"We just met..." Balia looked around, but she didn't dare to look directly into Zhou Ye's eyes. She was afraid that she would be sucked in... and she was not willing to leave anymore. "I don't even know your name... Who are you... Are you serious or..."

"So what?" Zhou Ye wasn't in a hurry. It was the last goal anyway, and he didn't mind playing around with it.

"I-I think we need to get to know each other again..." Balia's face was almost flushed, she couldn't help it, she had a memory of what just happened, and she almost...even, she just behaved better than The villain under him has to take the initiative... If it wasn't for Hani's voice to wake him up, I'm afraid... at this moment, the two of them will...

"We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other..." Zhou Ye smiled. Of course, he just said he wanted to get to know each other, but he didn't say what the outcome would be. Anyway, Zhou Ye hasn't let go of the girl he liked. Woolen cloth.

"Hmm—!" Balia heard Zhou Ye's words, and felt sweet in her heart. At least on the bright side, this bad guy respected himself and didn't force himself...

At this moment, under the yacht, there was another cry from Honey. "Baliyah...don't scare me...Baliyah."

"Okay, your friend is calling you..." Zhou Ye said, gently removing the parachute covering the two of them, and Ballya took advantage of the sunlight to watch this earnestly take away a lot of her first place. The next man, reluctance poured out from the bottom of her heart. "Then...then I'll go back..."

"Hmm-!" Zhou Ye nodded.

"I'm really gone..." Balia really had the urge to cry, doesn't this bad guy know how to save himself?

"I'll send you off." The smile on Zhou Ye's face made Balia have the urge to punch him, stood up angrily, and shouted to his girlfriend under the yacht, "Honey, I'm fine. "Wait for me, I'll go down right away."

"Oh my God, it's great, it's really great that you're fine, Balia..." Hani, who was sitting in the speedboat, saw that her best friend Balia was safe and sound, jumping and jumping happily...

"Let's go..." Balia told her best friend that she was safe, without turning her head, she walked towards the stern of the boat... Along the way, her face was bulging, and she was angry with Zhou Ye, a bad guy, why didn't she keep herself... Apparently he did the same thing to himself.

"Honey, do you want to call your friend to come up and let's have lunch together?" Zhou Ye said and dragged Balia back into his arms.

"Who is your dear..." Before Balia could finish her words, she was blocked by Zhou Ye.

"Do you know who is my darling now?" Zhou Ye asked, hugging Ballya tightly.

"You bastard..." The small temper in Balia's heart was long since dissipated by Zhou's blocking of Dafa, and now she can only act like a spoiled child. "I'm going to call her up for dinner now..."

Chapter 614

When Hani saw her best friend Ballya on a paraglider, the cable broke unexpectedly. She was so frightened that she almost collapsed to the ground. It was a loss that she was in mid-air, so she didn't make a fool of yourself.

And the staff who dragged the two people in the speedboat were also very frightened. This kind of thing has never happened before...

So after Hani fell, when they strongly asked the staff to take her to find her best friend, those staff did not refuse, and drove her directly to the direction where Balia landed in the speedboat.

In fact, if it falls into the water, those staff are not too worried, but it is hard to say when it falls on the yacht... After all, there are many sharp sharp corners on the yacht which are the most deadly.

"Baliyah...Baliyah, don't scare me...Baliyah, how are you?" As soon as they arrived at the yacht's side, Hani couldn't help shouting...she really didn't know, Wan When her best friend had an accident, how should she face her best friend's mother, after all, she proposed to play paragliding.

After shouting for a long time, Hani didn't see the figure of her best friend, nor did she hear her best friend's response, her heart raised in her throat, "Baliya, how are you..."

Honey was about to cry... She desperately wanted the staff to drive the speedboat to the side of the yacht and board the super yacht, but the staff refused to do anything... Boarding someone else's boat requires law enforcement power , Moreover, if you board someone else's boat without consent, they will shoot you with a gun, saying that you are mistaken for a pirate, and you have nothing to say... A fool would take such a risk.

Just when Hani was about to go crazy, she suddenly heard the voice of her best friend on the yacht. "Honey, I'm here, don't worry, I'm fine... I'll go down now."

"Quick, quick... let's go to the stern." Honey just let go of her heart when she saw the little head of her best friend emerging from the high side of the yacht. She was really scared to death just now.

Seeing that the customer was fine, the staff driving the speedboat was also slightly relieved. Although they said that each ticket comes with an insurance fee, but... if there is an accident, it will still affect their business.

Hearing Hani's words, the staff drove the speedboat directly towards the boarding gate at the stern of the yacht.

When they got to the boarding gate, Hani didn't wait for the speedboat to stop, and then climbed onto the yacht with the hanging ladder. The staff driving the speedboat didn't even have time to stop it, and Hani had already boarded the platform behind the yacht.

However, no matter how anxious Honey is, the hatch in front of her will not be opened, and she will not be able to enter the interior of the yacht, so she can only walk back and forth on the platform behind the yacht...

Time passed by, just when Hani couldn't help but want to smash the door... The hatch opened, and her best friend appeared in front of her unscathed... "Oh my God, Balia, You scared me to death."

Hani rushed over in a single step, and hugged her best friend Bariya tightly.

"Okay, Honey, I'm fine..." Balia patted her best friend's back and comforted: "Don't worry, I'm really fine..."

"That's great..." Hani said excitedly, grabbing Bariya's hand and about to get off the boat. "We must have a good meal at noon... to suppress the shock."

"That..." Balia grabbed Hani's hand a little embarrassedly and said, "We don't have to get off the boat, Ye wants to invite us to dinner at noon..."

"Ye? Who is that?" A big question mark appeared on Hani's head. As Ballya's good best friend and best friend from college to work, she can say that she has a good understanding of Ballya's interpersonal relationships. I know, but I have never heard that Ballya knows a person named Ye.

"That... is the owner of this yacht." Balia's face was flushed, and her little head was almost buried in her own murder.

"Hey!!!!" Hani couldn't understand her best friend's appearance anymore, she was a fool, can a fool go to college? No, so she is not a fool... "Baliya... You, you must have seduced the owner of this yacht..."

"Why did I seduce him and not him seduce me?" Hearing Hani's words, Balia asked dissatisfied.

"...Why do people try to seduce you?" Hani, as Ballya's bad friend, said unceremoniously, "Look at this yacht, there are definitely a lot of people who can afford this yacht. Yu tens of billions of dollars... how about you? Besides being pretty... Hungarian... able to sing and dance... what else is there to be tempted by?"

In fact, Hani is warning her girlfriends in disguise not to be corrupted by rich people...

However, how could Bariya, who had already been completely bewitched by Zhou Ye, listen to such words? She slapped her girlfriend's hand angrily. "It's up to you, whether you want to stay here for lunch or not, you make your own decision... Anyway, I won't get off the boat for the time being."

Saying that, he turned his head and walked towards the cabin——

"Stay, of course I'll stay for lunch." Honey wasn't angry, "I also want to try what a rich man's lunch is like!"

Saying that, Hani turned her head to explain to the staff on the speedboat, turned around and chased her girlfriend into the cabin. In her opinion, if she didn't look at this silly and sweet girlfriend, she would be unprepared. Silly girl is about to be gnawed clean with bones and flesh in a blink of an eye.

Although Balia said that she didn't care about Hani, in fact she was still waiting for her best friend at the door. After all, they have been good sisters for so many years, and they will never break up because of a momentary bickering.

"I knew that Balia is the best, and won't wait for me!" As soon as Hani entered the door, she saw Balia and hugged her with a smile.

"You..." Balia rolled her eyes helplessly, she had nothing to do with her best friend.

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a black and white maid outfit came over, bowed slightly and said, "Master is already waiting for the two on the first deck, please come with me."

"Then, I'll trouble you." Balia is no stranger to this maid. After all, she was the one who led her to the stern boarding point just now... Otherwise, let her find it herself, I'm afraid she'll get lost for a long time.

"Hey maid..." This is the first time Hani has seen a creature like a maid... She feels extremely novel.

In fact, the maids on the Great Emperor are not Zhou Ye's maids, they are just the biological robots that come with the Great Emperor. After all, with Zhou Ye's character, you can let him cook by himself occasionally, but if he cooks every day... Then hehe.

Besides, Nuoda's Dadi, although it can be played with the artificial intelligence Diji, it feels very empty when there are too few people... Therefore, Zhou Ye activated the twelve that came with the Dadi. A biological robot maid, don't underestimate these twelve biological robot maids, each of them can easily destroy a small country with their own weapon systems, not to mention their power when they are fully equipped with external weapons... Of course Now, their main job is to serve their masters.

"God..." Hani followed her best friend all the way, her spirit was almost paralyzed. The interior decoration of this yacht fully refreshed her understanding of the word luxury. "It's so extravagant...what a goddamn rich man."

Baliya didn't refute her best friend's words, because when she walked down just now, she also expressed the same emotion as Hani.

Chapter 615

When Ballya and Hani walked to the first deck under the guidance of the maid, Zhou Ye had already changed his clothes and was waiting there. In fact, when Ballya fell into Zhou Ye's arms just now, Zhou Ye only Wearing a pair of big pants to bask in the sun at the bow of the boat... If it's just for dinner with Ballya, Zhou Ye doesn't mind continuing to wear big pants... The question is, isn't this still Ballya's best friend Hani? So Zhou Ye reluctantly put on a half sleeve.

"This is my good friend, Hani, Hani, this is my new friend, Zhou Ye, who is also the owner of this yacht." Ballya saw Zhou Ye coming, and hurriedly helped the two of them introduce.

"Hello, Hani..." Zhou Ye watched Ballya and Hani approaching, smiled and greeted him, then embraced Ballya's slender waist unceremoniously.

Ballya earned twice, and found that she was doing completely useless work, so she didn't struggle at all.

What her best friend knew... From the bottom of her heart, she already regarded Zhou Ye, who had intimate and intimate contact with her, as her boyfriend.

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