"Really?" Bariya looked at her best friend with a look of disbelief.

"Really!!" Hani also helped. In fact, she just didn't want her friends to misunderstand that she was going to rob her boyfriend. Are there still few girlfriends who have turned their backs on this kind of thing?

"Then who of you lost..." Bariya asked curiously.

"Until you come, there is no winner..." Honey said.

"Okay, stop playing such a boring little game... What do you want to eat at night? Baliya." Zhou Ye simply cut off the topic. …

"Let's eat something light in the evening..." Balia thought for a while and said. At this time, she had completely let go of herself in front of Zhou Ye. At noon, she would let Zhou Ye choose for herself because she was embarrassed. , start picking your favorite flavor in the evening.

For Zhou Ye, this was a good change. "Then have some porridge..."

"Hey, has my opinion been ignored?" Hani said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, what do you want to eat tonight?" Zhou Ye asked nonchalantly.

"No sincerity at all..." Hani couldn't help but give Zhou Ye a blank look. Although she said that she was used to being treated differently when she was with her best friend, she still felt a little uncomfortable. It was difficult for Zhou Ye to order some expensive and greasy dishes. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided that he would not be able to live with his stomach. After all, in her eyes, expensive dishes might be just some side dishes in Zhou Ye's eyes. "Let's drink porridge."

"Look... what's the difference between asking you and not asking?" Zhou Ye spread his hands...

"If you ask it, it's respect. If you don't ask it, it's machismo." Honey said unconvinced.

"Hahaha... Seeing that you guys get along so well, I'm relieved." Seeing her best friend fighting with her boyfriend, Bariya didn't feel any jealousy...

"The ghost gets along well with him..." Hani couldn't help muttering, but perhaps it was because of her friend's character that she always wanted to protect her from harm...

Dinner came quickly, just four appetizers plus a bowl of fish porridge for each person. Although the ingredients are relatively simple, the taste is not simple at all... Balia and Hani were very addicted to eating.

After dinner, the three played a somatosensory game in the game room on the yacht - it was time to go to bed.

Originally, according to Zhou Ye's intention, two people were given a room, but at Hani's strong request, they had to share a large room.

Chapter 617

"Ye, good night..." Balia stood by the door of her room and said good night to Zhou Ye outside the door.

"Good night...Baliya." Although Zhou Ye said good night, he didn't mean to move.

"Good night..." Balia was also a little reluctant, but after she said good night, she found that her prospective boyfriend still didn't look like he wanted to leave, so she couldn't help but look at Zhou Ye strangely.

"..." Zhou Ye silently pointed to his nephew.

Balia's face suddenly flushed. She instantly understood what her boyfriend meant and refused, but she couldn't bear it. She couldn't help but peeked at the best friend in the room behind her, as if she was rummaging for something, but there was nothing Thinking of what he meant, he hurriedly tiptoed and kissed... He left with a touch of water, and then with a bang, he shut Zhou Ye out of the door.

Zhou Ye smiled and shook his head, innocent girls are the best... Although he has long forgotten the feeling of innocence, he will be happy if he sees innocent girls...

Walking in the passage of the cabin accommodation area, Zhou Ye took out a pair of flat glasses from his pocket and placed them on his nose. "- Di Ji, let me see what the two cuties are doing now?"

"As you wish, master." As Di Ji's voice fell, the scene in Balia's room was instantly projected onto Zhou Ye's flat mirror, 360 degrees without blind spots... With the picture, the scene inside The voice also rang directly in Zhou Ye's ears.

For Zhou Ye, who has absolute authority to use the Great Emperor, there is nothing on this yacht that can be hidden from Zhou Ye, and it is not because Zhou Ye wants to peek at anything when viewing Balia's room... It's just that he is curious. , how will Hani, who seems to be full of hostility towards her, separate herself from Bariya?

Let's temporarily turn the camera to the room of the two girls ——————

"Honey...what are you looking for?" Balia asked curiously, looking at her best friend who was constantly rummaging through the closet and under the window, "Have you lost anything?"

"It's not that I lost something, it's that you're going to lose yourself soon." Hani gave her best friend an angry look.

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Balia is like a little girl whose mind has been pierced, and her whole person is adorable.

"What nonsense am I talking about?" Hani was speechless. Her friend's state was no different from that of a Huaichun girl. Do you want to take it if you have money? Well, she admits, she really sucks... Is it just for a long handsome man? Uh — well, I have to admit, it’s still pretty stingy…

As far as Hani is concerned, if Zhou Ye's goal at the beginning was her, I'm afraid she would be the same as Ballya... But luckily, Zhou Ye's goal was not her at the beginning, otherwise, I'm afraid no one will come. You've exposed Zhou Ye's true face, and you're expecting your silly and sweet girlfriend to expose Zhou Ye? Then I am afraid that I have become an abandoned resentful woman...

"Look... Look, what do you look like now..." Honey said,

Pulling Bariya to the full-length mirror, he pointed at the girlfriend in the mirror and asked, "You look like Si Chun, and you say what nonsense I am talking about... If it weren't for me, I would definitely live with you tonight. In the room, I am afraid that when you wake up tomorrow morning, one person in your room will become two people..."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Although Balia said so, but she herself knew that she really couldn't refuse any request from Zhou Ye... Especially at noon when the two of them just met, She was almost succeeded by that bad guy. Forget it, she can't talk about it anymore, and Balia feels like her face is going to burn. "What were you just looking for?"

"Look for the evidence of that guy Jinwu Zangjiao..." Hani said unceremoniously: "You shouldn't naively think that such a rich and handsome man, like a prince, was born for you. Are you the only woman in your life?"

"...I..." Although Hani's words were a bit harsh, Ballya had to admit that she was also curious about how many women her would-be boyfriend had. "I'll help you find..."

"This is the attitude of doing things..." Hani raised her thumb, "Go under the window and see if there are any leftover women's underwear or something... I'll find the wardrobe."

"Why is my difficulty so much higher than yours?" Balia said dissatisfiedly, looking at the gap in the window with only a slap.

"Because that's your boyfriend, not mine..." Honey said as a matter of course.

"Okay..." Hani's words hit Ballya's soft underbelly at once. In desperation, she could only try to lie on the ground and look down the window... But she was completely burdened before her murder. Obstructing her movements, she couldn't let her sight see the bottom of the window no matter what. "I...I can't do it..."

"Pfft-----hahahahaha..." Zhou Ye, who had already returned to his bedroom, almost stopped laughing when he saw this scene, Balia is so cute...

As for the fact that they want to look for traces left by women? Zhou Ye said that it was completely impossible... Although there were more than 40 rooms on the ship, under normal circumstances, the seven daughters of Nissa would only live in his room. The other rooms were either turned into cloakrooms by them, or turned into small warehouses for storing their bags and luxury goods...

As for where are the seven girls now?

Zhou Ye said that this time happened to be the Paris Autumn/Winter Fashion Festival, and the seven girls had already organized a group to go shopping in Paris... Of course, if only the seven of them went alone, Zhou Ye would definitely not be at ease, so he also sent six biochemical maids. For them, by the way, you can also act as a bag man to lighten the burden of the seven girls...

And the room Zhou Ye has arranged for the two women is a room that no one has ever lived in at all, let alone women's underwear, they can't find even a strand of hair...

Zhou Ye just put on his projection glasses. After washing up, he lay down directly on his very comfortable big window... He had completely viewed the actions of the two women as a sitcom...

He just leaned against the window so comfortably, watching the two women in that room, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find traces of the existence of an unwarranted woman... Not to mention, both of them are of good quality, and basically they can't reach the window. go down...

In the end, Hani actually came up with a bad idea. The two of them worked together to raise the window to take a look... This almost didn't make Zhou Ye laugh out of anger...

Zhou Ye wouldn't go over and remind them that this is on a yacht, and all the furniture is fixed to the boat's board... Otherwise, wouldn't things be flying around with the wind and waves?

The two tired and half-dead girls finally realized the fact that they were not the opponent of the window... They reluctantly gave up the stupid act of raising the window... But, except under the window, the two women searched for other In this place, Honey didn't find any traces of women...

This really makes Balia overjoyed... It seems that her prospective boyfriend is still a good man who loves himself.

Uh - this misunderstanding is a bit big.

Will Honey, however, admit to her failure? Obviously she is not one to give up easily... She has already prepared a second set of plans, which will definitely make Zhou Ye reveal her true nature. She is so confident.

Chapter 618

"My Ye is really a good man..." Although Baliya was sweating from exhaustion, her heart was full of sweet feelings... In her opinion, there is no evidence that Zhou Ye is really not a man. any man...

"Wake up..." Hani said while gasping for breath, "I didn't find any evidence that he was hiding deep enough, but not that he was a good man."

"Honey, why do you have to target Ye..." Balia was a little dissatisfied, "Although Ye will bicker with you, I didn't offend you..."

"..." Facing Bariya's questioning, Hani was a little speechless. Could it be because she would not be easily deceived and abandoned like a clog after being played with? Forget it, Bariya will never believe these words...

In other words, I want to tell Balia that I will characterize her boyfriend as a playboy who plays with women based on the little things? Then I am definitely looking for a draw... Maybe, with these words, they don't even have to be friends. In the face of love, women will become fools...

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