"...Really, is it really that good?" Latika asked timidly. Although she used to wear a red sari in a dance class, it was a low-end thing after all... I just met Ginny just now. Buying a sari made of pure Hangzhou silk is completely two concepts.

"Come and let my dear take a look..." Nissa encouraged Latika. They were changing Latika's clothes in the suite. Although they said that Zhou Ye would be cheaper sooner or later, the girls were also afraid that they would be too soon. Scared Latika, so she pulled her into the suite.

"Okay...Okay..." To be honest, Latika was really afraid to see Zhou Ye, but she couldn't resist the encouragement of these beautiful sisters who loved her... In the end, she reluctantly walked out of the suite.

Chapter 608

At the moment, Zhou Ye is boringly changing the TV channel... To be honest, Indian TV shows are really boring.

"Dear, how about your little cutie?" As Pia's voice came, Zhou Ye turned his head. At this moment, he admitted that he was amazed.

Latika wearing a traditional Indian sari and a red veil is really beautiful, and even the leaky navel dress gives her a sexy look that shouldn't appear at her age. "It's perfect... Come, come closer and let me see..."

Facing Zhou Ye's imperative words, Latika didn't dare to resist or refuse to listen. She moved towards Zhou Ye one step at a time... She hoped that these beautiful big sisters behind her could help her... ...However, to her despair, no girl stopped Zhou Ye.

No matter how slow she moved, there would always be a time to reach it. What's more, although this was the largest presidential suite, the living room was only over 100 square meters... Not to mention, the distance between her and Zhou Ye was even shorter.

When she walked in front of Zhou Ye and looked at Zhou Ye with an aggrieved face, she almost made Zhou Ye's wolf hair... If it wasn't for Zhou Ye's scruples about her being too young... long ago... um, it was as you think.

Although I can't eat it, but...

Zhou Ye's hand was already on Latika's waist. Just as he put his hand on Latika's body, he felt Latika's body tremble, "Are you afraid of me...?"

"No, no..." Latika lowered her head, Nuonuo said.

"No? Why are you shaking?" Zhou Ye said, before waiting for Little Loli to react, he hugged her in his arms. Not to mention, holding this little loli really feels like holding a doll that looks like an Indian princess... Awesome.

"I...I..." Latika didn't know how to answer Zhou Ye's question... She could not say what she promised... Could it be that she was afraid of Zhou Ye because she saw the scene of Zhou Ye killing her? Although she was small, it didn't mean she was stupid. She was also afraid that Zhou Ye would kill her.

"Did you see that right?" Zhou Ye casually sorted out the process, and naturally understood the crux of Latika's fear.

"I...I didn't...I didn't see you killing them..." Hearing Zhou Ye's question, Latika was so frightened... What should I do, I was discovered, is it going to die? Are you going to die? Are you going to be killed by this guy?

"..." Zhou Ye looked at the panic-stricken Latika, speechless and choked... This is the first little loli he has met who doesn't get close to him... But it's okay, he has unique brainwashing skills .

Zhou Ye softened his voice and said in a low voice, "Come on, look me in the eyes and tell me, is Maman being nice to you?"

"No, no..." Zhou Ye's voice was so deep and magnetic that Latika involuntarily obeyed his orders and looked at his golden eyes... These charming eyes, so warm, It was like knowing all her past sorrows, soothing her heart, and letting her reveal all her innermost thoughts involuntarily. "Maman often goes to the slums to kidnap orphans there, making them beggars and thieves...and often beats and scolds us...and doesn't give us food..."

"Then he's a badass, right?" Zhou Ye's voice became even lower.

"Hmm-!" Latika nodded involuntarily.

"Then I killed Maman and his accomplices, does that mean I killed a bunch of bad guys?"

"Well..." Latika heard Zhou Ye's words and suddenly felt that Zhou Ye was not so scary anymore.

"Then who killed the bad guy, who am I?" Zhou Ye asked with a slight smile.

"He's a good person." Latika blurted out the words, which made Zhou Ye nodded happily. "That's right, little princess, I'm a good person..."

After all, Latika was only twelve years old. In her worldview, she was both black and white. She had already been led astray by Zhou Ye's spiritual suggestion.

"Since I'm a good person, would our little princess want to live with me in the future?" Zhou Ye's shameless abduction continues...

Hearing Zhou Ye's question, Latika hesitated and asked, "Then will you hit me? Will you not give me food?"

"How could it be..." Zhou Ye smiled, "You are my little princess, how could I be willing to beat you? How could I be willing not to feed you?"

"Then I'd like to live with you..." Latika said without hesitation. There are six sisters here who love her, and a handsome brother who looks a few years older than her. How could she possibly be? Don't want to? Besides, she is already twelve years old, and she understands the hardships of life... Where can she go if she doesn't follow Zhou Ye? What about going back to the slums? What happens to a girl without an umbrella in a slum? She has seen too much.

Although it is said that Maman is a bad guy, but there is no such protection as Maman.

Umbrella, Latika doesn't know what kind of ending is waiting for her, anyway, it's definitely not a good ending.

Now that Zhou Ye is willing to take her in, how could she not?

In later life, Latika, who grew up slowly, was more than once grateful for the decision she made... This also made her love for Zhou Ye mixed with an unparalleled gratitude, and she would never reject Zhou Ye. Any request made by him, whether reasonable or unreasonable, was often dubbed by the girls as Zhou Ye's little sidekick and responded.

"Welcome to our big family." Zhou Ye said to Latika with a smile.

"...What am I going to call you?" Latika still looked at Zhou Ye timidly. To be honest, she still didn't know what her status was in Zhou Ye's mind. What kind of role is played in this family, it makes her a little uneasy...

"You can call me dear..." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

The girls who hid in the suite and peeked at their man cheating on the little loli couldn't help but roll their eyes at Zhou Ye's shameless collective.

"But...but... those sisters...they also call you dear..." Latika couldn't understand, in her cognition, isn't dear a title that only wives can use to address their husbands? Why do those sisters call Zhou Ye dear? And he wants to shout like that himself?

"That's right, they're all my women, so it's right to call me my dear." Zhou Ye abducted and said, "And you, you will also become my woman in the future... why? Don't you want to?"

"I...I...I don't have a dowry..." Latika lowered her little head sadly.

At the age of twelve, it was the time when he seemed to understand, but Zhou Ye's super-high appearance and the psychological hints just now also played an important role. Anyway, Latika had already begun to become attached to Zhou Ye, and She no longer rejected Zhou Ye's intimate gesture of hugging her, and even she felt a sense of security in Zhou Ye's arms again.

Chapter 609

"My woman doesn't need a dowry..." Zhou Ye laughed dumbly. Indian women are the cutest.

"Really?" Latika asked in surprise, "Won't you beat me every day because I don't have a dowry?"

"How could it be... I don't have the habit of hitting my own woman." Zhou Ye said with a smile.

Hearing Zhou Ye's words, the girls hiding in the room couldn't help touching their backs, thinking of some kind of little game between husband and wife, and they couldn't help but whisper with red cheeks: "Liar..."

"Then you won't burn me to death because I don't have a dowry..." This is what Latika worries most. She has seen many men in the slums because they are dissatisfied with the low dowry of their wives and take their The thing about his wife burning to death was a nightmare.

"The Indian gangsters are really beasts..." Zhou Ye cursed in a low voice, then hugged Latika and said softly, "Every one of you is the best gift God has given me, and it's too late for me to take good care of it. , how could you be willing to hurt you?"

From Zhou Ye's words, Latika really felt a strong sense of peace of mind. She couldn't help but whispered, "Then...then I promise to be your woman..."

Zhou Ye hugged Latika happily and was just a [What?]... It made the little loli, who had never behaved like this, blushed. If the waiter who delivered the meal hadn't knocked on the door at this time, Zhou Ye would probably have changed. Big bad wolf.

"Sir, your French dinner is ready...just tableware..." The waiter looked at the extra latika in the room and felt speechless for a while. They only prepared seven sets of tableware according to the number of people, but obviously... Now tableware Some are not enough.

"It's okay, you can go out..." Zhou Ye said and threw a thousand rupees as a tip. The waiter took the rupiah from Zhou Ye's hand and walked out of the room happily.

As for why Zhou Ye lived with six women, and why did a little loli join him? The waiter said that this is the privacy of our guests, we never ask, as long as there is no murder, all the privacy of the guests will be protected.

"Okay, darlings, it's time to eat..." Zhou Ye had long known what his women were doing hiding at the door, but it was just the curiosity of women...why did he bother? As for the women complaining about their liars? Hmm - this is a man who slandered himself and needs to enforce family law...

The girls also obediently walked out of the room and sat at the dining table... At this time, they realized that there seemed to be a set of cutlery missing, and Nissa said directly: "Dear... or else pull my cutlery. Sister Tika, use it."

"No, you can just eat yours." Zhou Ye said, sitting on the main seat with Little Loli in his arms, and asked softly, "Do you like to eat steak?"

"...I haven't eaten..." Latika looked at the fragrant grilled steak in front of her, and said a little aggrieved. After all, it was a luxury idea to just eat a full meal before, how could it be possible to eat steak?

"Then try it out and see if you like it..." Zhou Ye was the most patient in dealing with Loli. Signal her to eat.

"..." Latika's heart was suddenly filled with a warm emotion... Maybe her parents once fed her when she was a child, but... that was many years ago, and she's almost gone. She had forgotten what it was like to be cared for... But at this moment, Zhou Ye let her taste this feeling again...

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