Harbans was afraid that Raj would offend you unintentionally, so he sent him to school in New Delhi, so the team was short of people..." Nisha said coquettishly, "Although we are not locals , but after all, we live here now, dear, you don't want to see our county team being beaten by the team from the next county town, right?"

Nissa really said that Zhou Ye was a little moved...

At this point, Nissa dropped her last weight. "If, dear, you win the game...we...we can accompany you to try the one you said..."

After saying this, the four girls' faces all turned red...

"For the sake of the county seat, I have an obligation..." Zhou Ye said with a dignified look. The four girls are speechless...

Tired for women, busy for women, playing games for women... This is very Zhou Ye.

Now that he has the means of preventing biochemical attacks, the other Zhou Ye don't care at all... At his speed, it's impossible for those Asan to touch him... So don't worry about being smeared with curry...

With Zhou Ye's joining. Tomorrow's inter-county basketball game is probably the most exciting game, and it will also be the most boring one... Because there is no suspense, the entire game will become Zhou Ye's personal exhibition game...

ps: It is still set to be released on a regular basis... Please give me some support, for the sake of not forgetting to update when I am on a business trip... I have the cheek to ask all kinds of requests... I have threw the money from the hotel to the Internet cafe bag for the night...

Chapter five hundred and ninety-six

Pia and Seema walked out of the house of the county magistrate Harbans with a frustrated look.

After they found the information of Raj's parents yesterday, they began to try their best to find Harbans' home, but it was not easy. Maybe for the locals, the county head's home is not a high-level secret.

But for Pia and Seema, the two girls who came here from New Delhi to intern, it was a bit blind. Although Harbans' home is not a secret, it is not known to everyone...

By the time they tried their best to find out where Harbans was from a nurse in the hospital, it was already dark, and the two had nothing to do with Harbans, and going out at night was still a problem for girls. It was dangerous, so they had to postpone their visit to the Harbans home until the next day.

As a result, when they arrived at the Harbans' residence the next morning, they were told by the servants of the Harbans that their grandfather and wife had left the county town early this morning and went to New Delhi. It is said that it was for their son. Handling transfer matters.

Pia and Seema were completely in the air, which was... a big blow to Pia.

"I knew earlier, I should have come last night..." Pia said depressedly.

"Okay... Harbans will be back sooner or later..." Xi

Ma comforted her best friend and said, "You are just washing your pajamas for a few more mornings..."

"Sima—" Pia's originally frustrated mood was suddenly replaced by an emotion called shame and anger. "Didn't you say you shouldn't mention it?"

"Have I said that?" Seema stared at her big eyes with a blank look. If it weren't for her slightly raised horns, Pia would really believe her evil.

"Don't run away..."

"Don't chase..."

"I won't chase if you don't run..."

"You won't run if you don't chase me..."

Two beautiful girls full of youthful atmosphere, chasing and playful figures on the street, attracted the attention of many people...

Running and running, Seema stopped her footsteps... Pia, who was chasing after him, didn't stop the car for a while, and hit Seema's back directly.

"What's wrong, Sima?" Pia asked strangely.

"Let's go to the basketball game, Pia." Seema said, pointing to the billboard hanging outside the county's open-air gym. "Today is an inter-county game... do you want to watch it?"

"Let's forget it...Xima, you know I'm not in the mood to watch this..." To be honest, Pia really didn't feel in the mood to watch any basketball games at this time. Besides, in her mind, basketball in a small county town What's so good about the game? It's probably another boring scramble game.

"Go, just watch it with me... You know I like watching basketball games the most." Seema shook Pia's hand. In fact, she likes basketball is only one of the reasons, she wants Pia to relax, After all, not finding Harbans today means not finding the villain in Pia's mouth, which is a big blow to Pia.

Pia looked at her best friend's pleading look... and finally nodded. "All right……"

"That's great..." Sima didn't wait for Pia to react, she pulled her up and ran towards the ticket booth...

To be honest, this is the county seat in the end, and consumption is not expensive. Even the price of a first-class seat is relatively cheap compared to New Delhi's consumption level.

Neither of the two women are poor...the poor can't afford to go to a medical university...so I just bought a first-class ticket for two chapters...

After buying the tickets, the two women bought some drinks and walked into the stadium...

Pia and Seema walked into the stadium and went directly to the first row... This is the first-class seat. It is said that the seats here are generally not sold, and are provided to the relatives of the players for free... So there are also relative seats. This said.

But don't forget, this is India... all kinds of weird things are normal here...

uh - far away...

When Pia followed Seema to the first row, she found herself and Seema according to the seats. When she saw her position, Pia was relieved...

I saw four beautiful girls with different styles sitting next to her seat...

The seat is a row of six. After Pia and Seema sit, it means that there are only six girls in this row... This has to make Pia feel a little more at ease.

After all, a pretty girl can't avoid being harassed by so-called pretentious guys... If someone like that sits next to her, Pia thinks this ball game will turn into an unpleasant memory.

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